...George H. George! English 101 ! ! Judith Warner Analysis ! ! ! Food throughout our entire country seems to come up as a conversation point every single day. Whether that, of where someone should eat, to how we should go to the grocery store, to even how we should better our lifestyle with better choices of food. It is said that some people eat food to live here, while others with live here to eat food. Michelle Obama, wants to make the food that we consume, whether we need to eat or want to eat, a healthier lifestyle point. For many of us, have an uncontrollable intolerance to the food we consume. Which leads to so many illnesses such as obesity, diabetes. She wants to rid Americans of this lack of understanding that plagues the entire country. Thus by starting at the beginning stages, such as our schooling system, and using campaigns on television and billboard to promote healthier lifestyle choices. For the thought is that if we simply promote a healthier lifestyle, then the desire to consume these such livid and awful food would simply walk away. Yet Judith Warner sees another problem in this vision, that the promotion and ideals of eating healthy are too far back in our minds, that the idea of war on food would be a main concentration is absurd, and that the point of getting people to enlist would be almost intolerable. We as a society cannot just look at something and automatically do it, we need a stigma or propaganda to understand the necessity behind it...
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...BRAC Bangladesh: Building a Better Tomorrow James Mason Lindgren Marshalltown, Iowa 2011 Borlaug-Ruan Intern BRAC, Bangladesh May 28, 2011-July 23, 2011 BRAC and The World Food Prize Foundation Lindgren: 2 As I was leaving the comfort of home, the thought of being thrown into a developing country halfway across the globe was an exciting but extremely scary thought; however, it was worth every second. My development, climate change, and mitigative agriculture based internship in Bangladesh forced me to confront discomforting ideas and situations, which altered my global perceptions. My assigned readings and conceptual research were enlightening, however my twelve interviews in four rural villages were illuminating. Not only could I learn from the best, but I was able to help them with my independent research inputs. Table of Contents Acknowledgments Preface: Truth in Poverty Introduction Internship Abstract The People of Bangladesh Climate Change in Bangladesh BRAC: Basics Agriculture and Food Security Crop Intensification for Achieving Food Self-Sufficiency in the Coastal Regions of Bangladesh Research: Case Studies Methodology Severely Affected with Assistance from BRAC Mohammad Jahargiur Maghi Abdur Rahman Talukdar Mohammad Rasul Sheikh Severely Affected with Assistance from GO or other NGO Abdul Halim Sikder Kazi Razzak Mohammad Sakhatwat Hossain Severely Affected with No Assistance Mohammad Suleiman Fazlul Haque Hawladar ...
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...My Stress Action Management Plan Southern New Hampshire University There are many factors in life that we cannot control. Traffic when you’re late to work, work and school deadlines that must be met, children who would rather quarrel than agree. These situations can and most likely will induce stress on an individual. Stress is defined as a state of negative tension in the emotional well-being of a person. Stress is the process on how we handle and cope with our environment (Myers, 2014). This tension, or stressors, can create anxiety, unintended pressure, and can completely hassle a person’s life. Stress relates to the field of Psychology in that it affects the bodies physical and mental state. Negative stress can cause what experts define as psychophysiological illnesses, which include hypertension and migraines (Myers, 2014). Negative stress can also be more taxing on other physical ailments with certain diseases. Throughout the course of my life I’ve had many ups and many downs. There have been situations that I have been in control of, and others that I have not and the stress of these situations has affected my life in different ways. The first stressor in my life I would say would have to be the biggest thing out of my control. February 14, 2011 I was sent to the hospital with a horrible headache. Eventually, my vision became impaired and an MRI and Spinal tap revealed the diagnoses of Multiple Sclerosis. I had never heard of this disease or known anyone...
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...Exercises Articles Articles: a/an PEG 1-4 Insert a or an if necessary. 1 My neighbour is . . . photographer; let's ask him for . . . advice about colour films. 2 We had . . . fish and . . . chips for . . . lunch. ~ That doesn't sound . . . very interesting lunch. 3 I had . . . very bad night; I didn't sleep . . . wink. 4 He is . . . vegetarian; you won't get . . . meat at his house. He'll give you . . . nut cutlet. ~Last time I had . . . nut cutlet I had . . . indigestion. 5 . . . travel agent would give you . . . information about . . . hotels. 6 We'd better go by . . . taxi—if we can get . . . taxi at such . . . hour as 2 a.m. 7 . . . person who suffers from . . . claustrophobia has . . . dread of being confined in . . . small space, and would always prefer . . . stairs to . . . lift. 8 Do you take . . . sugar in . . . coffee? ~ I used to, but now I'm on . . . diet. I'm trying to lose . . . weight. 9 . . . man suffering from . . . shock should not be given anything to drink. 10 You'll get . . . shock if you touch . . . live wire with that screwdriver. Why don't you get . . . screwdriver with . . . insulated handle? 11 It costs fifty-five and . . . half pence and I've only got . . . fifty pence piece. ~ You can pay by . . . cheque here. ~ But can I write . . . cheque for . . . fifty-five and . . . half pence? 12 . . . Mr Smith is . . . old customer and . . . honest man. ~ Why do you say that? Has he been accused of . . . dishonesty...
