...Throughout the 19th century into the 20th century, the west started to have an increasingly great influence on the other parts of the world. Asia, in particular, was faced with the decision of whether to adopt and conform to the western ways or to reject and stick with their traditional ways of life. In the end, Asia adapted to ways of the western “devils”, but most of their efforts seemed unsuccessful while others were quite successful. The main countries that experienced the western influence were China, Korea and Japan. Although all three countries experienced their share of internal and external strife, China and Korea’s modernization efforts were, in comparison to Japan, unsuccessful. The reason for this was because Japan was able to fully utilize their resources and take advantage of the opportunities that they were presented with in Asia, whereas China and Korea were occupied with internal and external conflicts. Although China and Korea weren’t total failures, the Land of the Rising sun overshadowed them. China’s first experience with western imperialism is seen in the 1830’s when they had conflict with the spread of opium and the dwindling of silver within the country. China wished to stop both these events so when they confiscated supplies of opium from British traders, the British government used its newly developed military power to make their dissatisfaction known to the Chinese. This, along with other factors, led to the First Opium War (1839-1842). The result...
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...Introduction South Korea has experienced rapid economic growth over last two decades. South Korea, officially Republic of Korea, is in East Asia and located on the southern half of the Korean peninsula which also contains North Korea. It consists of the mainland and about 3,200 islands, largely uninhabited and tiny, which lie off the western and southern coasts of South Korea. The country is surrounded by North Korea, to the north, and China which is separated by the Yellow Sea, to the west, Japan which separated by the East Sea, to the east. The capital city is the Seoul Special City which is located in the north-west of South Korea and in the mid-west of the Korean Peninsula. South Korea including all islands has a total area of 100,210km2 which ranked 109th in the world. Nearly three-fourths of the total land area of South Korea consists of mountains and uplands. It has a population of almost 50 million and the density of population is 491 people per square kilo meter which placed in 23rd in the world. The estimated population of the capital city, Seoul, is over 10 million which is almost one fifth of the Korean population while it has a total area of over 600㎢ which occupies 0.6% of South Korea’s land area. South Korea has a humid continental climate and a humid subtropical climate. In general, summers which include a rainy season are hot and humid but winters are often extremely cold and much drier than summers. The spoken language is Korean and the official script is...
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...2014년 1학기 한국경제사 중간고사 정답 및 해설 1. 다음 중에서 한국 경제사에서 확인되는 전통적인 금융 기법으로 보기 어려운 것은? ① 파수변(派收邊) ② 장리(長利) ③ 개색(改色) ④ 환(換) (※ 강의 내용, 강의 슬라이드 및 강의 보조자료 05 참조) 2. 다음 중 개항기 조선의 주요 수출품에 해당되지 않는 것은? ① 쌀 ② 소가죽 ③ 면사 ④ 콩 (※ 강의 슬라이드 참조) 3. 다음 중 적절한 개념이 제시되어 있는 것은? ① 무전(貿錢) : 동전이 필요한 경우에 쌀로 동전을 구입하는 행위 ② 추포(麤布) : 경국대전의 국폐(國幣) 조에서 규정한 정규의 삼베 ③ 청전(淸錢) : 조악하거나 불규칙하지 않고 깨끗한 형태의 동전 ④ 증발(增發) : 발행한 통화의 가치가 하락하여 인플레이션이 나타남 (※ 강의 보조자료 02 참조) 4. 다음 중 인격적 지배수단이 결여된 관계에 해당하는 것은? ① 농장주(農庄主)-처간(處干) ② 영주(領主)-농노(農奴) ③ 전주(田主)-작인(作人) ④ 주가(主家)-협가(挾家) (※ 강의 내용 및 강의 슬라이드 참조) 5. 다음 중 성격이 가장 크게 다른 하나는? ① 연(烟) ② 전호(佃戶) ③ 백성(百姓) ④ 시민(市民) (※ 강의 내용 및 강의 슬라이드 참조) 6. 다음 중 조선시대 경제사 연구의 최신 동향과 거리가 먼 것은? ① 조선왕조실록에서 호환(虎患)의 기록이 급감하는 현상을 환경의 파괴와 관련시켜 해석한다. ② 조선시대 국왕의 평균 재위기간이 짧았던 현상을 그들의 수명이 일반인보다 짧았기 때문으로 이해한다. ③ 근대적 회사 제도가 한반도에 출현하게 된 기점을 개항기의 포말회사로 설정한다. ④ 조선시대에는 민법이 없었지만 상속이나 묏자리 등과 관련한 민사소송이 많이 일어난 것으로 본다. (※ 강의 내용 및 강의 보조자료 01 및 09 참조) 7. 다음 중 조선후기 상업에 관계된 설명으로서 적절한 것은? ① 봇짐장수[褓商]와 등짐장수[負商]는 임진왜란 직후부터 상호부조를 위한 공동체를 만들어 운영하였다. ② 포구에서 상업을 중개한 여객주인은 10% 수준의 구전(口錢)을 수수료로 수취하였다. ③ 시전을 유푼전[有分廛]과 무푼전[無分廛]으로 나누는 기준은 상인의 신분(身分)이다. ④ 조선후기 대중(對中) 무역의 주요 수출품은 면포와 명주실이었다. (※ 강의 내용 및 강의 슬라이드 참조) (1/3) 8. 다음 중 19세기 경제위기와 관련된 설명으로서 가장 적절한 것은? ① 19세기에는 전국적으로 인구가 정체하거나 감소하기 시작하였다. ② 사회적 불안이 증폭되어 장시의 수가 감소한 것은 시장의 위축으로 해석된다. ③ 지대율이 장기적으로 고정되어 있었다면 단위토지당 지대량의 감소는 토지생산성의 감소로 이해된다. ④ 농촌의 실질임금이 19세기 중엽 이후 하락한 것은 생활수준의 주요 지표가 된다. (※ 강의 내용 및 강의 슬라이드 참조) 9. 조선후기 농가경제의...
