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Greek Americans Research Paper

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The cultural group that I’ve chosen to focus on for this discussion is Greek Americans.
A) Historical Relationships: The first Greek immigrants are said to have arrived during the 1820’s in small numbers. People had begun to flee from Greece after the Greek War of Independence from the Ottoman Empire, had left a large amount of debt and economic strain for the country. Many farmers began to struggle and declare bankruptcy. Furthermore many of the Grecians had begun to look for new industrialized labor employment, although Greece was slow to adapt to new industrialized way of living ( The search for this type of employment would lead some of the immigrants to the United States. Eventually larger volumes of Greek people would migrate to the United States during the 1880’s. They would find various amounts of employment within California as railroad gangs, Utah and Colorado as copper and coal miners, as well as primarily in Massachusetts at a textile mill ( Eventually around the 20th century, they would begin to start their own …show more content…
I’ve seen a few sources around the web say that Greek people were thought to have a complex about Greek innovations throughout history. Due to the Greek contributions, it was said that the Greek people felt they were of a higher importance than other cultures. I also saw that they were referred to as thieves. Although, there were no records that I could find indicating that Greek immigrants had a record of stealing more so than any other culture within the United States. As for being over the top and loud, these are stereotypes that still seem to remain today. Greek people are depicted as having loud large families that partake in large

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