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Henrietta Lacks Case Summary

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Genetic cadavers: Do you have legal ownership of your extracted cells?
The issue of defining who has legal ownership of cells and extracted genetic information has arisen since scientists began extracting cells for medical research. Since there has been interest in conducting in vitro studies, the issue of how cells will be obtained for these studies have been of utmost concern. With that comes the legislative issue of declaring who has legal possession of these cells. The most notable case is that of the HeLa cell line created from the genome of the tumor cells found in Henrietta Lacks in the 1950s. Henrietta Lacks was the unwitting donor of the cells that found significant new information and treatment of cervical cancer. She did not have …show more content…
The primary protagoinists for the owership of cells and genetic information are reserachers and patients who donated their cells. Donators are willing giving their cells and genetic information to others for reasearch. The ulimate concern is if patients have the ability to determine what is done to their cells at various stages of research. Moore argued in his case that he had the right to determine the usage of his cells due to the lack of infomration he was provided from his doctor that he should be compensated finacially. This is because Moore was unware of the bias economic interest of his doctor and he felt his right of privacy was violated. This raises the question of determining if patients should received monitary as form of payments for the potential benefits of using their cells. The consequence of giving patients ulimate control of the determining how their cells are used stalls research and medical advancement. Converesely, society dictates that it is reseracher’s duty to make infuential discoveries. It is decided that it is for the greater good that scientists advance the field of medicine in order to improve worldwide health. Researchers are in dire need of cells to undergo their research. Without cells from donors, there cannot be a data …show more content…
Insurance companies must determine if the protection of a patient’s genetic identity will be covered. The use of cells in biotech research is widely popular, enticing many people to donate their cells for financial compensation and potential medical advancements. If insurance companies cover these procedures, they could potentially lose substantial profit. On the other hand, patients should have the right to access health care. If having one’s cells extracted and experimented on is vital to their health, society will deem it necessary. Once the courts specifically define what property rights of extracted cells encompasses and who it will be given to, insurance companies can deduce how to approach the financial consequences of these

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