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Person-Centered Practice Assignment

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This assignment is based on a case study and will explore a person-centered care given to a patient by the student and her supervisor during a clinical placement. The assignment will explore effective communication skills when working with other professionals, the patient, and their families. For clarity, the assignment will also explore the ethical, legal and professional values underpinning nursing practice with a special focus on how professional issues can impact the person-centered care given. It must be acknowledged that the assignment relates to the person-centered care provided by the student to a patient during her stay in the hospital. The person’s confidentiality will be protected in this assignment, with the use of a pseudonym …show more content…
Furthermore, personal hygiene is the self-care that includes body hygiene general bathing and toileting. Similarly, Berman et al. (2006) also found that hygiene is a personal matter which is determined by individual values and practices. The approach adopted was person centered and led by professional values and respect of the individual as the student nurse and her supervisor knocked on the patient’s door before entering her room and ensured that they had greeted Melanie by saying “good morning”. The student nurse and her supervisor introduce themselves to the patient and explained the purpose of their visit that …show more content…
Getting the patient’s consent is also at the heart of nursing care provision as it ensures the fostering of the nurse – patient relationship as well as supporting a patient-centered care and shared decision-making (Goldsmith et al 2008). On the same note, Tingle (2017) observed that the concept of patient consent to treatment is a vital ethical and legal principle that strengthens the whole healthcare process. Dimond (2008) also observed that a failure to seek consent by imposing treatment on a competent adult against their wishes could cause one to be charged with the criminal offense of battery. Seeking consent was also person centered in that it showed that the student nurse and her supervisor were both respecting the individual’s autonomy, ethical and legal rights to make informed decisions (Coggon and Miola

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