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War Horse Research Paper

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War Horse
Joey’s earliest memory is of being taken to the town marketplace with his mother whilst an auction that he did not fully understand took place around him. Two men bid feverishly against each other until the auctioneer brought down his hammer and Joey was led away. He had never been apart from his mother before and started crying for her, hearing her cries for him becoming more and more feint as he was taken further away. Joey's new home was a farm, with plenty of land and a comfortable stable where he was given a stall next to a placid, motherly horse called Zoey. He likes her very much but dislikes the farmer who has purchased him, but forms a deep bond with the farmer's son, Albert, the two becoming soul mates as Albert works hard …show more content…
Emilie is a sickly child who lives with her grandfather on his farm which has been taken by the Germans as their base camp. Emilie comes to consider the horses her own. A German soldier they rescued from the battlefield awards Joey a bloodied Iron Cross medal for bravery. After a summer working on the farm for Emilie's grandfather, the horses have to leave to follow the German army. Emilie is distraught at the loss of her horses. Crazy Friedrich who has become much attached to him now rides Topthorn. As the horses are drinking from the stream Topthorn stumbles and collapses. Joey realizes he has lost his best friend. As they are mourning him the sound of shells exploding begins around them . Friedrich did not manage to get away and was killed a few paces away from Topthorn. Joey stayed with them for as long as possible, not wanting to be alone in the world, but the gunfire and shelling terrified him and he began to run with no particular direction in mind. He ran all night, stumbling over craters and ditches until he felt barbed wire snag his leg. He ripped himself free but his leg was stiffening and as the sun rose he heard excited voices on both sides of him. Joey had found himself trapped in no-mans land between the British and German trenches.A man in a German uniform waved a white handkerchief came out off the trench on one side, followed by …show more content…
As Albert and his friend David clean, the mud from Joey's legs David tells Albert that this horse has the same equal white sock markings that he has told them his horse from the farm had. Then he washes Joey's forehead and finds the white star marking that Joey had. To confirm that it really is Joey, Albert gives the owl-like whistle that he always used to call Joey; Joey responds by going straight to him. Joey and his commanding officer, Major Martin, nurse Joey back from near death to health. The end of the war came suddenly and when the men were about to leave for home Albert asked Major Martin what was going to happen to their horses. He learns that they will be auctioned off likely to local butchers who will slaughter them for meat. Major Marin gives the men every penny if his salary to try to win Joey at auction. The butcher outbids them but at the last minute, another bid is received and he is sold to Emilie's grandfather. Emilie died after the horses left the farm and he wants to but them and keep them in her memory. When he hears Albert's story he sells him Joey for one penny, as long as Albert promises to keep Emilie's memory alive. Albert does so. When they arrive home, Albert rides Joey into the village, and they are welcomes as heroes. Albert

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