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Here We Go Again: Is College Worth It?

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Did you know that going to and graduating from college is a lot more beneficial, in the long term, than just graduating from high school? In recent history, the number of college-educated workers has actually risen, along with the pay of Americans with a college degree, compared to Americans without a college degree, whose pay has relatively stayed the same. College-educated Americans are more likely to be employed, and are more likely to make a lot more money during their lifetime, than Americans who didn’t graduate from a college Americans who graduated from college with a degree are more likely to have a higher income, than those who only graduated from high school. For example, the article, “Here We Go Again: Is College Worth it?,” …show more content…
Americans with four-year college degrees made 98% more an hour, on average in 2013, than people without a degree.” (Kadlec, 1). This quote is significant because it shows that Americans with college degrees make nearly twice as much money than those without a college degree. This shows that going to college and graduating, even with the student debt that a student would most likely accumulate, would be worth it as you would be more likely to earn more money an hour and throughout your entire life than those without a degree. In addition, the article, “The Importance of a College Degree: Latest Findings,” states,” Findings as recent as 2011 show that there is a $1 million difference in high school graduates’ earnings compared with those whose highest education is a bachelor’s degree… another $1 million difference between those with a bachelor’s degree and those with a doctorate,” (Kneller,1) This quote is significant because it shows,on average, that the the longer you go to college, the more money you’ll earn during your lifetime than those who

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