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...Origin and Development of Korean Mask Dance Dramas Mask dance drama is one typical type of Korean traditional dramas, which is originated from the primitive Shamanistic ritual ceremony, and developed in court and among common people throughout Korean history. In both aspects, a prosperous development has been gained and the final form of the Korean Mask dance drama has been shaped in the Joseon period. Due to various reasons, the arts have been largely lost in the development of the modernization. After the independence, calls for the protection measures of Korean mask dance dramas grew louder domestically, and eventually, it has got a new lease of life under the policy of national intangible cultural protection being carried out in 1960s. By now, there are totally only 13 valuable Korean Mask dance dramas inherited are acknowledged as national intangible cultural heritage. During the spreading and inheriting process, some of the dramas have lost their vitality, while some others have gained new developments and have showed a significant impact on people’s social life. The Origin of Korean Mask Dance Dramas In Korean traditional society, the concept of hierarchy was deeply rooted in people’s mind, common people couldn’t speak ill of the people in power, and that is one reason why masks became popular in Korean traditional society. The masks offered freedom for performers to anonymously express their criticisms...
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...Two Kinds By Amy Tan I was born in Korea and was raised in a Korean family. Korean society has been developing rapidly compared to other countries that have gone through war. Korean people assume that the education is the key that led the society to develop rapidly. My parents never had an opportunity to have a dream and have a greater education. Both of my parents only graduated high school since their parents believed making money by learning technical skills was more important. Paying money to receive higher education was a waste of money. Back then making money was more important since Korea was a very poor country. But now a lot of things have changed. Now the society thinks that Education is the key to success. While seeing how Tan’s mother talk to Amy Tan it reminded me of my mother a lot. My mother always said that if you try hard enough you would be able to be who ever you want. Since my mother never had the opportunity to dream she started to brainwash me by giving me ideas of what type of job I should get when I grow up. In the end she concluded that I should be a doctor. Since in Korea that is one of the most stable and respected job. So she started to find private tutors for math, history etc… so that I would be on top of my class. But I would always be against her since I knew that I don’t like studying deep inside of my heart. I knew that I could never follow my mother’s expectation. It was her dream of me being a doctor not mine. I was never interested in...
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...Three Kingdoms Period of Korea The Three Kingdoms period of Korea is an important part of world history. This research paper will describe the three kingdoms of Korea, from 57 Before Common Era until 688 Common Era into the Unified Silla Kingdom period. The history and art from these periods will be discussed in order to show the impact it has had on the Korean culture. This paper will show the Influence China had when the Koreans created their empire and works of art. The Three Kingdoms period of Korea began in 57 BCE due, in part, to the Chinese occupation of the western peninsula. There were many tribes in Korea, prior to 100 BCE, when the Chinese fought and gained control of the western peninsula. The strongest of all the Korean tribes were migratory hunters known as the Koguryo tribe. (Korean Enigma, 2004). The Koguryo tribe was a difficult adversary for the Chinese and made it difficult to for them to keep their stronghold. The Chinese were forced to leave their three outposts in Korea, giving the territory back to the Koguryo tribe. The Koguryo tribe overtook the Chinese, Okcho and Ye tribes, and incorporated them into their own. The powerful Koguryo tribe continued battling the Chinese and eventually conquered half of Manchuria. (Korean Enigma, 2004). The Han Tribes also occupied Korea during this period. With the defeat of the Chinese, the Hans branched out and formed two separate kingdoms, Paekche and Silla. The Three Kingdoms of Korea included Koguryo, Paekche...
