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High School Doll Research Paper

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Sunnyside high school is just like every other high school, there are the popular kids, the nerdy kids, the jocks and the average kids. Everyone somehow seems to fit into one of these groups, everyone except for Sunnie Dryson. Sunnie is not like everyone else, she has a passion for making dolls. This makes her stand out among all the various groups and people at her school and causes everyone to push her away.
Everyone thinks Sunnie is weird, all because making dolls is not something a typical seventeen year old teen does. Over the years she has made so many dolls that she has started a collection of over a hundred of them. Each and every doll is different in it’s own way and no two dolls can be grouped together. She loves making the dolls and she can not imagine stopping even though it is hindering her from having friends and being like every other high school girl.
Sunnie has never once had a real friend until a boy named Joshua Assorted moved to her school two weeks ago. Sunnie and Joshua sit by each other in english class. The first day he came to school Sunnie noticed that there was something that stood out about him. Joshua was starting to become friends with Sunnie and she knew that once he found out about her …show more content…
Motley’s, the english teacher, lessons Joshua noticed that Sunnie was drawing a picture of a doll. It was not an ordinary drawing it was a well sketched out blue print of a doll. Trying to avoid getting in trouble for talking, Joshua asked her why she was drawing a picture of a doll. Sunnie knew that soon he was going to find out about her collection, so hesitantly she told him. Sunnie waited for a negative response like everyone else had given her. Instead, a smile lit up his face and excited about how someone else was a collector just like him he told Sunnie about his collection of seashells. Sunnie was so astonished and happy not only because he was a collector just like her,but because she had a true

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