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...Social Skills Training Purpose The purpose of this social skills training is to instill interpersonal problem-solving skills by enhancing interpersonal communication skills, perspective-taking, defining conflicts, goals and generating alternative solution strategies to resolve interpersonal conflicts. As a result, children are more likely to make better judgments when meeting others, initiating interactions, and resolving interpersonal conflicts. When learning new skills, children need (1) to understand what they are supposed to do; (2) to see the skill demonstrated; and (3) to practice the new skill. Therefore, each module begins with a didactic presentation of the skills (role-playing by facilitator, presentation of dialogues, vignettes or videos), followed by group games, practice and presentation and lastly evaluation of the group practice and the skill acquired. Target participants A group of 10 children aged 12 years (in a school or community setting) who have no specific cognitive or emotional problems. Participants should be verbally intelligent to benefit from the training modules. Module 1: Getting Acquainted and Communication Building Goal The goal of the first session is to let participants get acquainted with each other. After the initial ice-breaking, the focus is then turned to developing effective communication skills (assertive instead of passive or aggressive). Skill Introducing yourself, stating positives about yourself, stating positives about...
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...business and marketing strategies. Primarily, the main goal of McDonald’s, just like any other organization is to sustain their competitive advantage in the global market. Overview of the Company McDonald’s has a rich history that started out in 1954. The company was put to the spotlight by Ray Kroc. Throughout the years, marketing ideas have poured through and helped the company become one of the most renowned fast food brands globally. The trademark design for the fast food was carefully studied and it came with a happy clown character known as Ronald MacDonald (McDonald, 2012). McDonald’s trademark sandwich, The Big Mac, is one of the many innovative products, the happy meal approach was also a creative marketing tool used to entice children to eat at McDonald’s because of the toys or other novelty items they can get. McDonald’s restaurants offer a substantially uniform menu, common in the usual fast foods. Many fast food restaurants, including McDonald’s, offer hamburgers, cheeseburger, chicken sandwiches, French fries, salads, milk shakes and desserts. As the market had changed towards a healthier lifestyle, the company added more nutritional products and the ability to go online to view nutritional information as well. Currently, “McDonald’s is the leading global foodservice retailer with more than 33,000 local restaurants serving nearly 68 million people in 119 countries each day” (McDonald’s, 2012)....
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...The Impact of Food and Nutrition on Students’ Academic Performance in Chemistry in Nigeria THE IMPACT OF FOOD AND NUTRITION ON STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN CHEMISTRY IN NIGERIA OGUNBOYEDE Michael Olu Department of Educational Foundations and Counselling Adeyemi College of Education E-mail: mikeboyede@yahoo.com IDOWU Funmilayo Taiwo Department of Chemistry Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo State, Nigeria ABSTRACT The Millennium Development Goal No.1 in Nigeria says that “Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger away from Nigeria between, 1990 and 2015”. Hence, in the light of the above goal, this paper investigated the present influence of students’ feeding habits on their academic achievement in Chemistry in Nigeria. The study employed a survey research design and the sample for the study consisted of 3,000 students selected from ten States in Nigeria through multistage sampling technique. Data were collected through the use of a self-developed instrument titled “Students’ Feeding Habits Scale” (SFHS) and a proforma which was used to retrieve the academic performance of the selected students from records. Four hypotheses were generated for the study and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The results of the study revealed poor feeding as one of the major factors responsible for poor students’ academic performance at school. The paper therefore, confirms that poverty and hunger is still the order of the day in Nigeria. The paper concluded with strong recommendation for the...
