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Hunger Of Memory Analysis

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The means of this project is to connect all the characters when discussing their struggles or personal life. Each has coped with it differently, but the overall theme is similar regards to the characters witnessing depression, isolation, assimilation, and family issues. These are all present in Loteria, “Mericans” and Hunger of Memory that these characters are discussing personally through their thoughts mentally and physically writing. The way we are demonstrating is the medium of social media. These characters have been capable of opening up their inner selves and are then capable of making it public for their personal environment to know. If they had the ability to communicate via internet they would express their emotions through the internet …show more content…
The connection of these characters is to a similar understanding of their dilemma, but each is experiencing the situation different. The idea of social media is the ability for all these users to communicate and express their similar feelings. For example, Makayla and Richard are more understanding to how their lives are clashed between religion and culture. Their intersectionality is a complex web that intertwines with similar issues that each are witnessing. Granted Makayla is expressing this mentally for her self-health and does not open up. Richard understands the clash of these identities and how it can bring comfort from stability or unity based upon culture. These characters can relate and express …show more content…
The parents were chosen to be users because of their complex dynamic duo of feelings, abuse, and family distance. Understanding the damage from the parents themselves is more challenging to truly comprehend. Reading the post of their daughters and similarly from other same following accounts can create this rapid effect of repetitive understanding. The mother is a victim of abuse that caused her lead to abandonment. That cause was a major impact that affected her whole family. The absence that happened before was a minimal effect that took a toll for emotionally elimination. All previously named characters are victims of emotional abandonment. The development of growth is all equally the same each holding an important aspect to their

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