...Hitch Plot summary Alex "Hitch" Hitchens (Will Smith) is a professional "date doctor", or consultant as Hitch terms himself, who coaches other men in the art of having the perfect date with the woman of their dreams. While coaching one of his clients, Albert Brennaman (Kevin James), who is smitten with celebrity Allegra Cole (Amber Valletta), Hitch finds himself falling for Sara Melas (Eva Mendes), a gossip columnist who is determined to unmask and ruin the so-called date doctor after one of his "clients" (with whom Hitch refused to work) had a one-night stand with her best friend. However, where Albert and Allegra's relationship continues to progress, Hitch finds that none of his tried and tested methods are working on himself, despite being a master of the art. After Hitch is unmasked, he and Sara break up, and Allegra and Albert follow suit. Finally, Hitch confronts Allegra and convinces her to reunite with Albert, before reconciling with Sara. In the process, he makes the startling discovery that he doesn't really do anything significant, and that most of his customers (particularly Albert) really were successful by just being themselves. In the end, Albert and Allegra get married and celebrate their marriage with Hitch and Sara, who are also back together again. Hitch, reflecting on love's unpredictability, addresses the audience in the last line, "Basic principles... There are none." Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitch_(film)#Plot_Summary taken on Dec. 24...
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...Hitch Review We look forward to different types of entertainments to get a good laugh or have a good time. Specifically movies are used as a major part of entertainment Hitch, for example, came out in 2005. It produced by Will smith, James Lassiter, and Teddy Zee. This movie was directed by Andy Tennant. What were the most interesting things and what didn’t really appeal have an important role on the outcome of the movie production. The criteria must be completely met in order to get a complete idea of how the movie was created or to fulfill its purpose. The three most important criteria to evaluate Hitch include plot, acting, and cinematography. Over the matter of accomplishing the point or plot of a movie, I would give it a six out of six. They kept it simple and basic which it was clear to understand the main points. For example, Will Smith was to be a dating coach to Albert and many others while also struggling with his love life. The movie was a decent length, not too long or not too short. It is long enough to keep your attention to it without boring you. It keeps you interested and foreshadowing what might happen next. There are many moments where this movie is obviously a comedy but it also falls within romance. With that being said, it includes moments of weird dances, kick to the face, and romantic scenes. Of course within a good movie there is always a recognized actor that makes the movie even better. The amazing actor Will Smith made his character so realistic...
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...Hitch Daniela Stewart COM: 200 Instructor: Berverlee Matts November 8, 2011 Communication is in our lives through talking, listening and even body language. In the movie “Hitch” one is shown this through nonverbal communication, how the characters listen to themselves as well as one another and through the changing perceptions of the characters. By watching Hitch, Sarah, Albert and Allegra one is able to see how having communication, proper or not, affects how are lives are. The main character Hitch gives the most information on communication within the film. Throughout the movie one hears Hitch explaining that in any relationship listening is very important. In the opening scene we see an actor listening to his date on their walk showing that by listening one is able to form a better relationship with others. Ironically listening is the one thing that Hitch lacks himself. In the scene where Albert is begging Hitch to make things better with Allegra, it’s clear that all the talk of listening never applied to Hitch. Hitch didn’t practice what he preached. Hitch demonstrates how not listening can help when he deliberately gave the beautiful lady in the bar money for a drink when he knew that...
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...others. He can give his clients quick answers with much sense. 7. Hitch has shown a lot of interpersonal skills while being engaged in something. He was able to show his capability of thinking logically and reasoning inductively and deductively. He never let money change his principles in life concerning his job, as well as let it make him do jobs that are against his morals. He was able to make good impressions to his clients and maintain a good relationship with them. And lastly, he never freaked out when new problems arise after the other. He always showed his clients that he is worthy of their trust. 8. The consulting process applied by Hitch in every engagement he had in the movie is exactly the same with what we have discussed. It started with him the identifying the problems of his clients and doing researches, then formulating alternative solutions to each problem. He then selects the best out of all those alternatives. After finding out the best alternative, Hitch then proceeds to the planning. After all the above mentioned steps are completed, the devised plan will now be placed into action. 9. The first barrier the Hitch experienced with his client in the movie is the inability to understand technical language. Since Hitch always uses metaphor when conversing with his clients, they might not get the technicality of some words Hitch says. So some words may give meanings different from what Hitch really intends to. The second barrier is the inadequate...
