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Racism In Contemporary America

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The question is racism still problems in contemporary America? Some say yes. Other say no but I think otherwise because look at the past events in the last year that happen to young African American men or African Americans period. It shows that we as a race are still treated differently in 2015. In my eye we as a race still have to work ten times harder than other ethnics because the color of our skin. Racism is still in full effect in 2015 and it many years ago. Race was created socially primarily by how people perceive ideas of others. The definition of race all depends on where and when the word is being used. In U.S. history, the meaning of the label “white” has changed over time but the question is why is racism still alive and in full …show more content…
From the early 17th century most European settlers turned to African slaves as a resource that was cost efficient. After 1916 things changed from European settlers using Africans to a Dutch ship bring 20 Africans over to a British colony of Jamestown, Virginia. Slavery spread throughout the American colonies because they need workers for their homes. 6 to 7 million slaves were brought over to work in the field. Black slaves worked mainly on the tobacco, rice and indigo plantations of the southern coast.
Slavery wasn’t something they chose to do it was something they was force to do some where brought over from their homeland to do so. After so long they started new method for example slave trade. Only making women work in the house while they men worked in the field. Slavery wasn’t something that was easy they had to work in horrible conditions and get beat if they did the smallest thing. Slavery was abolished in 1789 and it was something that changed …show more content…
Racism is something people do to judge people and to put them in a box cause of how they dress, how they look, who they like, and so much more. Judgment is of the biggest forms of racism. Racism happens to every race and every skin tone. But the people that experience it the most our blacks we get judge for everything we do.
Racism has so many different elements to it and you can get many reactions as well. During a certain period of time people had to go through thing for example racial segregation in schools, drinking from a color water fountain, using colors only bathrooms, and riding different buses. During this time people had to march to get rights and things to change. But all they did was treat us brutal and degraded us by spraying water on us. So we can’t be heard or we couldn’t change what they were doing to us. But over time people would think that in 2015 time whites can shop together and eat at the same places how it was back in the day.
Racism affects people over time because it changes the lifestyle of people mindset. Racism was the biggest eye opener to world cause what happen to different people .Racism was something that changes the world they went through hell to get a difference. They had different philosophers like Martin Luther king, Malcolm x and even Rosa parks that made a

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