Free Essay



Submitted By manthan
Words 684
Pages 3

1. Name: …………………………

2. Age: a) 18-30 b) 30-40 c) 40-50 d) More Than

2. Sex: a) Male b) Female

3. Marital status:
a) Single b) Married c) Divorced d) Separated

4. For how long you are working in this company?
a) 0 – 6 months b) 6 months – 1 year c) 1- 2 years d) 2 years & above

5. Whether you are aware of your leave policy?
a) Yes b) No
6. For how many days you are taking leave in a month?
a) 0 – 1 day b) 1 – 3 days c) 5 days & above d) None
7. What is the main reason for your absenteeism?
a) Family problem b) Transportation c) Leave policy
8. What is the nature of your work?
a) Hard b) Moderate c) Better d) None
9. Are you assigned with overtime in your work?
a) Always b) Often c) Sometimes d) Never
10. How do you find the level of communication?
a) Good b) Adequate c) Moderate d) Poor
11. What kind of transport facility is provided to you?
a) Bus b) Van c) None

12. What kind of conflicts you are facing with your co-worker?
a) Friendly b) Enemy c) Employee relation d) None of the above
13. How do you feel regarding the working environment?
a) Good b) Fair c) Poor d) Very poor
14. What is your opinion regarding the pay scale?
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
15. What are all the motivating factors providing by the company?
a) Incentives b) Training c) Recognition d) None
16. What is your opinion regarding the performance appraisal of the company?
a) Very good b) Good c) Fair d) Poor e) Very poor
17. What is your opinion regarding the working condition?
a) Very good b) Good c) Fair d) Poor e) Very poor
18. Whether organizational policy is affecting your personal policy?
a) Yes b) No
19. What do you feel about the motivating factors in the organization?
a) Very good b) Good c) Fair d) Poor e) Very poor
20. How do you feel to work in the company?
a) Hard b) Moderate c) Better d) None
21. Do you feel that there is no interaction between other employees?
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Disagree d) Strongly disagree
22. Whether you are satisfied with your job?
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Disagree d) Strongly disagree
23. Do you satisfied with the current position of your level in the company?
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied

24. Are you satisfied with working environment?
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
25. Whether you find that your work is stressful/ more pressure?
a) Always b) Often c) Sometimes d) Never
26. Do you satisfied with your pay scale?
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Disagree d) Strongly disagree
27. Do you satisfied with the benefits that company is providing to you & your performance?
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
28. How is your interpersonal relationship with your co-worker?
a) Friendly b) Enemy c) Employee relation d) None of the above
29. How is your interpersonal relationship with your co-worker?
a) Friendly b) Enemy c) Employer - Employee relationship d) None of the above
30. Do you need any improvements in the working conditions?
a) Yes b) No

31. Are you satisfied with the general opinion of the company?
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied

32. Do you have enough opportunity to interact with the employees?
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Disagree d) Strongly disagree
33. How do you feel regarding the benefits provided by the organization?
a) Good b) Adequate c) Moderate d) Poor
34. Whether the organization giving you enough freedom to increase your ability?
. a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Disagree d) Strongly disagree
35. Your suggestions regarding the company
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