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...Contents Introduction 3 Service Delivery of Basic Education Curriculum Reform 4 Project management in Education Curriculum Reform 5 In Conclusion 6 Reference 7 Introduction Effective project management is the clear back bone to service delivery. Governments in the vastness of their administration requirements are often unable to maintain either everyday or random tasks of service delivery. This could be due to various reasons, such as; lack of communication, misunderstanding the chain of command, individuals or groups being appointed to complete such tasks that have insufficient knowledge and/or authority required for the fulfilment of such tasks etc. etc. Such shortfalls on tasks as vitally important to a country as service delivery can cripple Government infrastructure and create political unrest amongst unsatisfied citizens. When we are referring to ramifications of this extent, it is imperative that governments / organisations implement safety measures that cover and maintain the correct execution of service delivery. Project management is a clear and concise method that can be implemented simply and cost effectively, and integrate simply into existing infrastructure. Basically what Project Management boils down to, is a simplified process of getting the right person, with the required authority and capability to manage a need, and ensure the fulfilment of said need. So instead of having various groups, reporting to various authorities, with...
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...You are far from any help and must rely on yourself to get to safety. You are your last hope to be saved. What is your next step? Are you going to simply jump 150 feet to safety? There is only one option: lower yourself down the rope. The only question is “How?” Well, it is a good thing you are prepared and know the Munter hitch. Right? A Munter hitch is a knot that originally served the same purpose as modern rappel devices and now serves as an essential backup. In order to use the Munter hitch you need to have the right equipment. It is of paramount importance to obtain the correct...
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...Consultancy Movie: Hitch (1) Alex “Hitch” Hitchen is a professional dating consultant, which provides advice and information about problems of men who don’t have the skills to court the woman of their dreams as well as helping them implement a strategy to make a turning point in their love life. The consultation, consists of advice and information provided to the clients about the don’ts and dos when it comes to women (ex. Hitch said to Albert, “concentrate, focus... women respond when you respond to them”), while the engagement part consists of the dating arrangements made by Hitch to his clients. (2) The valuable reasons why clients hired Hitch are the following: an agent of change, as professional advisor and counselor, to provide solution to their love problems, offering learning. (3) Corrective problem involves a worsened condition that requires urgent action. Ex: The action done by Hitch to save the dying relationship of Albert by explaining to Allegra that he have done nothing and it’s the real personality of Albert that she have seen so far. Progressive problem contains situation that can be improved. Ex: The dates that Hitch prepared to his clients to develop a deeper relationship to the women they love. Opportunistic problem consists of situation in which opportunity exists. Ex: The skill that Hitch has being the date doctor provides him an advantage when he courted Sara. (4) The techniques and/or methodologies applied by Hitch in his service includes...
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...allowed to own cattle. Selkirk also said some cowboys change their owner¡¦s brand to their own brand. Charlie Waide trusted his men and believed this idea was wrong. He felt that his cowboys were like his friend and he wouldn¡¦t do this to them. Several days later, Joe Sand was injured and Hitch took him to town. After he took Joe to the doctor, he went to the Cowboys Bar to find a place for Joe to stay in town. He saw Gossett and Cottingham in there. They tried to convence Hitch to join the cowboy strike. Hitch said he was loyal to Charlie and would not strike against him. After he came back from town Charlie asked him about the cowboys rule. Hitch said they wouldn¡¦t strike against him. Short after, Selkirk came to threat Charlie to came to the rancher¡¦s meeting which were going to talk about the cowboys rule. Charlie brought Hitch with him. After the meeting, Charlie still couldn¡¦t agree to take away the cowboys right to have cattle of their own or forbid them to have their own horse in the company remuda. On their way back they stop at Law McGinty¡¦s house and from Law¡¦s wife, Kate, Hitch knew Law lie to him that he were came back look for Kate. Kate was also Hitch¡¦s secret love. When Hitch was back from the meeting he wanted Law to went back and took care of Kate. He followed Law that day and...
