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Hormonal Problem Case Study

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What hormonal problem could be causing these system?
The hormonal problems that could be causing this is the fact that his endocrine glands is out of control.
Eric has really large hands and feet and is very tall for his age this is due to the growth hormone being really high and that there is a problem with the anterior pituitary gland because it secretes GH Due to the fact that his testosterone level is low he was not able to mature like an average male. Since his cortisone is low means that his adrenal glands are not functioning properly this is the results of fatigue and being depressed and even stressed. Also since the thyroid controls the metabolism and this can be the cause of him being very small in stature and weak bones resulted …show more content…
Part ll

Should Dr. Kidd tell Eric that he is probably sterile? Why would he be sterile?

Yes, I believe as a physician it's is your duty to inform your patient in regards to their medical history . And to provide the with resources to help them cope with conditions. The reason for him being sterile is due to developing a pituitary tumor this cause his pituitary gland to stop producing testosterone to stop promoting sperm.
2. Is there anything that they could try to do to stimulate spermatogenesis? Why is the absence of facial hair important?
They can try to give him a kind of a hormone that will stimulate the production of sperm. However since he is not showing signs of puberty and that he has no facial hair signifies that his testosterone is not releasing so that it may not have success with a stimulant.

Part III
Why was he growing facial hair? Hint: hcg acts like FSH and LH, which are pituitary hormones that triggers a variety of sexual development and secondary sexual characteristics, whereas testosterone is more of an end-level

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