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...Sleep debt In students’ life, it is common to stay awake all night to study or to write a paper. Students themselves consider this as pressed by competing schedules. Actually, students who have to spend their time cramming for an exam are a result of Boomerang. They spend their time which supposed to study by playing computer games, dazing, or just browsing the internet. They mistakenly believe that by ignoring the need to sleep could eventually make up the time they have wasted previously, as result; they could do well on the exam next day. It is understandable to think in that way. Because students do make an effort to achieve their goal, which is a higher grade they desire. After preparing for 24 hours staying awake, students went to the classroom confidently. They believe that their efforts would pay back. However, the result could be unbelievable. There was once a research done by participants from 44 college students. It turns out that sleep-deprived participants performed significantly worse than the no deprived participants on the cognitive task. However, the sleep-deprived participants rated their concentration and effort higher than the nondeprived participants did (June, Amy 512). This was exactly the same as what students who spend their whole night preparing an exam think. They believe they put more effort compared to students who sleep well before the exam day. It indicates that college students are not aware of the extent, to which sleep deprivation negatively...
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...YULE – THE STUDY OF LANGUAGE S U M M A R Y ( C HA P TE R S F O R I S L 1 ) CHAPTER 1 – THE ORIGINS OF LANGUAGE The divine source: Bible: Adam gave names to the things Hindu: wife of the creator of the universe created the language Several experiments to find the “original” language: Psammetichus: two babies grew up only for the company of goats children have uttered “bekos” – (Phrygian word for “bread”) could be the sound of the goats “be” (Greek suffix “-kos”) King James the Fourth: Children should have started speaking Hebrew Other experiments: children whit no access to human language grow up with no language at all The natural sound source: Language as a result of onomatopoeia and/or natural cries of emotion (e.g. splash, bang, boom, ouch, ooh, wow,…) What about soundless and abstract things? The social interaction source: Language as a result of communication between earliest groups of humans, who used hums, grunts and groans -> language as a progress of this Apes and other primates also have grunts and groans for communication, but no language The physical adaption source: Evolution factors which have made humans able to develop language: o Teeth are upright and even in height o Lips have more intricate muscle interlacing than other primates o Mouth is smaller an can be opened and closed rapidly o Tongue is smaller, thicker and more muscular o Larynx (containing the vocal cords) is much lower than the position of other primates o Pharynx (above...
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...was no use: I was late -- again -- and she was furious. She tartly informed me that if I kept her waiting once more, I'd be kicked off the project. Everyone's got bad habits such as lateness or procrastination. But if you consistently act in ways that cause you to lose face, lose friends, or fail when a goal is within reach, your harmless personality quirks may have morphed into serious self-sabotage. "A bad habit becomes destructive when your behavior causes more than momentary regret and leaves you feeling disappointed in yourself," says Pauline Wallin, PhD, author of Taming Your Inner Brat. Why do we derail our own happiness? Experts attribute it to a variety of unconscious beliefs: nagging doubt about whether we really deserve what we're striving for; apprehension that we won't be able to handle increased expectations and responsibilities; even fear that our achievement may isolate us from our peers or family members. To overcome self-sabotage, you must first identify its origin and then take steps to interrupt the cycle. Here are five ways you might be tripping yourself up, and suggestions for how to (finally) get out of your own way. Related: QUIZ: Does Your Body Image Need a Boost? Fatal Flaw #1: You procrastinate. Tomorrow is soon enough. Besides, you excel under pressure. The ugly...
Words: 1884 - Pages: 8
...TO GET + direct object = to obtain, to receive, to buy: To obtain Examples • She got her driving license last week. • They got permission to live in Switzerland. To receive Examples • I got a letter from my friend in Nigeria. • He gets $1,000 a year from his father. To buy Examples • She got a new coat from Zappaloni in Rome. • We got a new television for the sitting room. TO GET + place expression = reach, arrive at a place: Examples • We got to London around 6 p.m. • What time will we get there? • When did you get back from New York? TO GET + adjective = to become, show a change of state: Examples • It's getting hotter. • By the time they reached the house they were getting hungry. • I'm getting tired of all this nonsense. • My mother's getting old and needs looking after. • It gets dark very early in the winter. • Don't touch the stove until is gets cool. TO GET + preposition / adverb is used in many phrasal verbs. Here are some of the most common ones: Examples |Phrasal Verb |Meaning | |get at |try to express | |get away with |escape punishment for a crime or bad action | |get by |manage (financially) ...