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...Trailer Hitches BUS_415 September 06, 2010 In this instance the case would be tried in civil court because no criminal law was broken. Civil law is based upon a published code of statutes, whereas criminal law is decided on interpretation of the law found in a courtroom. Civil law decides on private rights and liabilities, as opposed to criminal law, which determines guilt. For example in a criminal court, the defendant may be found guilty of stabbing the waiter at a local Italian restaurant with a limp noodle, and the civil court would find him liable for damage the he inflicted on the waiter’s car after the unsavory meal. Judicial review is one of the unique features of United States constitutional law. It is no surprise to find that the power of the federal courts to test federal and state legislative enactments and other actions by the standards of what the Constitution grants and withholds is nowhere expressly conveyed. But it is hardly noteworthy that its legitimacy has been challenged from the first, and, while now accepted generally, it still has detractors and its supporters disagree about its doctrinal basis and its application. Although it was first asserted in Marbury v. Madison to strike down an act of Congress as inconsistent with the Constitution, judicial review did not spring full-blown from the brain of Chief Justice Marshall. The concept had been long known, having been utilized in a much more limited form by Privy Council review of colonial legislation...
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...example of how the 4 brands could be easily changed to be a LR with two simple lines. They took offence to this accusation and drew their guns. Thankfully Hitch was able to stop from any violence or gunshot happening. After this incident, many of the major owners within the areas had come to the agreement that there had to be changes, especially with how Charlie let his men run their own cattle. For many years prior to this altercation, many cowboys could start cattle businesses with small herds, raised them on open grass fields and eventually gather enough cattle to develop into larger herds. Cowboys worked for the ranchers however they were also free to brand the maverick calves as their own and thus build their own herds. This gave room for prosperity for cowboys if they had enough ambition. Joe Sands broke his leg the next morning following the incident, and Hitch was given the responsibility of getting him to the doctor. After dropping Joe off at the doctor, Hitch wandered into a cowboy bar that was ran by Fant Gosset. While drinking, Asher Cottingham entered the bar and slammed down a piece of paper onto the bar. He was complaining about the new rules that ranchers planned to impose onto cowboys. Asher also spoke about a cowboy strike to impose the ranchers to raise wages and to get them to abolish the new rules. Hitch did...
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...State of Confusion Paper University of Phoenix State of Confusion Paper Tanya Trucker is an owner of a trucking company in the state of Denial, and some of her truck drivers need to go through state of Confusion. Tanya Trucker is upset about the fact of every time her trucks need to go through the state of Confusion they need to be equipped with a specific trailer hitch, which is made only in the state of Confusion. Tanya Trucker is frustrated because of the fact the Federal government has not been involved so far in regard to the state of Confusion obligating truckers to buy the required hitch or go around in which may cost more money than purchasing the required hitch. Why should the truck drivers buy a specific trailer hitch that the state of Confusion sells and requires no one knows if it is more secure than those already on the trucks. Tanya Trucker is weary of this outrage and wants for something to be done. Tanya Trucker has decided to file lawsuit against the state of Confusion to end this hitch dilemma and overturn the statute once and for all. In Tanya’s preparations to pursue this lawsuit she needs to first find what court will have the jurisdiction over the case. If Tanya Trucker case is strong enough she may file at the civil division of the state trial courts. The general jurisdiction trial courts would first hear testimony and seek any evidence presented that can determine the strength. If Tanya Trucker’s case would get thrown out she can seek her appeal...
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...are many technical terms that will be defined in this paper so that you can have a better understanding of what is being discussed. The mise en scène is the main point of this paper which is what is seen in a movie. I have chosen a clip from the movie Hitch. (movieclips.com, 2005, 4/8, Hitch) The elements necessary for a well-designed film are; the artist’s involved in the film’s production, lighting, setting, costuming, makeup, and hairstyle, these are all part of the mise en scène that is being covered. “Many people contribute to the creation of a film.” (Goodykoontz & Jacobs, 2011) We (the people and critics), the screenwriters, the actors, the cinematographers, the editors, and directors all play a very important role in the creation of a movie. The two most important to be discussed are the director and the art director, sometimes called the production designer. “The director is the person with the ultimate responsibility for the overall film.” (Goodykoontz & Jacobs, 2011) The art director or production designer is “the person who determines the staging requirements for a production and often designs the sets or supervises their building and dressing.” (dictionary.com, 2012) The director of the movie Hitch is Andy Tennant. As the director, with the ultimate responsibility, Tennant must make sure that the finished film reflects his personal vision. (Goodykoontz & Jacob, 2011) Tennant also directs the actors and the action while shooting. This means he is the...
