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Historical Explanations for Female Juvenile Delinquency


Submitted By zuckermansp
Words 2478
Pages 10
Historical Explanations for Female Juvenile Delinquency


The study of female juvenile delinquency is a relatively new area that has only just started to receive the proper attention. Even though men and women are different in many ways, it was only within the last century that there have been serious efforts to create a justice system and corrective programs that take sex differences into account. This paper will give a general overview of female juvenile delinquency, then it will describe the different historical explanations of female delinquency, and will conclude with some ideas for how to best deal with and prevent female juvenile delinquency.

Background Information about Female Juvenile Delinquency: Official statistics and self-report data indicate that girls are less likely than boys to commit serious delinquent acts and this has been consistent across different time periods and cultures (Hoge et al., 2008). FBI arrest data reveals that no matter which jurisdictions were reporting in any given year, from 1970 - 2006, girls accounted from anywhere between 20 - 30 % of all juvenile arrests. For example, in 2006, there were 1,156,871 arrests of juvenile males and 469,652 arrests of female juveniles (Shoemaker, 2009). Although females have lower reported rates of criminal activity, this doesn't mean that the distribution of offenses is the same for boys and girls. For example, running away accounts for 4-7% of boys’ arrests opposed to 11-28% of girls’ arrests (Sprott & Doob, 2009). Girls are primarily and disproportionately incarcerated for status offenses, non-violent acts that would not be considered criminal if one were an adult, but if someone is under age 18, these offenses are handled by the juvenile justice system (e.g. underage drinking, being incorrigible, truancy, curfew violations, and running away from home). Data from 2003

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