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Homozygous Child Psychology

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1. Our genes have 2 forms of each of them. One of these forms comes from our mother and the other form comes from our father. These forms of the genes are called alleles. These alleles combine to form the whole gene. If both these alleles or the forms of the gene inherited from both the mother and the father are the same, the child will be homozygous and if these alleles are different, the child will be heterozygous. Since Gilbert has inherited a homozygous pair (DD), he will be dark haired. In the same way, since Jan has inherited a homozygous pair for the blond hair (bb), Jan will have blond hair. Out of dark hair and blond hair, the dark hair is the dominant trait. Therefore, all their children will inherit dark hair.
2. Genetic counseling will help couples who have decided to have a child see whether there are any risks of giving birth to a child with genetic disorder. If so, the genetic counselor will assist the couple to choose another option like adopting or surrogacy. First, the genetic counselor will ask for any family history of having mental retardation, psychological defects, physical defects etc. from the couple. Then, he/she will create a family …show more content…
Another woman will be inseminated with the sperm of the man and this woman will bear the child for 9 months and then the baby will be handed over to the parents to be adopted. The surrogate mother will receive a fee for bearing their child. The advantage of this method is giving hope for a couple who didn’t have hope they could have a child in their life and making it a reality. But some of the surrogate mothers will want their baby after giving birth. Also, if the baby born is defective physically and psychologically, both the parents and the surrogate mother wouldn’t want the child making it an orphan. It is also a matter of conflict whether bearing a baby and giving birth to it should be a commercial

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