...wheelchair of the main character L.B. Jeffries. From the beginning of the film when the curtain is raised it makes the audience feel like they are looking through Jeffries window and spying on his neighbours. It is hard to imagine surveillance and voyeurism in film without thinking of Alfred Hitchcock’s 1954 thriller Rear Window. Rear Window is a film that has been connected to surveillance since its creation; the film manages to put the audience in the wheelchair of the main character L.B. Jeffries. From the beginning of the film when the curtain is raised it makes the audience feel like they are looking through Jeffries window and spying on his neighbours. It is hard to imagine surveillance and voyeurism in film without thinking of Alfred Hitchcock’s 1954 thriller Rear Window. Rear Window is a film that has been connected to surveillance since its creation; the film manages to put the audience in the wheelchair of the main character L.B. Jeffries. From the beginning of the film when the curtain is raised it makes the audience feel like they are looking through Jeffries window and spying on his neighbours. It is hard to imagine surveillance and voyeurism in film without thinking of Alfred Hitchcock’s 1954 thriller Rear Window. Rear Window is a film that has been connected to surveillance since its creation; the film manages to put the audience in the wheelchair of the main character L.B. Jeffries. From the beginning of the film when the curtain is raised it makes the audience...
Words: 1483 - Pages: 6
...NEW BEGINNINGS IN THE BOOK OF JOHN By: Linda Mills Gospel of John Life Christian University January 12, 2014 STUDENTS: These are the research standards of your institution. Please follow these standards for all your writing assignments. A completed and signed copy of this affidavit must accompany each research paper you turn in. Place it immediately after your title page. Research Affidavit In this paper, every opinion from someone else has been indicated by a reference placed at the end of that information. I realize that the mere presence of a reference does not avoid plagiarism. If I have used the exact words, phrases, clauses, or sentences of someone else, I have enclosed that information in quotation marks. If I have paraphrased the opinions of someone else, I have not enclosed the paraphrase in quotation marks, but I have stated those opinions in my own words. I have introduced the paraphrase and put a reference at the end of it. Factual information (common knowledge or uncontested knowledge) has not been credited with a reference unless I have used someone else’s organization of these facts. This paper is my own work. No one has helped me in the preparation or writing of this paper except for typing or final proofreading. student signature: ____________________________________ date: _________________ print name: _____________________________________ course title: _____________________________________ ...
Words: 4475 - Pages: 18
...In order to understand Hamlet, we must understand his frustration. This frustration is most clear in his famous monologue, famously beginning with the line "Oh what a rogue and peasant slave am I." This self-condemnation is contrasted by his admiration for the actor of the previous scene, who "in a fiction" is able to "force his soul to his own conceit." The word "soul" is an example of metonymy, as the soul represents the actor's "visage," "tears," "distraction," and "voice." Thus Hamlet equates "soul" with one's actions, so by his own comparison his soul is weak, as he does not take action against the king. The second sentence is furthermore a rhetorical question, beginning with, "Is it notŠ" So clearly Hamlet's lack of emotion is "monstrous" in his own mind at the very start of the monologue. The equation of "Hecuba" to "nothing" is then contrasted by Hamlet's "cue" being the murder of his father. Hamlet then states that the actor would "drown the stage with tears" if he were in Hamlet's position. The visual hyperbole which is compounded by the repetit... ... middle of paper ... ...tions: Hamlet. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House, 1986. Rpt. from Tragic Alphabet: Shakespeare's Drama of Language. N. p.: Yale University Press, 1974. Rosenberg, Marvin. "Laertes: An Impulsive but Earnest Young Aristocrat." Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from The Masks of Hamlet. Newark, NJ: University of Delaware Press, 1992...
Words: 1325 - Pages: 6
...The Giver vs. Pleasantville Comparative Essay In both works, The Giver and Pleasantville, leaders symbolize control and elsewhere represent new beginnings. Leaders symbolize control. The first example I have for Pleasantville is the time when the Mayor does not allow Bud to speak and defend himself at his trial. wAfter art wreaked havoc and chaos across Pleasantville, Bud and Mr. Johnson decided to paint another painting across the jail walls. At their trial, the judge was the mayor. During the trial, the mayor himselfs asks Bud if there was anything that he wanted to say to defend himself. Bud said "yes," and began speaking. The mayor immediately cut him off because the mayor wasn't hearing what he wanted to. This shows that the Mayor is a...
