...Frederick Lau Music 407 23 June 2014 Hip-Hop Music This research paper will be discussing the origins and development of hip-hop music, some of the characteristics that define hip-hop as a musical genre, and the social significance of hip-hop from its creation up until current day. The purpose of this paper is to inform and enhance the understanding of hip-hop music, drawing connections between musical stylistic origins and social influence throughout history on hip-hop music to create an unbiased, accurate account of how hip-hop music came to be what it is today. The genre of hip-hop music formed in the 1970s amongst African American Groups in urban New York City, during a time when “block parties” and it’s associated music started to become extremely popular. Credited with founding hip-hop music, DJ Kool Herc, an immigrant from Jamaica, started to extend the percussive breaks in popular funk and soul music (Dyson). This new sound became so popular that DJs needed to start using two turntables to lengthen percussive breaks, effectively creating an entire new sound and new genre of music (Bekman). Hip-hop music is characterized by four main elements: rapping, scratching (DJing), break dancing, and graffiti (Chang). Because music is dynamic and constantly changing, hip-hop started to develop sub-genres within hip-hop, such as southern trap music or west coast gangsta rap. Hip-hop music in different regions started to develop their own unique style of hip-hop, and although...
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...The Transformation of Hip-Hop African American playwrights are writing about difficult topics that affect the hip-hop generation. In this paper, I will focus on the transformation of hip –hop through theatre in the work of Robert Alexander, A Preface to the Alien Garden, and the work of Kamilla Forbes, A Rhyme Deferred. These playwrights reflect the evolution and different elements of the hip-hop culture. There are many similarities and differences between them regarding themes, intent, definition of hip hop generation and black theatre, the impact each play has on the hip-hop generation, and the historical context of each play. Both playwrights do an amazing reflecting an accurate depiction of the hip-hop generation, which embodies gangster rap, regular hip-hop music, dance, and music. Kamilla Forbes is an actress, director, and playwright who wrote and directed Rhyme Deferred. She is the Founding Artistic Director of the Hip Hop Theatre Junction where she focuses on producing and creating works reflecting the hip-hop generation. Her thoughts and passion for hip hop and theatre and the idea that the new hip hop generation was not reflected through theatre, sparked her to began her story and write the play Rhyme Deferred. This highly energetic play engages the audience through dance and breaking down the “third wall” between the actors and the audience. Rhyme Deferred is the story of two brothers, both rappers. The older brother, Kain, is a mainstream rapper and becomes successful...
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...cultural movement. For the music genre, see Hip hop music. For other uses, see Hip hop (disambiguation). Graffiti of "hip hop" in Eugene, Oregon Hip hop is a form of musical expression and artistic subculture that originated in African-American and Hispanic-American communities during the 1970s in New York City, specifically the Bronx.[1][2][3] DJ Afrika Bambaataa outlined the four pillars of hip hop culture: MCing, DJing, B-boying and graffiti writing.[4][5][6][7] [8] Since its emergence in the South Bronx, hip hop culture has spread to both urban and suburban communities throughout the world.[9] Hip hop music first emerged with disc jockeys creating rhythmic beats by looping breaks (small portions of songs emphasizing a percussive pattern) on two turntables, more commonly referred to as sampling. This was later accompanied by "rap", a rhythmic style of chanting or poetry presented in 16 bar measures or time frames, and beatboxing, a vocal technique mainly used to imitate percussive elements of the music and various technical effects of hip hop DJ's. An original form of dancing and particular styles of dress arose among fans of this new music. These elements experienced considerable refinement and development over the course of the history of the culture. The relationship between graffiti and hip hop culture arises from the appearance of new and increasingly elaborate and pervasive forms of the practice in areas where other elements of hip hop were evolving as art forms...
