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Heritage Assessment of Three Culturally Diverse Families


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Heritage Assessment of Three Culturally Diverse Families
Suzannah Turner
NRS-429V Family-Centered Health Promotion
31 January 2016

Heritage Assessment of Three Culturally Diverse Families
Being culturally competent and delivering culturally sensitive care is imperative for anyone in the medical profession. It is important because of the many diversities faced every day in the health care field. However, simply understanding the fact that there are so many health disparities is not enough. In order to reach out and effectively care for patients of different backgrounds and cultures one must understand the importance of cultural competency. In order to be culturally competent, a nurse must have knowledge of the different cultures, and have proper attitudes and skills that support patients of different cultures and backgrounds. Being culturally competent allows the nurse to plan the care around the patient’s different belief system and culture.
Perhaps one of the most appropriate tools for aiding in cultural competency is the Heritage Assessment tool (HAT). The HAT assesses different ethnicities, religions, and cultural heritages including health traditions of individuals. The HAT promotes self-growth of the nurse and helps guide nurses in caring for the patient in a holistic manner. The HAT consists of 29 questions with different sections designed to assess different demographic backgrounds and certain personal health beliefs and practices. Completing an HAT helps the nurse to include things of the patient’s culture and center the plan of care around the patient’s culture and belief systems. This will help the patient feel heard and respected which, in turn, will affect how the patient hears and respects the nurse’s plan of care.
This paper will focus on the usefulness of utilizing the health assessment tool while interviewing three families from different cultural backgrounds. The different cultures and beliefs on health maintenance, health protection, and health restoration of a Hispanic family, Korean family and American family will be assessed and compared. Finally, the similarities in the different belief systems and cultures will be discussed.
The first family interviewed was the Hernandez’s who are native to Mexico. True to the Hispanic’s collectivistic culture, this family values shared responsibility and group activities. As such, they live close to each other, are all very hard working, and see family members as being the primary support system. There are often times many family discussions before any treatment for such things as diabetes or surgery are agreed on. This family is very traditional, and mainly uses foods such as rice, beans, tortillas, and lard in their meals and not as much fresh fruits and vegetables. Their preferred language is Spanish for reading, writing, and speaking. As with most families of the Hispanic culture, the patriarch structure is common in this family where the father is seen as having the most power. There are, often times, many traditional herbal medicines and tinctures that are handed down from generation to generation. In this particular family, the great Grandmother, had a remedy or treatment for cold symptoms such as a sore throat, or runny nose, which was used before any over- the- counter medicine was considered. The family interviewed stated that although it did not cure the cold, they found this particular treatment very effective and value its curative factors above the traditional medicines. As with many Hispanics, this family practices Catholicism, and value prayer as being effective when treating illness. They believe God’s power can play a huge part in the healing of illnesses.
The second family is the Sterlings. The husband and wife interviewed are from a Korean culture. The couple were both born in America, but both had parents who were born in Korea. Consistent with the Korean culture passed down to them from their parents, the couple use many oriental medications, which are usually herbal based remedies, which were handed down from old family traditions. Such oriental medications included treatments for constipation and other gastrointestinal illnesses, eczema, and dental health. This family has many bottles of these herbal remedies and tinctures which they are happy to share with anyone interested. The couple will most often time use these treatments in conjunction to western medicines. Both the husband and wife were raised in the Seventh Day Adventist church and continue to remain faithful to that religion. Because of their religion, they are strictly vegan. The parents of the couple interviewed had an extensive garden with a vast amount of different vegetables where the family usually finds many of the ingredients for their dinners. They substitute soy products for meats and enjoy many different teas for which they find very comforting and effective when they are sick. Common to the Korean culture, this family eats kimchi which is high in probiotics. Even though their diet consists of high sodium, they are generally very healthy. The couple interviewed came from a very poor upbringing. As such, the couple live very simple lives and are somewhat apprehensive to spending any money earned. When it comes to medical treatments they much rather prefer to turn to natural remedies than have to pay for medical expenses such as doctor visits or pharmaceutical treatments. The Korean culture is also that of a Patriarchal structure, where the father is the head of the family and is responsible for providing for the family. As such, the couple sees the male as predominantly the decision maker including medical decisions. Family welfare is extremely important to this family. There are strong ties and a strong support system among all of the family members. Interestingly, the wife being interviewed stated that her parents value the art of having emotional self-control. As a result, both her mother and father will often times not be very willing to admit when they are in pain or are ill.
The last family interviewed was that of American culture. The couple interviewed were both Christian and believe in the God of the Bible. They seek God in most every decision made. Prayer and fasting are seen as having a powerful impact on health and wellbeing. They view the laying on of hands by elders of their church as an effective strategy to healing. The family leaned more towards naturopathic medicines verses pharmaceutical medicines. They view pharmaceutical medicine as only necessary in an emergent situation such as a motor vehicle accident or an acute illness such as a heart attack, or stroke. Both come from difficult upbringings involving drugs and alcohol. The couple claimed they themselves have recovered from pass usage. As such, they refrain from drugs and only drink alcohol on occasion. They both value family and are actively helping out other family members who suffer from drug and alcohol abuse.
Similarities in the health traditions among the three cultures interviewed are evident. Perhaps one of the strongest similarities is the value of family with all three cultures. Family is seen as being a primary support system. In the Hispanic culture, strong emphasis is placed on family as being the major source of one’s identity and protection against the hardships of life. (Carteret, 2011). Another similarity of all three cultures, is that many times natural remedies and treatments are sought after before medical treatments. Medical professionals must be aware of this fact especially in the case of the Korean culture where it is common to combine both cultural treatments with the western medicines (Cateret, 2011). They must be sure to explain to the family that all remedies used outside of the prescribed medications must be mentioned due to the fact that an adverse reaction could occur if mixing the two. Common to both the Hispanic and Korean culture, is the patriarchal structure. (CDC, 2010). This would be reason to be sure to question what family members would patients like to include in the education process. When looking at all the belief systems of these families, one can see why it is important to consider individual’s religious beliefs. All three families interviewed believed in the God of the Bible, but had slightly different values on what they considered effective in the healing process. The Hispanic family trusted in the power of prayer and the American family trusted in the power of the laying on of hands from the elders of their church. These beliefs need to be honored and addressed with respect by medical professionals if the family feels it is important. Because the Korean family are strictly vegan, medical professional must be careful to respect this and honor their food requests. Also, education on the assurance of certain nutrients in their diet such as protein, calcium and omega 3 fatty acids, might need to be considered. Common with any culture, is the ability to speak their language. Often times, people of the Hispanic and the Korean culture consider it disrespectful to question medical professionals. (Cateret, 2011).When educating patients of different ethnic backgrounds, it is imperative to ensure that the patient either speaks the language used or has an interpreter who can adequately interpret medical terminology to the patients.
In conclusion, one should always show respect for patients’ support system or religious beliefs and make patients feel respected, valued, and heard. In developing the plan of care, beliefs, needs, concerns and values of patients of different cultures need to be considered and included in the care plan. The HAT is a great tool to be utilized when considering the plan of care for patients. This tool assesses individual’s demographic backgrounds and values and beliefs allowing medical professionals to care for patients in a more holistic manner. As evidenced by the families interviewed in this paper, there are many different belief systems and values of individuals. That is what contributes to each individual’s uniqueness and special qualities. In order to properly care for anyone, one should consider these differences and honor and show respect. This should be done if one expects to be honored and respected in return.

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