H.G. Wells and The War of the Worlds
H.G Wells was an influential writer and person who was ahead of his time as a firm believer in free will and the ability of humans to choose their own fates both as a race and as individuals. He also believed that all people should have the same opportunity to choose their paths no matter their background or differences to others. This idea is apparent in his book The War of the Worlds in which he also explores the themes of fate, free will, and unity among the human race.
Born on September 21, 1866, H.G. (Herbert George) Wells was the fourth child to his family which included his mother, father, 2 brothers, and one sister. When he was seven, Wells was bedridden for several months during which his parents feared he would die at a young age like his sister did, but during the time when he was left bedridden, “the avid young reader went through many books, including some by Washington Irving and Charles Dickens” (Bio.com). His father, a store owner and professional cricket player, supported the family after the family store failed his father could no longer support them so he and his brothers were apprenticed to a draper while his mother went to work as a housekeeper at an estate. When Wells was a teenager he worked as an…show more content… War of the Worlds is a two part book about a Martian invasion of the earth. The first book opens up with a nameless narrator giving the reader some information about the world before the invasion and background on mars like it running out of resources and the fact that the martians have been watching the earth closely and preparing to kill the humans and take over the Earth. The narrator tells us what happened saying that he was with an astronomer named Ogilvy that invited him to study at a light on the planet Mars when a meteor comes flying down from the sky when they investigate it they realize that it is a