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History of Minority Populations


Submitted By farah4
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History of Minority Populations in the Child Welfare System

Honore'-Collins, C. P. (2005). THE IMPACT OF AFRICAN AMERICAN INCARCERATION ON AFRICAN AMERICAN CHILDREN IN THE CHILD WELFARE SYSTEM. Race, Gender & Class, 12(3/4), 107-118. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. African Americans are excessively represented in child welfare systems and in the American Judiciary System. The history of America shows how discriminatory laws have affected those in the two systems. It took the struggle of civil rights for African American children to be included in the child welfare system. Steps are needed to control the overwhelming numbers of African Americans represented in both systems. There is still much need for qualitative and quantitave research involving the connectivity between the two systems so that social workers, researchers, political scientists, and policy makers can make an attempt to collaborate and find alternative prevention plans. Service provisions are needed to address African Americans and their children in these situations. Documentation is necessary from those working in both systems over the inclusion of African Americans in these systems.

Lundgren, Lena M., Robert F. Schilling, and Susan D. Peloquin. "Evidence-based drug treatment practice and the child welfare system: the example of methadone." Social Work 50.1 (2005): 53+. General OneFile. Web. 10 July 2011. Child welfare agencies should have policies to promote training programs so that the social workers may become knowledgeable and fully aware of the different types of treatments available of treatment for parental drug abusers. There is a great need for integration between the two in the child welfare system. The article discussed a methadone type treatment plan made available to heroin addicted parents. It is not discussed in state to state policies about methadone treatments being an option for heroin addicted parents. The article sought findings from 15 different social work journals that were published between the years of 1996 to 2002 and included reviews from child welfare policies in 27 different states. Only three of those states indicated methadone as a treatment option for opiate addicted parents in the child welfare system.
Nybell, L. M., & Sylvia, S. G. (2004). Race, place, space: Meanings of cultural competence in three child welfare agencies. Social Work, 49(1), 17-17-26. Retrieved from Culturally competent organizational development data is known so little in taking into account social services delivery. This article has taken data from three different nonprofit child and family agencies serving the same metropolitan area. Cultural competency has been a target of workers through the goals of broadening self awareness and enhancing different intervention strategies on which they gain knowledge of. There is a lot of integration of staff that seems to happen and the talk of developing staffing complementations, but then a plan is not put into place. In many of the places it was relevant that staff jumped to attention at the mention of cultural competency training programs. The staffing and leadership roles of a human service organization should be culturally competent in ways that revolve around the diversity of clients.

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