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Home Health Social Worker: A Case Study

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In any medical setting the geriatric social worker should assess for Medicaid qualification and begin the process if qualifications are met. Medicaid assistance helps the elderly with low income to receive health care benefits and community assistance based on the type of coverage (Arnason, 2001). For the same case scenario, the SNF social worker can add on a home health social worker to follow up on the services and Medicaid application. Once approved, the resident should have the tools necessary to call the assigned Medicaid Quest health plan to assess qualification of home services to be implemented like the meals on wheels and chore services. Perhaps by this time the hip fracture has healed well and the resident has completed home health services. The home health therapist may have …show more content…
Depending on the setting and needs of the individual, other sources that would benefit an elderly person needing assistance with activities of daily living can be adult day health services, care home or assisted living placements, and available respite amenities in the community. Activities of daily living according to can be actions such as feeding self, dressing self, and being able to transfer self (, n.d.). If a resident or family member were open to some of these resources, the social worker can determine what can be covered by Medicaid insurance and the estimated out of pocket costs especially for private pay placements. With Medicaid coverage, the medical knowledge of the social worker is important to know what level of care the individual meets and therefore what placement is appropriate. Not only does the medical side interplay with the geriatric-focused resources available, there can be other factors involved that requires legal

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