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Historiography: The Cause Of World War I

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Historiography is the study of how history is written or how it has been passed on, which includes different sources, levels of credibility, motives of the historian(s), and perspectives.
“Critical analysis” in history writing means that one is to analyze a text and the author’s purpose of writing it, and how it affects the argument being made and the evidence that is being used. i.e. When writing about the causes of World War I, one would have to discuss both sides because if only one side, like Germany, were to be discussed, then it would be seen as biased, but then one could also use that as evidence in his/her arguments.
“Historical context” is being aware of the historical setting and situation of a certain event, which means that political and social issues and conditions should also be noted. Context will show what is relevant and/or significant to the event. …show more content…
When speaking about the Great Depression of 1929, one must mention the ending of World War I to understand how it affected everyone internationally. This is because the US gave money to Germany, who then was able to make reparations back to the British and French, because Germany was limited in its means to make money. The British and French then paid the US back, but when the stock market crashed, the US could not pay Germany, so the money “chain” was stopped and people all over suffered.
“Synthesis” in writing is when several sources are combined and connected together to form a certain point. i.e. To make a point that immigration has been beneficial to the US, one could use charts, primary sources, secondary sources, and other things.
Critical commentary in history writing is the analysis of sources used and how they are significant or relevant to the argument or point for an

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