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...The birth of hip hop was one of the most important cultural movements that continue to impact the lives of those who hear the music. With its history deeply rooted in the music styles of West African griots, the elements of hip hop represent the suffering and painful journey slaves faced. The culture of DJing, rapping, graffiti and breakdancing was later integrated into this new music genre. As a result, many stereotyped hip hop as music that was particularly popular among blacks, which could be affiliated with radical black groups and gangs. Even today, many hip hop songs are negatively known for their message about drug use, sexual desires, and violence. REACH is a dance team affiliated with Rutgers University that focuses on the glorification...
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...the United States by African Americans, hip hop culture and music is now global in scope. Youth culture and opinion is meted out in both Israeli hip hop and Palestinian hip hop, while Canada, France, Germany, the U.K., Poland, Brazil, Japan, Africa, Australia and the Caribbean have long-established hip hop followings. According to the U.S. Department of State, hip hop is "now the center of a mega music and fashion industry around the world," that crosses social barriers and cuts across racial lines. National Geographic recognizes hip hop as "the world's favorite youth culture" in which "just about every country on the planet seems to have developed its own local rap scene." Through its international travels, hip hop is now considered a “global musical epidemic,” and has diverged from its ethnic roots by way of globalization and localization. Although some non-American rappers may still relate with young black Americans, hip hop now transcends its original culture, and is appealing because it is “custommade to combat the anomie that preys on adolescents wherever nobody knows their name.” Hip hop is attractive in its ability to give a voice to disenfranchised youth in any country, and as music with a message it is a form available to all societies worldwide. From its early spread to Europe and Japan to an almost worldwide acceptance through Asia and South American countries such as Brazil, the musical influence has been global. Hip hop sounds and styles differ from...
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...The impact of religion is sometimes apparent in many different forms of art. One type of artistic expression that religion is sometimes expressed in is music. Whether it is specifically Christian-based music or secular, musicians of all genres may eventually write a song or sing about their religious beliefs at some point. There is a very broad spectrum of diversity in music. People from all around the world with different backgrounds, race, religion, and style can express themselves in this form. Growing up I was exposed to many different genres of music. Hip-hop, which is classified as a subculture that originated from an African American community in the 1970’s, has always been intriguing to me and is a huge part of who I am. There are four elements of Hip-Hop; rapping, DJing, break-dancing, and graffiti. I will be focusing on the music aspect of Hip-Hop and the large impact religion has on some of these artists that perform Hip-Hop music. Over the years, Hip-Hop music has gained a bad reputation. Many people find the lyrics to be offensive, obscene, or even racist. A very small portion of it is, but most of it is the complete opposite. Matthew Paul Miller, better known by his Hebrew stage name Matisyahu, is known for the positive messages he delivers through his reggae-rap style music. Matisyahu says his Jewish spirituality has most, if not everything to do with the way he writes music. In his song “Jerusalem”, he raps about ancient history and religious acts that took...
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...Howard Shepheard American Intercontinental University Unit 5 Individual Project HUMA215-1103B-01 September 24, 2010 Abstract This paper will explore the role that a cultural artifact played the part in the culture we live today. This paper will present a detailed description of this artifact. This paper will analyze how this artifact relates to the values, beliefs of the culture. We will discuss the deep cultural root of this artifact. What historical roots allowed this artifact to come into being? This paper will discuss the cultural periods that might have influenced its development. This paper will discuss how this artifact will be passed to future generations. This paper will discuss what evolutions might this artifact undergo. | | Introduction It’s 1980 and in the park in New City there is a crowd gathered. They are a mix of music that is both somewhat offensive and exciting. The music embodies the rhythm of the African Diasporas as well as added beats of artist of a bygone era. The people are both drown to this strangely intoxication music as well as the troop of dancers that are a kind of visual representation of the music that exist alongside the dancers. You see the dancers but you just barely saw this square box sitting on the small bench. You can just make out the lights flashing in the midday sun. It has two oversized speakers that seem to reproduce a sound that is far greater than its size. What is this strange new device...
