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Hill Country Snack Foods Case Analysis

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To: Senior Management
From: Brian Hankes (Lead Writer), Andrew Krump, Matt Gapp, John Mathiowetz
Re: Optimal Capital Structure


As result of the analyst meeting, the finance team and I evaluated whether or not we could increase shareholder value by changing the capital structure of Hill Country Snack Foods (HCSF). We analyzed four different scenarios:
● Maintain our current Debt-to-Capital position of 0%
● Expand our Debt-to-Capital to 20%
● Expand Debt-to-Capital even further, to 40%
● Significantly grow financial leverage, expanding Debt-to-Capital to 60%

After reviewing these scenarios, we recommend HCSF amend the current Debt-to-Capital ratio …show more content…
● Mr. Keener has long maintained strong preferences for equity financing over debt financing, our chosen capital structure will keep balance sheet leverage low.
● ROE would increase 3.85% as a result of the capital structure change.
● Financial markets would recognize the more aggressive capital structure and react …show more content…
When debt is added to the capital structure, the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) of HCSF decreases due to the value of the tax shield. However, increasing debt too heavily increases the risk of equity, and thus the present value of financial distress more than the present value of the advantage of the tax shield, offsetting the value-creation of the tax shield. As a result, WACC will increase. The risk of equity increases because as our contractual obligations for repayment increase, our cost of financial distress grows as well. Due to payout order, equity holders, in the event of a bankruptcy, are last to receive any of the benefits in a liquidation of the company. Because of this, equity risk increases based on the amount of debt assumed. Additionally, debt is regarded to be “cheaper” than equity because debt is senior to equity and will receive earnings from the firm before equity

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