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...KOREAN LITERATURE Korean literature is the body of literature produced by Koreans, mostly in the Korean language and sometimes in Classical Chinese. For much of Korea's 1,500 years of literary history, it was written in Hanja. It is commonly divided into classical and modern periods, although this distinction is sometimes unclear. Korea is home to the world's first metal and copper type, world's earliest known printed document and the world's first featural script. ------------------------------------------------- General overview In general, the written arts have a tradition in epigraphic inscriptions on stones, in early tombs, and on rarely found bamboo pieces that formed early books. Repeated invasions and sacking of the east and west capitals, as well as the difficulty in preserving written texts on bamboo, make works before 1000 rare. Those works were entirely written in Chinese characters, the language of scholars, but of course incorporated Korean words and mindset. Medieval scholars in Korea learned and employed written Chinese as western schoolmen learned Latin: as a lingua franca for the region. It helped cultural exchanges extensively. Notable examples of historical records are very well documented from early times, and as well Korean books with movable type, often imperial encyclopedias or historical records, were circulated as early as the 7th century during the Three Kingdoms era from printing wood-blocks; and in the Goryeo era the world's first metal type...
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...Open main menu Last edited 29 days ago by Aleaxwordernen Music of Korea EditWatch this page This page has some issues Korean.Music-Parade-01.jpg Traditional Korean music includes combinations of the folk, vocal, religious and ritual music styles of the Korean people. Korean music, along with arts, painting and sculpture has been practiced since prehistoric times.[1] Two distinct musical cultures exist in Korea today: traditional music (Gugak) and Western music (yangak). The history of Korean music is divided into three Terran periods: ancient, medieval and modern. The first period, or the ancient one, dates from the ancient tribal states to the foundation of Goryeo dynasty. The distinguishing characteristics of this period can be found in the development of akkamu (music, songs, and dance) comprising the kamu (singing and dancing) or angmu (music and dance) performed in the worship rites of heaven and Earth of the ancient society, the introduction of some instruments from Central Asia during the Three Kingdoms period (57 B.C.-668 AD), and the development of hyangakki (indigenous instruments) in each of the Three Kingdoms. Thus, in southern Manchuria, music and dance developed in worship rites and rituals such as the Yonggo of the Buyeo state, the Dongmaeng of the Goguryeo state, and the Much'on of the Ye tribal state, while in the Samhan, the Kip'ungje provides an example of song and dance in connection with an agricultural ritual. Thus, the religious song and dance...
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...e-commerce business. To face the competitions from the companies in the same type, I agree with that they are going to make a virtual world to further reduce the competition. Moreover, while fighting to stay at the front line in Chinese e-commerce, Alibaba has ambitions of going international. Its initial strategy to bring Taobao abroad is clear: target Chinese users outside mainland China. As the mere description in Part 1, expanding to Korea with wholly owned model is the best way for a company like Alibaba. I think Alibaba’s main goal is maintaining their status in Asian by entering Korea. Alibaba’s intermediary model has replicability, which provides samples for other competitors to enter the industry, also increased their own competitors. It’s easy to enter the service industries with low barriers. Entering Korea could increase the popularity of Alibaba and bring more foreign capitals for them. With the international brand and huge capital’s help, Alibaba can beat new competitors easily. Moreover, with the China-South Korea Free Trade...
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...Introduction To date, World War II was the world’s worst event in human history. Colonisation is one of the reasons as to why World War II was the most horrific. Many Asian nations such as Korea, Vietnam and the part of China and so on were colonised by the European powers and Japan during World War II. And it had been raging for more than four years. Although several Asian nations were decolonised by the European powers and Japan after World War II, the wounds of the war were too serious; millions of people died and women raped and killed. Survived people still have suffered permanent injury from disease, psychological trauma of the war and social ostracism. Now, today’s Asian cinemas have been portrayed as traumatic memories of military terror to remind the history. This essay shed light on the significance of trauma in both films; The Flowers of War and The White Silk Dress in connection with the history of Korea. The Flowers of War In 1937, Nanking (today more commonly called Nanjing) Massacre was enforced for 6 weeks by Japanese troops. Millions of Chinese people cruelly died regardless of age or sex. It is also called as The Rape of Nanking, because the Japanese troops raped and killed a great number of Chinese women (Chambers 2010). The Chinese movie, the Flowers of War shows the bald historical fact of Nanjing Massacre in 1937. It is a remake of the Chinese novella, 13 Flowers of Nanjing. Then China’s Nationalist party developed friendly relations with the Nazi Germany...
