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rkPolisi untuk menindak pembalap jalanan menyusul perkelahian yang fatal
Iman Mahditama, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Tue, 11:03 AM 2012/04/10
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Setelah dua perkelahian yang fatal terakhir yang melibatkan pembalap jalanan, Kepolisian Jakarta telah mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan meningkatkan patroli di daerah rawan balap jalanan dengan harapan memberantas kegiatan ilegal. "Kami akan memberikan perintah kepada semua kantor polisi di kota dan kabupaten di bawah yurisdiksi kami untuk meningkatkan patroli di daerah-daerah untuk memberikan rasa lebih menjamin keamanan bagi semua warga Jakarta, "juru bicara polisi Kombes. Rikwanto kepada wartawan, Senin. Ia mengatakan, jika perlu, polisi akan mendirikan posting permanen di beberapa daerah untuk menjaga keamanan setiap saat. "cara ini, jika petugas melihat indikasi bahwa perlombaan jalan akan segera dimulai, mereka dapat melakukan apa pun untuk mencegah perkelahian secepat mungkin, "katanya. Polda Metro Jaya Kombes operasi. Agung Budi Maryoto mengatakan, polisi telah memberikan "perhatian khusus" ke tempat-tempat yang dikenal untuk balap jalanan. Dia bernama Jl. Asia Afrika dan Jl. Benyamin Sueb, Jakarta Pusat dan Jl. Danau Sunter Utara di Jakarta Utara, serta Jl. Pemuda dan sekitar Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) taman budaya di Jakarta Timur sebagai salah satu tempat sasaran. Dia juga mengutip Jl. Raya Panjang, jalan-jalan di daerah Cengkareng Jakarta Barat dan Jl. TB Simatupang, Jakarta Selatan. "Selalu ada polisi patroli di wilayah ini, ditangani oleh kantor masing-masing polisi," katanya. Tiga perkelahian yang mengerikan dalam tiga hari berturut-turut yang melibatkan geng sepeda motor terjadi di Jakarta dalam seminggu terakhir. Polisi telah menemukan bahwa dendam pribadi mungkin telah motif untuk serangan mengerikan yang mengarah ke pembunuhan. Sekitar pukul 01:30 Jumat, 10 pemain di lima sepeda motor menyerang seorang remaja, Ahmad Gunawan, dan tiga orang temannya di Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta. Selama serangan itu, Ahmad, 23, menderita luka di kepala, dada dan lengan. Teman-temannya bergegas membawanya ke Rumah Sakit Pondok Indah, tapi dia meninggal setelah kehilangan sejumlah besar darah. Sekitar pukul 2:50 am Sabtu, Soleh, 17, kakak Zaenal dan dua teman, Reza dan Ardian, hendak mengisi sepeda motor mereka di sebuah pompa bensin di Jl. Danau Sunter Utara di Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara, ketika mereka tiba-tiba diserang oleh sekelompok pengendara sepeda motor. Soleh meninggal setelah mengalami luka tusukan mendalam untuk sisi kiri pinggangnya. Zaenal dan Reza menderita luka pada kepala mereka, sementara Ardian menerima cedera ringan. Pada hari Minggu, sekitar pukul 02:30, empat remaja yang nongkrong di Jl. Benyamin Sueb di Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat, ketika sekelompok pengendara sepeda motor 30 mengerumuni pada mereka dan menyerang mereka menggunakan senjata tajam. Para remaja menderita luka berbagai tapi selamat.Muhammad Syarif digorok di mata kanannya. Teman-temannya Fajri, Reza dan Mul yang setiap ditusuk di punggung. Salah satu sepeda motor juga dibakar. Polisi mengatakan, Tanjung Priok dan serangan Kemayoran mungkin telah dilakukan oleh geng yang sama, dengan alasan bahwa penyerang dicat wajah mereka putih sebelum kedua serangan. "Kami membentuk tim investigasi gabungan, yang terdiri dari detektif kota markas polisi, serta mereka yang berasal dari kantor polisi di Jakarta Utara dan Jakarta Pusat, untuk menangani kasus ini, "kata Rikwanto.

Police to crack down on street racers following fatal brawls
Iman Mahditama, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Tue, 04/10/2012 11:03 AM
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Following two recent fatal brawls involving street racers, the Jakarta Police have announced that they will increase patrols in areas prone to street racing in the hope of eradicating the illegal activity.

“We will give orders to all police offices in municipalities and regencies under our jurisdiction to increase patrols in these areas to provide a better sense of security for all Jakartans,” police spokesman Sr. Comr. Rikwanto told reporters on Monday.

He said that, if necessary, police would set up permanent posts in some areas to maintain security at all times.

“This way, if the officers see any indication that a street race is about to begin, they can do whatever it takes to prevent brawls as quickly as possible,” he said.

Jakarta Police operations chief Sr. Comr. Agung Budi Maryoto said police have given “special attention” to spots known for street racing.

He named Jl. Asia Afrika and Jl. Benyamin Sueb in Central Jakarta and Jl. Danau Sunter Utara in North Jakarta, as well as Jl. Pemuda and around the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) cultural park in East Jakarta as among the spots targeted.

He also cited Jl. Raya Panjang, streets in the Cengkareng area in West Jakarta and Jl. TB Simatupang in South Jakarta.

“There have always been police patrols in these areas, handled by their respective police offices,” he said.

Three horrific brawls in three consecutive days involving motorcycle gangs have taken place in Jakarta in the past week. Police have found that personal vendettas might have been motives for the horrific assaults that led to the killings.

At around 1:30 a.m. Friday, 10 men on five motorcycles attacked a teenager, Ahmad Gunawan, and three of his friends in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.

During the attack, Ahmad, 23, suffered wounds to his head, chest and arms. His friends rushed him to Pondok Indah Hospital, but he died after losing a large amount of blood.

At around 2:50 a.m. Saturday, Soleh, 17, his brother Zaenal and two friends, Reza and Ardian, were about to fill up their motorcycles at a gas station on Jl. Danau Sunter Utara in Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, when they were suddenly attacked by a group of motorcyclists.

Soleh died after suffering a deep stab wound to the left side of his waist. Zaenal and Reza suffered wounds to their heads, while Ardian received a minor injury.

On Sunday, at around 2:30 a.m., four teenagers were hanging out at Jl. Benyamin Sueb in Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, when a group of 30 motorcyclists ganged up on them and attacked them using sharp weapons.

The teenagers suffered various wounds but have survived. Muhammad Syarif was slashed across his right eye. His friends Fajri, Reza and Mul were each stabbed in the backs. One of their motorcycles was also set alight.

Police said the Tanjung Priok and Kemayoran attacks might have been committed by the same gang, citing that assailants painted their faces white before both attacks.

“We are forming a joint investigation team, comprising detective from the city police headquarters, as well as those from police offices in North Jakarta and Central Jakarta, to handle this case,” Rikwanto said.

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