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...experiences he suffered during his past wartime experiences. Nick seems to be an outdoorsman and throughout the story, his mental recovery progresses and he begins to leave behind some tragic experiences from his past by escaping civilization and completely immersing himself in what he knows- nature. Nick’s escape from civilization into nature is not only a physical journey but a journey of healing and self renewal from his traumatic experiences. His journey allows him to first retreat into physical activity in order to clear his mind, begin to process and accept his traumas, and eventually return to himself and civilization. At the beginning of Nick’s excursion, the narrator describes, in detail, Nick’s actions as he goes about his trip. In doing so, the narrator focuses on Nick’s physical actions rather than focusing on Nick’s thoughts and feelings. He allows the readers to see that Nick is avoiding his emotions and is allowing himself to be absorbed in his physical activity as a form of therapy. By returning to nature and activities he is familiar with, Nick can just go through the motions without letting his thoughts and feelings surface: “He felt he left everything behind, the need for thinking, the need to write, other needs. It was all back of him.” (210) Here the narrator shows Nick attempting to escape from civilization and his haunting memories through his relationship with nature as well as the activities he loves. This is the beginning of his recovery and return to self...
Words: 1467 - Pages: 6
...existence of God but one of the most fascinating is the modern cosmological argument made by Dr. William Lane Craig which is based on the premise that the universe is finite. In this paper, I will describe his argument for the cosmological argument and oppose his argument. The original concept of the cosmological argument originated with a Muslim theologian named al-Ghazali who lived in the 12th century as a response to Greek philosophers....
Words: 1292 - Pages: 6
...First impressions are a huge part of life especially when it comes to literature. It can be hard to keep someone absorbed in reading a book if his or her first impression of the book is not good from the get-go. If a person is not hooked from the beginning they may lose interest and may not want to continue reading the book. Capturing a person’s full attention right away is essential. In order for a writer to capture his readers’ attention, the author has to develop a good hook to reel his readers in with. For a writer to insure his hook will catch his reader he must have it at the beginning of his writing, it must raise questions in the readers’ head, and it should contain some key elements to the story. The beginning of a story lays the outline...
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...Critically weigh up the “beginning” of “The Bottle Imp” in relation to the story as a whole and discuss how it achieves the following objectives(a)sets the tone of the genre,(b)launches the protagonist and (c) creates a certain expectation in the reader through the arousal and non-satisfaction of their curiosity. In the story, “The Bottle Imp” by R.L.Stevensons, it is quite fascinating though strangely but it also depends on readers’ understanding. This essay will discuss the beginning of “The Bottle Imp” in relation to the story as whole and how it achieves its objectives based in these three criteria. Firstly, is how the story sets the tone of the genre. Secondly, how the author launches the protagonist and lastly is how the story creates a certain expectation in the reader through the arousal and non-satisfaction of their curiosity. The tones set by this short story are mystery, evil and secretive. The beginning of it is mysterious for there is no mentioning of a particular time, month or year but instead it says, “There was…”“There was” can be the past, the future or anytime. Further example is the stating of “Napoleon” and “Captain Cook.”These men were of a different generation and whatever happened on their time was mystery to this generation. The evil nature of this story happened in passing of the bottle from one person to another. There is a must to sell the bottle before the person who is in at the helm died, if not he will burn in hell forever. This is emphasized...
Words: 742 - Pages: 3
...Unexpected False expectations can be seen being dragged into light in Malcolm X’s “From the Autobiography of Malcolm X” and Buford’s “Lions and Tigers and Bears”. In both stories authors depict a certain expectation within their characters environment. Certain stereotypes that the author breaks little by little throughout the story. From certain religious expectations to dangerous park expectations that seem to disappear once the experience is almost towards its end. At the beginning of the story, “Lions and Tigers and Bears”, the author presents the idea that the park is very dangerous place in the night right after telling the audience that he is going to spend the night there. The Buford willingly puts himself at risk even though “anybody...
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...the instructors effectiveness * Provide instructors with information on how instruction can be improved A male kindergarten student age 5 was evaluated using the Yopp-Singer Test of Phonemic Segmentation, the Phoneme Blending Assessment and the Beginning Sound Assessment designed by Dr. Adria Klein, Professor at CSU San Bernardino. He seemed to be struggling in the kindergarten class, 5 months in, so his grandmother/guardian asked the tutor to assess and instruct him to bring him up to speed. He was anxious to learn as his classmates shunned him and called him dumb. He did not attend pre-kindergarten classes. He achieved a perfect score on the Beginning Sounds and the Phoneme Blending Assessment but only 69% on the Yopp-Singer Test. The result from the Yopp-Singer test shows emerging phonemic awareness. It appears he has trouble with words that have the “th” sound at the beginning of the word, as well as, words with silent “e” at end. He is aware of the silent “e” and gets confused as whether to sound it out or not. Oddly enough he sounded the “gr” sound as “grr.” The first thing the tutor did was tell the student how well he did on the beginning sounds and blending tests. The tutor assured the student he was not dumb. She outlined what he needed to do, with him, and asked what he felt he was having trouble with. He said he did not understand why there is an e at the end of some words that have no...
