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High School Walkout Analysis

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In her USA TODAY article, journalist Ashley White reports on a nationwide high school walkout that is set to take place on Wednesday, May 2nd and last for a duration of 16 minutes. However, this specific walkout will be quite different from that of its predecessors. Rather than voicing support for gun control and reform, students participating in this walkout will be voicing their support for the Second Amendment. This is quite a stark contrast to other high school walkouts that called for the passage of anti-gun legislation in efforts to prevent and potentially end horrific school shootings such as the traumatic shooting that occurred at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida in mid February of 2018. Instead, these students …show more content…
High school administrations have stated that the students participating in the ‘Stand for the Second’ walkout may exercise their First Amendment rights to partake in the event will have their full support as their fellow peers had been given for the previous anti-gun walkouts. The ‘Stand for the Second’ walkout harnesses the potential to create a massive impact on students in high schools across the nation as well as in my hometown of Highland Park, Texas. Nationwide anti-gun walkouts that have taken place throughout the months of February, March, and April have given millions of students across the United States an opportunity to voice their cries for stronger firearm regulations as well as their support for survivors of traumatic school shootings and similar events of the like. These walkouts have inspired students to take a stand for their beliefs as well as prove to them that they harness the power to create change in their beloved nation of which they call home. Such an impact was also seen here at Highland Park High School. On March 14th, many students at HPHS participated in the nationwide high school walkout

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