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Erik Erickson Research Paper

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Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development highlights the struggles that individuals go through from birth through death. The three main stages that we are discussing are intimacy versus isolation, generativity versus stagnation, and integrity versus despair. My neighbor, Joe, is currently in the eighth stage of integrity versus despair. He has accepted that his life is nearly over and appreciates the experiences and accomplishments that he has had throughout his lifetime. He has enjoyed his life and the friendships that he has gained throughout the years.

Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development contains eight stages, starting with infancy and continuing through old age. According to Doug Davis and Alan Clifton …show more content…
He told me stories about helping his grandmother in her bakery when he was a young child. She taught him how to bake bread and other foods. He enjoyed going fishing with his father and going floating on the lake during the summer. He enjoyed spending time with his family and traveling all over the country.
He had many enjoyable times during his twenties as well. He told me stories about going to the bar with his friends and playing poker. They would drink, play cards, and have a great time. He also enjoyed going to casinos to gamble. He admits that he did a lot of things that he isn’t proud of, but he learned from his mistakes and changed his behavior. I think we all do some things that we aren’t proud of at some point in our lives, but the most important thing is that we learn from our mistakes and take the necessary steps to change our behavior to avoid making those same mistakes in the future.
Even though his physical health is declining, he still feels like he is in average health. He had heart surgery in 2012 and is still struggling to maintain his cholesterol levels. He is working on managing his weight by eating healthier and following a diet plan. He also takes advantage of the community YMCA center by walking laps around the track occasionally. He has had a hip replacement so he cannot do any excessive

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