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...Writ 1301 The Tears of Korean Comfort Women After Chosun (the former name of Korea) was invaded by Japan in 1910, Korean women were forcibly sent to Japan as comfort women: sex slaves of the Japanese military. ‘Comfort woman’ is a euphemism for a female sexual slave to the Japanese Imperial Army before and during World War II. The Japanese military recruited young and unmarried Asian women to join the military, then sent them to brothels in China and other Asian and Pacific countries in order to “comfort” Japanese soldiers. One of the few surviving Korean comfort women, Soon-duk Kim, gave the following testimony to Sangmie Choi Schellstede, the editor of the book, Comfort Women Speak: Testimony by Sex Slaves of the Japanese Military: “I was promised a job as a military nurse…[however, the Japan military took us to] a ruined village of Shanghai. Rooms were divided into tiny cubicles. Each of our fifty girls was divided to one of these cubicles. Now this house became a brothel, and we were sex slaves in it” (38). Kim was wounded due to numerous rape. She explained about the horrible remedy she received: “One day our manager gave me packets of black powder to take once a day…[But] after I used it several times, he then told me the powder was made from a leg of a Chinese soldier’s corpse” (38). This experience is not limited to Kim. Approximately 200,000 Korean women suffered as sex slaves of Japan’s military system before and during the World War II. Today, however, not many...
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...and Shikoku, which are the four largest. The closest countries to Japan are Korea, Russia and China. The Sea of Japan divides it from the continent. More than 50% of Japan is mountainous and covered in forest. Japan's population is about 125,000,000 people with 336 people per square kilometer for population density. Japan is located in a region so many continental plates meet there. This causes many earthquakes, the worst in history was The Great Kanto Earthquake. It hit the Kanto plain around Tokyo in 1995. The climate of Japan is different everywhere. The climate in most major cities like Japan is subtropic. The winters are mild and the summers are hot and humid. There is a rainy season...
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...ruler doesn’t follow virtues of “human-heartedness, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and good faith”, it is dangerous. These virtues are important principles of Buddhism. Additionally, trade was a significant way to spread Buddhism around Japan. Traveling Japanese merchants most likely learned about Buddhism because of their trips to Southeast Asia, where India resides. Britannica.com states, “Buddhism arose in northeastern India sometime between the late 6th century and the early 4th century BCE…. Spreading from India to Central and Southeast Asia, China, Korea, and Japan, Buddhism has played a central role in the spiritual, cultural, and social life of Asia.” The Korean and Chinese people practiced Buddhism, which was taken from India, so Buddhist priests from these countries travelled to Japan. Along with Buddhism spreading through trade, trade goods helped the Japanese economy. In chapter three of Louis G. Perez’s, “The History of Japan”, he wrote Chinese and Koreans traded brocades, silk, cotton,...
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...The rise and fall of one of the most powerful dynasties in the Korean history, the Silla Dynasty. From the very beginning of the establishment of the kingdom, Silla had conflicts with other two neighboring kingdoms, Koguryo from its north and Paekche, which was located to its west. However, after years of battles between these three kingdoms Silla was successful in conquering other two kingdoms, and emerged three of them under Silla Dynasty. This gave the Korean society sense of nationality for the first time and provided Silla Dynasty massive power over the peninsula. In this essay I will discus the fact that Buddhism played major role in both rise and fall of the Silla Dynasty. First of all, the main factor that helped Silla Dynasty to gain...
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... And South Korea 대한민국 Introduction South Korea and Japan have had a close relationship from ancient history to the present day. Because of this reason, their economic growth and development have similarities and disparate differences. This paper will discuss some of the two countries’ major characteristics including geographic, social, and political characteristics and look at their histories and economies. Another reason that it is natural to compare them is their economic growth has mirrored one another. Both emerged from a war with its economy devastated and its infrastructure in ruins. Both countries changed with the economic climate of the time and took advantage of foreign investment in order to rebuild. Finally, both countries used their strengths to develop their economies to the point that they are world leaders in their field. Finally, both counties enjoy close political and economic relations with the United States, with each country being among our Top 10 largest trading partners. We have been a good friend to both, which has helped to stabilize relations in the regions between the two. Brief History (Since World War 2) The Korean Peninsula was occupied by Japanese forces for 35 years, from 1910 until the end of WW2 in 1945. Due to existing agreements, Japanese forces in Northern Korea surrendered to the Soviets and those in South Korea to the United States. The Korean War (1950-1953) was an attempt by communist North Korea (with China’s...
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