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...LSYNSSTYRELSEN t Studentereksamen 2. delprøve kl. og.oo - t+.oo Fredag den 1. juni 2OL2 kl. 9.00 - 14.00 Side 1 af 12 sider Answer either A or B A The texts in section A focus on how children should be raised. Write a paper (700-1000 words) in which you answer the following questions. Answer the questions separately. 1. 2. 3. Give an account of childraising principles as presented in the three texts. How does A.S. Neill engage the reader in text 3? Give examples from the text. Taking your starting point in one of the texts, discuss how children should be raised. Texts Page 2 1. Sophia Chua-Rubenfeld, "Why I love my strict Chinese mom", a newspaper report by Mandy Stadtmiller from The New York Posl website,2}ll Kate Loveys, "Let them eat pizza: Parenting guru's recipe for bringing up children", a newspaper article from The Daily Mail website, May 16,20lI . 2. . 5 a J "Summerhill's General Policy Statement", an extract from A.S. Neill's book Summerhill a radical approach to child reåring, 1960 7 B Write an essay (700-1000 words) in which you analyse and interpret Debi Alper's short story "How Lucky You Are". Your essay must include the following points: - the main theme - a characterization of Max and Ishraqi - the way the short story is structured - Max's relationship with his parents - the setting Têxt Debi Alper, "How Lucky You Are", a short story, 2010 Page 8 Side 2 af 12 sider A TEXT 1 SoPhia...
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...lunch time, specially during the summers as it beats the effects of hard weather. It is usually customary to eat a dessert after the dinner, which mainly comprises "Kheer" (made from rice and milk) and sweetened rice "Zarda". Rice though scarcely eaten in many parts, pulla´o (lightly fried rice with vegetables) and biryani (rice with meat or vegetables and spices) are the tw very favourite dishes of rice, specially on marriages. "Mithai" a kind of sweet made of corn flour, sugar and milk is the favourite sweet for all ages Pakistanis generally eat three meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. During the evening, many families have green tea without sugar which goes along with baked/fried snacks from local bakery (or prepared at home). During the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, the eating patterns change to: sehri and iftar. It is considered proper to eat only with the right hand as per Islamic tradition (also a tradition in many other Asian cultures). Many Pakistani families, particularly when guests are too many to fit at a table, eat sitting at a cloth known as dastarkhwan which is spread out on the floor. In NWFP, many street eateries serve food on a takht, in a style similar to Iran & Afghanistan. A takht is raised platform on which people eat their food sitting cross-legged, after taking their shoes off. Most Pakistanis used to eat on a takht. Pakistanis often eat with their hands, scooping up...
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...Philadelphia Phillies: Managing product and branding in its Competitive Enviroment. Kristopher L. Tilley Empire State College Abstract Philadelphia Phillies was founded in 1883; the team is today the oldest, one-name and one city franchise in all professional sports. Al Reach, a professional baseball player becomes the first owner along with attorney John Rogers; the team’s name “Phillies” (due to its geographical roots in Philly) was Reach decision. In 1901, after losing several games and some of their best players, the team is sold for first time. The Phillies has the second-longest streak of consecutive losing seasons in American professional sports, sixteen straight from 1933 to 1948.The franchise has won two World Series championships (against Kansas City in 1980, Tampa Bay in 2008), and seven National League pennants. Phillies had own five different home stadiums. The most recent one have a fan-friendly design and is part of their complex marketing strategy to increase revenue and happy customers. In 2013 Forbes ranked the Phillies #41team in the World’s most valuable Sports Team. The franchise is estimated to be worth $893 million. But, how does a sport team keep increasing its revenue during bad seasons? The Phillies not only represent a changeable and unpredictable “product/brand” but also compete in a market with many other substitutes that may take away fun attention, support and possible sponsorships. In this case study, we would analyze the team’s market...
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...day analysis by students and by extension scholars. Through the naked eye it is evident that the contemporary Indo family is in no way similar to the Indo-Trinidad family of the mid-nineteenth century. As an institution the Indo-Trinidadian family has changed overtime to meet the needs of life in Trinidad and Tobago (Wood (1968), Angrosino (1976), and Brereton (1979)). Here, among the Indo- Trinidadian family, cousins are considered siblings, biological aunts and uncles are like parents and strangers are referred to as aunty and uncle. One thing however that can be agreed upon is that the present day family arrangements are more fluid in contemporary society as opposed to static as was seen in 1845. But what accounts for this type of fluidity? Does this shift reflect in individual preference and the needs and wants of life in Trinbago? Or are other forces at work? Singh (2004) had rightly pointed out that, “The twenty-first century recorded great changes of far reach importance in the family system under the influence of westernization, industrialization and modernization.” To add to this claim, creolization, douglarization and globalization are also paradigms associated with the change in contemporary Indo-Trinidad family. Characteristics of the family life style such as high divorce rates, cohabitation as a substitute for marriage, and mixed children being born to parents of different ethnic background due to interracial marriages, can been seen as some of the many variation of...
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