...Lyon Cofradcl~ opened a hypennarket affiliated with the Mammoulh cham. lis 7500 square-metres and the shopping centre that housed it fulfilled a longstanding need in that part of the Lyon suburbs where shopping facilitIes on that scale were inadequate. Many view this hypennarkcl as a concrete illustration of the type of contribution semiOlic:l can make in defining a new type of shopping experience. I Not only \\as such an approach used in the design conception based on efforts to reconcile the desires expressed by consumers frequenting the catchment area or those taking part in discussion groups ahout their shopping bcha\iour bUI it was all implemented in accordance with the requirements drawn up by the technical starr and management teams \\ Ithm thc Mammouth company. Furthermore a semiotic approach \\as used 10 perform a discourse analysis of the consumers' wishes. \\hlch \\as then used to define the general layout of the hypcnnarket as a whole. Semiotics thus played a twin role in the conception and design of the Lyon hypermarket. Firstly. semiotics provided an interpretative model for consumers' representations and expectations of what the hypermarket should provide. The usc of such a model facilitated the identification of the dirrerel1\ values ascribed to hypermarkets and the revelation of the logic underlying the rejections or expectations associated with certain types of layouts, certain atmospheres and so on. Secondly, semiotics contributed to...
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...3rd Edition Upper Intermediate David Cotton David Falvey Simon Kent Scanned for Agus Suwanto TEXTS DISCUSSION Listening: An interview with an expert on communication Good communicators SKILLS Dealing with communication breakdown CASE STUDY 1 COMMUN ICATION Reading: A quiet word beats sending e-mail - C) page 6 U N IT2 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING Talk about international brands BUILDING RE LATI ONSHIPS Writing: e-mail Reading: Diego Della Valle: Italian atmosphere is central to Tod's global expansion Financial - Times C) page 14 U N IT3 The price of success: Make recommendations to improve communications within an electronics company Financial Times UNIT Talk about what makes a good communicator LANGUAGE WORK Idioms Marketing word partnerships Brainstorming Noun compounds and noun phrases Henri-Claude Cosmetics - creating a global brand: Devise a TV commercial for a new eau-de-cologne Writing: action minutes Listening: An interview with a professor of international marketing and the CEO of a training organisation Talk about building Listening: An interview with the Head of Global relationships Corporate Responsibility of a major company C) page 22 Describing relations Networking Multiword verbs Reading: How East is meeting West - Al-Munir Hotel and Spa Group: Come up with a plan for improving customer satisfaction and loyalty ...
Words: 9826 - Pages: 40