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Hispanic Family Research Paper

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In every culture in the world family members have a lot of various roles in the house hold compared to others. I will be explaining the different roles family members have in a variety of different cultures. The cultures that I will be going over are: American, Chinese, Hispanic, Japanese, and Islam. The typical American family as a whole falls under a wide range of various descriptions. American families are not always the typical two biological parents with their biological kids. There are single parent household and there are a lot of blended house holds. In a typical nuclear family American household, the mother does a lot of nurturing for the child, while still going to work. The mother also usually brings structure and unity to the …show more content…
The needs of the family are a lot more significant than that of an individual in a Hispanic family. Mothers in a Hispanic family are the primary care givers. The mother in the household is expected to take care of all the children’s needs as well as that of the elders in the family. Even though now a lot of Hispanic women work outside of the home, they are still expected to nurture the children. The father in the household holds a high position of honor and is in command. In traditional household of Hispanic culture men have more rights that women are denied too. This is not true in many American-Hispanic families, the power is often shared between husband and wife. Hispanic parents raise their children with presumptions, including that they are accountable, and that they are cooperative. Hispanic families really want to make their children happy, and will almost never attend any type of gathering without including their children. Extended family is also very important in the Hispanic culture. There is frequent visiting and gatherings for extended family members to come together. The grandparents often live within Hispanic households. Also if a family member is struggling financially or physically, often the family members take care of them and their

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