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...Research Evaluation: The Behavior of African American People through Hip Hop Music Papi Jean Florida Memorial University Introduction The Growth of Hip Hop in America As hip hop continues to grow into a major aspect of the modern African American culture, the studies intend to distinguish the mass outlook of black people in America. It is incredible that this single genre of music has transformed into a vital communication mechanism for an entire race and may even become larger in future generations of African American people. The other races, in America, have gotten an idea of African Americans through the controversial rap music in which black people use to communicate with each other, and outsiders; the non-blacks. The study revolves mainly around the attitudes which have deemed as common in the black culture; rap music has always been open for interpretation which can lead to danger. The music has become so popular and influential to the youth that many crimes have been linked to the music which fuels an efficient form controversy in America. Do people receive the negative aspects of rap more than the positive aspects? If so, then why? Also, why are the positive approaches of hip hop not made commercial rather than the sex, drugs, and violence? There is belief that the music has a great influence on how the other races in America view the black culture. It is not certain whether rap music is more negative than positive, but it is obviously a notorious topic for many...
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...Rap/Hip-Hop: The Effects on Today’s Youth Brenda L. Williams-Capers Columbia Southern University English Composition II Professor Dana Taylor December 11, 2011 Abstract Rap/Hip-Hop first became popular among African American and Latinos among youth in the streets of New York during the 1970’s. It was their way of expressing themselves in a friendly manner in the form of speech, fashion, and personal style. Rap/Hip-Hop music was a way for them to get their message out, by telling stories of their lifestyles. However, over the years Rap/Hip-Hop music has become much more popular for its explicit lyrics, reference of drugs, alcohol and sexual explicit videos. Many may ask “Could Rap/Hip-Hop music have a negative influence on today’s youth, because of its unhealthy messages”? This research paper will examine the effects of rap/hip-hop music on today’s youth and whether or not it has a negative influence. Brenda L. Williams-Capers Professor Dana Taylor English Composition II December 11, 2011 Over the year’s many researchers have conducted studies on the effects of rap/hip-hop on today’s youth. The results have been mixed; however there are indications that some forms of Rap/Hip-Hop music could have negative influence on today’s youth. This is due to the fact that youth start to adapt the negative aspects of the gangster rap, by displaying aggressive behaviors and committing crimes of violence. Rap gets a bad rap because some songs contain explicit lyrics...
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...Iqnambir Singh ENG 1s Brian Lewis Feburary 3rd, 2015 HIP HOP: MORE THAN JUST A MOVEMENT. In our everyday lives, we always see art in some form, which involves our senses. For example, we see visual art by using our eyesight. Another famous form of art, which involves our sense of hearing, is music. Music is vast that it has so many genres and subgenres. One genre, that is quite popular in today’s world, is hip-hop. Most people view hip hop as a movement, but i consider that its more than just a movement. Hip Hop is a median to express yourself. The shared ideology of Hip Hop is that it is a platform to portray art and beliefs through lyricism, abstract art, clothing, etc. Hip Hop is a subcultural movement, which was formed in the 1970s in South Bronx, New York. African Americans mainly started this movement, but now it is diversified. It has various components, such as “DJing”, rapping, graffiti art, and break dancing. Hip Hop gained a lot of popularity for its fashions. Its authorial power and influence highly impacts the fashion world. Many rap artists have successful cloth lines, which are quickly adopted by the followers. Language, in Hip Hop, plays a vital role. Slang terms gained its popularity after it was being used in raps. Some say that rap is the modern day poetry. Rapping also known as “MCing”, is basically a mixture of rhymes and beats to produce a meaning or even a message. Many rappers incorporate historic events or figures in their raps...
