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Dog Oncology Research Paper

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Oncology for Cats and Dogs
Meta Description: Cancer treatment for pets is not a new field, but recent advances have made it better than it’s ever been. Here’s what you need to know about pet oncology.
Meta Key Words: Dog cancer, Cat cancer, Oncology for pets, Pet Oncology

Cancer Treatment for your Pet or Companion Animal
A cancer diagnosis may be an unfortunate aspect of living with pets or companion animals that many of us have to face, especially as our cats and dogs get on in years. And, while many dog and cat cancers are benign or require minimal treatment, many can be very invasive and ultimately terminal. A cancer diagnosis used to be equivocal with a death sentence for many pets as little as a decade or two ago.
Thankfully, the field of veterinary oncology has come a long way over those last couple of decades. Where once the only humane course of action for many cancer diagnoses was euthanasia, now veterinary oncologists are able to treat cancer and send it into full remission. And, if full remission isn’t possible, many other treatments that provide for a longer life and good quality of life exist.
Veterinary Oncology …show more content…
Some cancers only require a surgery to take care of them, calling for the services of a veterinary surgical oncologist. Most often though, surgery will need to be followed by other therapies including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and others. During the entire treatment process your veterinary oncologist will supervise and adjust the treatment regime. The oncologist will also provide initial follow up care to make sure the cancer remains in

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