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...and his family are deported to a concentration camp. While at several different concentration camps, Eliezer faces a variety of different situations, and he learns to adapt to his circumstances. As his father becomes weaker and weaker throughout the memoir, Elie starts to develop mixed emotions for him. During...
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...People all over the world has probably experienced or seen someone or something change at least once in their life. Change is to make the form of nature, content, and or future of different types of transformations. In the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller each of the characters of John Proctor, Hale, and Parris change from the beginning of to the end of the play. Proctor becomes more honest, Hale becomes more skeptical is mission, and Parris finds himself some shred of humanity. These three characters are just three out of a lot more character that change from the beginning of the play to the end of the play. Across the course of the play John Proctor became more honest with himself, his wife, and his community. At the beginning of the...
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...civilization. Genesis is the beginning of all creation. It is God’s story. Understanding Genesis is key to comprehending the rest of the bible. It tells the story of the beginning of the human race in general and the beginning of the Hebrew race in particular. Hindson, Ed, Yates, Gary, The essence of the old testament: A survey, (Nashville, Tennessee: knowing Jesus ministries and Gary Yates,2012.)51. God is introduced as an absolute being who cares about his creation and the human struggle of the fallen world. Ibd,51 In regards to the natural world, Genesis chapters 1-11 teaches what early Hebrews believed about the creation of the world and the origins of mankind. “What does Genesis 1-11 teach regarding the natural world?” Answers. http://wiki answers. Com/a/what_does_Genesis. It teaches that God is separate from nature and that he created everything in the natural world. It teaches that God created the universe. God created the light and dark, separating the light and dark into day and night. Post, Trent “In the beginning and Beyond.” Genesis/Hades solution.” http://hades 1 solution.wordpress.com/tag/Genesis. 5/23/13. God created the vegetation, sky and the land on the second day. On the third day he created the sun, stars, moon and seasons. Then he went on to create the days, years and animals. On the sixth day he created man. “The lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;...
Words: 840 - Pages: 4
...Amir experienced the rape of his best friend Hassan as a young child. Amir didn’t tell anyone and he didn’t stand up to the boys who attacked his friend. He wants Hassan to speak up, or to be punished for not helping stand up to Assef and his friends. Unfortunately for Amir, his friend will always be loyal to him and will make no mention of what happened that day in the alley way. This tears Amir apart, he can’t stand that his friend won’t speak about what was done to him or tell his father Ali or Baba. To get rid of Hassan and Ali, Amir plants a watch in Hassan’s belongings and accuses him of stealing it. Hassan admits to taking it and even though Baba forgives him, Ali takes his son and leaves. This is where Amir’s guilt begins to attack his life. He has the guilt from seeing what happened in the alley way and not fighting back or speaking up, the guilt still remains even though Ali and Hassan have left. Amir carries this guilt with him through his entire life, hoping to someday get rid of it, but not knowing how to. After spending many years in America Amir receives a life changing call. His father’s friend Rahim Khan is informing Amir that redemption is still possible, for a price. Amir learns he must rescue Hassan’s son, Sohrab. Once the boy is safe and in America, Amir has finally succeeded in earning his redemption. The last paragraph of the novel beautifully demonstrates the change both Amir and Sohrab had experienced since they met. The last paragraph begins, “I looked...
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...is a first-person narrator who falls in love with a girl he sees on the street.”(…) it is as if someone hit me across the back of the head with a baseball bat or plugged me into a socket whose powers light up my whole body.” (ll. 8-9, p. 153) He paints a picture of himself being struck by lightning, to describe his feelings towards the girl. The metaphor especially underlines the intensity of his emotions, given that lightning is a particular strong force. However, the girl he’s in love with does not love him back, and as the title indicates, his love has an erosive impact on him and his mental state. Ali Smith uses a tree to symbolize his state of mind. “The larger new leaves, the fronts of which look clear and clean, have insects packed like bricks on their undersides and the edges of several leaves have been rolled firmly in on themselves, which is killing them.”(ll. 21-24, p. 149) . The leaves described in the quote are from an apple tree that plays a central role in the story. The tree is infested with ants and aphides that are slowly eroding it. Ali Smith uses bug infestation to represent how the narrators mind is infested of unrequited love, impacting his...
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