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The Holocaust: The Nuremberg Acts Of Genocide

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Over the course of time humanity has been straight chaos. This was caused because of hatred and intolerance. Discrimination of others leads to horrific acts such as killing and torturing human kind. Khmer Rouge, a brutal regime that ruled Cambodia, was included as one of these tragic events. As well Manzanar, where 110,000 Japanese-Americans were ordered by the government to leave their homes and be kept in a military-style camp. These acts of genocide were caused because people did not stand up for themselves and do something about the hate and political lies. The Jewish Holocaust is another example of genocide and many suffered due to intolerance of others. Nazi propaganda lead to Nazi ideology, Nuremberg laws, and anti-semitism which justified genocide and caused 6.3 million Jews dead.

Ultimately, Nazi propaganda was a big role in a 12 year tragedy called the Jewish Holocaust. Nazi ideology united the germans and economy growth. Also, Nuremberg laws created mistrust over the non-Jews, Jews, and Nazis. Lastly, anti-semitism was another form of propaganda and it made many grow a hatred for Jews. These were a few reasons why the Holocaust was caused.

Nazi ideology:

Nazi ideology was a mixture of …show more content…
Ones who agree would say that the Nuremberg laws were just laws, it did not start the Holocaust. That is not an understandable statement because these laws embodied many of the racial theories underpinning Nazi ideology. Nuremberg laws would soon later provide the legal framework for the methodical persecution of Jews in Germany. “Therefore, when the Nazis began implementing policies against Jews, from the Nuremberg laws which stripped them of citizenship rights to isolating Jews into ghettos, many in the German public were already predisposed against this group of people and thus unlikely to stand up for the rights of their former neighbors.”- Minister of Public

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