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...Hip Hop: A Way of Thinking? Since the development of hip hop nearly three decades, it has become a ubiquitous form of music in the nation, influencing the youth with its edgy music and empathetic lyrics. First pioneered in the streets of New York as a response to the oppression of blacks during the civil rights movement, hip hop and its successful influence on its listeners, especially the black youth, was able to thrive due to its uncanny ability to adapt and respond to the problems that that era presents. From the socially and politically conscious hip hop (SPC hip hop) during the civil rights movements to the mainstream music we hear on the radio today, the difference in message projected by today’s modern, hyper-masculine hip hop onto society compared with that of SPC hip hop has become a controversial subject criticized by American media such as Byron Hurt’s movie “Hip Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes” and Tricia Rose’s article “There Are Bitches and Hoes.” With regards to the negatives that hip-hop music could have on society, the songs “Let Nas Down” by J. Cole, “Come Get Me” by Jay-Z and “Bitches Ain’t Shit” by YG each respectively complicate, exemplify and extend Hurt’s claims that hip hop artists solely produce generic, hyper masculine mainstream music for the production of records; glorify violence and negatively portray women as sexual objects in order to prove their man hood. When the song “Let Nas Down” by J. Cole is analyzed through a historical context and compared...
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...Imagine living in a Puritan society 330 years ago. Religious zeal and devotion are the basis of the community. Ministers and pastors promote male supremacy and women are looked down upon. The fundamental rule in society is to follow God’s law and obey His commandments. Harsh, remorseless punishment is inflicted on those who stray from God’s laws. Now compare the Puritan society to today’s society. The American culture is ruled by momentary yet popular trends. Colored skinny jeans, snap-backs, unnecessary fashion glasses and neon clothing can be seen almost anywhere on the street (Lutz). Also modern culture has astronomically altered social norms. Women used to be the ideal caretaker of innocence and purity, but now women dress in revealing clothing and are preyed on by the indecent society. Proper mannerisms have vanished and young people have become straightforward and sometimes even rude. Respect for elders and wisdom has dwindled (The Revolution in Manners and Morals). What is the cause of this cultural shift? In Boston during 1684, a group of strict Puritan religious leaders wrote a letter to the community addressing the issue of dancing. Men could dance together and women could dance together, which was viewed as a natural expression of joy. Also children could dance with their parents’ permission. However if a male and female danced together it was seen as an inexcusable sin before God (An Arrow Against Profane and Promiscuous Dancing). Puritan religious leaders warned...
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...when one falls it makes and impact on the group of people and they all hit a downfall. Basically, the author Jay Z of the book “Decoded” wanted to express the growth and story of hip-hop and how it became a part of American history. Black culture and everything about it can be considered controversial. Black culture has dealt with black on black crime, misogynistic accusations, and false accusations of true intention of music. In all reality the music was referring to actual life events and situations that actually occur. Sometimes people want it to be “unicorns and rainbows” but life is not always black and white, you can always find gray areas. For example, the famous group of prodigies called NWA were known to state facts on sensitive and dangerous issues that went on during their time. They were known for their song “Fuck the Police”. The song was a defining moment during that era. It was all over the media and people were in shock but what was even more surprising were how many people who finally stood up based off of the true content of the song. The song was against police brutality that was not ever taken into consideration of those who were treated poorly only for being black. Hip-hop’s purpose at that time was to bring light to real life situations. Jay Z had three...
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...The evolution of dance in the 1980’s ranged from various forms of dancing styles. This included Breaking Dancing, Moon Walking and Hip Hop just to name a few. During this period, Michael Jackson, also know as the king of pop made significant contributions to music and dance. This helped to make him a global figure in pop culture. His style of dancing was also a major social influence during this period, especially through the launch of music videos. The information discussed in this essay will review the significant social impact of dancing styles during the 1980’s. In the 1980’s music videos became a part of our culture and also impacted Hip Hop dance during this decade. As a result in 1981, MTV (Music Television) was created which was...
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...everyone listens to and enjoys music. Who would be able to resist being soothed into relaxation by a favorite song or even an entire album after a hard, long day of stress? I know I definitely would not be able to. It is no lie that music is a very big part of our lives today, especially for the youth. It is even used as a type of therapy to help the pathways of the brain heal from stress and traumas. However, not a lot of people realize how bad some of today's music is and the negative impacts it has on today's youth. It alters behaviors and neuronal pathways, holds no regard for who it offends, and promotes violence as it shapes today's culture. For some cities and ethnic groups, music pretty much...
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