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...BUS/415 Charles Ellison June 30, 2012 State of Confusion The state of Confusion is requiring that all truck drivers that drive through their state have a specific B-type hitch on their trailers. If they do not have these hitches they are required to drive around the state of Confusion. However, the only manufacturer of these hitches is also located in Confusion as well. Tanya Trucker is from the state of Denial and plans to bring a lawsuit to remove this restriction on the grounds that this statute is unconstitutional. Tanya truck would have to file the suit within the state of Confusion at the Federal Court because this is where the restriction is being imposed but the federal government is who overseas interstate commerce. Other reasons are due to the fact that the hitch restriction is in this state and the federal government has not made any regulations themselves that require this hitch. Also, the state of Denial has no jurisdiction over the state of Confusion. This statute is not constitutional on the grounds that it is extremely restrictive. A truck cannot be expected to purchase this hitch when the only place to get it is in the state of Confusion. There is no way to drive into the state without first violating their statute to begin with because that is the only place they can first purchase the hitch. Also this standard is only set in one state and is not required in any other states. On the other hand, each state is given the right to govern the freeways going through...
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...Running head: STATE OF CONFUSION PAPER State of Confusion Paper BUS/415 February 14, 2012 State of Confusion Paper This paper will serve to briefly discuss the case between the state of Confusion and Tanya Trucker. The state of Confusion enacted a statute that requires all trucks to use a B-type truck hitch. Trucks and trailers who did not have the B-type truck hitch had two options; the trucks would have to stop and have a B-type hitch installed or refrain from using Confusion’s highways. At the time of statute, the federal government had no regulations on truck hitches or type requirements. Ironically, the B-type hitch's are manufactured by one company in Confusion. Tanya Trucker, the owner of a trucking company outside the state of Confusion has trucks that use Confusion’s highways. Tanya has serious concerns about the statute and the expense it imposes on her business. In an effort to eliminate additional expenses and truck hitch regulations, Tanya will file suit in an attempt to overturn the statute. Jurisdiction Tanya Trucker's company is located in the state of Denial and is filing suit against the state of Confusion. This lawsuit will involve citizens of different states. According to Cheeseman (2010), "A case may be brought to federal court if there is diversity of citizenship"(p. 41). Diversity of citizenship also requires that all cases exceed $75,000. If this requirement is not met that it...
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...State of Confusion Law/415 October 17, 2011 State of Confusion The state of Confusion is enforcing a law ordering trucks and towing trailers using their roadways to use a B-type truck hitch. The B-type hitch the state is implying about is the only maker in the state of Confusion. The dispute this cause for Tanya Trucker is the effect of this law passing and requiring her drivers to stop in Confusion and obtain the installation of the B-type hitch or drive completely around the vicinity. The information presented will explain the jurisdiction, of which court Tanya Trucker will be able to file an appeal, what arrangement of the United States Constitution will apply to the U.S. Court to decide the statutes grounds, also whether the Confusion statute is constitutional, and to see if Tanya is destined to prevail on her lawsuit. Court Jurisdiction Tanya lives in the state of Denial and is placing an appeal against the state of Confusion. The federal government has the right to attest safety obligations for vehicles, which also include trucks. For the simple fact that Tanya proceed with the federally direct rules and obligations, Tanya’s business can now have permission to travel on the interstate in the state of Confusion. Tanya Trucker could file a claim in a federal court based on an unconstitutional restraint on trade or violation of the Commerce Clause of the Constitution. The Commerce Clause, Article I Section 8 Clause 3 of the Constitution of the...
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