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Submitted By bladeli1
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Analysis Algorithm Assignment

Lecturer / Tutor : Mr. Wong Chee Siang
Course: CS Name | ID | Cheng Shong Wei | 1103771 | Er Siang Chiang | 1203122 | Ng Yuan Wen | 1201733 |

Question 1 : Fibonacci
a. Iterative Fibonacci
1. Code:
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h> using namespace std; int main()
//loop until 80th Fibonacci long long count =10; while (count<=10000000000) { //variables time_t start,end; unsigned long long a = 1, b = 1;

//prompt start = clock(); //start timer for(unsigned long long n = 3; n <= count; ++n) //calculated by iterative { unsigned long long fib = a + b; a = b; b = fib; if (n==count) cout<<"Fibonacci Number: "<<fib<<endl; } //end timer show Runtime end=clock(); double diff ((double)(end - start)); double time = diff / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; cout<<"Runtime ("<< count <<"th) : "<< time <<" seconds"<<endl; cout<<"------------------------------------------------------"<<endl; count = count *10; } system ("pause"); return 0;


2. Analysis: n=3count1=count-3+1 T(n) =count-2

3. Table n-th Fibonacci no. | Time 1(sec) | Time 2(sec) | Time 3(sec) | Average(sec) | 10 | 0.001 | 0.001 | 0.001 | 0.001 | 100 | 0.001 | 0.001 | 0.001 | 0.001 | 1’000 | 0.002 | 0.001 | 0.001 | 0.0013 | 10’000 | 0.003 | 0.002 | 0.001 | 0.0020 | 100’000 | 0.003 | 0.001 | 0.002 | 0.0020 | 1’000’000 | 0.007 | 0.006 | 0.007 | 0.0067 | 10’000’000 | 0.053 | 0.048 | 0.047 | 0.0493 | 100’000’000 | 0.483 | 0.454 | 0.475 | 0.4706 | 1’000’000’000 | 4.495 | 4.612 | 4.503 | 4.5367 | 10’000’000’000 | 44.401 | 45.114 | 44.984 | 44.833 |

4. Graph

b. Recursive Fibonacci
1. Code:
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h> using namespace std;

//recursive Fibonacci long long fib(int x) { if (x == 0) return 0; if (x == 1) return 1; else { return fib(x-1)+fib(x-2); }

int main()
//variables time_t start,end; int count=10;

//loop until 80th Fibonacci while (count<=40) { start = clock(); //start timer cout << "Fibonacci Number: " <<fib(count)<<endl; //call function

//end timer show Runtime end=clock(); double diff ((double)(end - start)); double time = diff / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; cout<<"Runtime ("<< count <<"th) : "<< time <<" seconds"<<endl; cout<<"------------------------------------------------------"<<endl; count = count + 5; } system ("pause"); return 0;
2. Analysis:
Base: n = 1 is obvious
Assume T(n-1) = O(2n-1), therefore
T(n) = T(n-1) + T(n-2) + O(1) = O(2n-1) + O(2n-2) + O(1)
= O(2n)

3. Table n-th Fibonacci no. | Time 1(sec) | Time 2(sec) | Time 3(sec) | Average(sec) | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 15 | 0 | 0 | 0.0001 | 0.00003 | 20 | 0.0001 | 0.0002 | 0.0002 | 0.00013 | 25 | 0.0009 | 0.0100 | 0.0011 | 0.00400 | 30 | 0.0079 | 0.0790 | 0.0081 | 0.03166 | 35 | 0.8490 | 0.8141 | 0.0833 | 0.58213 | 40 | 9.2580 | 9.2430 | 9.2370 | 9.24600 |

4. Graph

Machine Specification
Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-2450M CPU @ 2.50GHz
Installed memory (RAM): 6.00 GB
System type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor

Discussion Iterative functions are loop based imperative repetitions of a process. Recursive function is a function that is partially defined by itself and consists of some simple case with a known answer. From the graph and the efficiency, we can clearly see, the recursive is a lot slower than the iterative. The time used to find the Fibonacci number by recursive is greatly increased because of the efficiency O(2n).The efficiency of iterative is O(n), so it can find very large term of Fibonacci number within a short period.
From the observation of the result, the best solution to solve the Fibonacci Series algorithm is by using the Fibonacci iterative algorithm.


Question 2: Heapsort and Bucket Sort

1. Code and Analysis:

#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include "list.h"

using namespace std;

void heapBottomUp (int arr[], int n); void maxKeyRemoval (int arr[], int &n); void bucketSort (int arr[], int &n, int bucket);
List<int> mergeSort (List<int> arrBucket, int n);
List<int> merge (List<int> left, List<int> right);

int main() { int optSort, n; int *arr; char inFname[15]; bool flag=false; ifstream inF; ofstream outF; clock_t timeStart, timeEnd;

while(1) { cout << "Please choose an sort algorithm:" << endl; cout << "(1) Heapsort" << endl; cout << "(2) Bucket sort" << endl; cout << "------------------------------------------------------" <<endl; cin >> optSort; if (optSort>=1 && optSort<=2) break; else cout << "Choice is not available, please re-enter." << endl; }

while (flag == false) { cout << "Please enter filename for input array." << endl; cin >> inFname;; if ( { cout << "Error in opening file!" << endl; } else { flag = true; cout << "Please enter the input size. " << endl; cin >> n; arr = new int[n]; for (int cnt=0; cnt<n; cnt++) inF >> arr[cnt]; } } if (optSort == 1) { timeStart = clock(); heapBottomUp (arr, n); int size = n; while (n-1 != 0) { maxKeyRemoval (arr, n); } timeEnd = clock(); cout << "Heapsort done!" << endl; cout << "Result stored in results.txt" << endl; cout << endl;"results.txt"); for (int cnt=0; cnt<size; cnt++) { outF << arr[cnt] << endl; } outF.close(); } else if (optSort == 2) { int bucket=n/10; timeStart = clock(); bucketSort (arr, n, bucket); timeEnd = clock();

cout << "Bucket sort done!" << endl; cout << "Result stored in results.txt" << endl; cout << endl;"results.txt"); for (int cnt=0; cnt<n; cnt++) { outF << arr[cnt] << endl; } cout << endl; }

double diff((double)(timeEnd - timeStart)); double second = diff / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; cout<<"Sorting Time: "<<second<<" seconds"<<endl;

delete [] arr; system ("PAUSE"); return 0;

void heapBottomUp (int arr[], int n) { // Constructs a heap from elements of an array in bottom-up approach for (int i=(n/2)-1; i>=0; i--) { int k=i; // location of parent int v=arr[k]; // key value of parent bool heap=false;

while (!heap && (2*k+1)<=(n-1)) { int j = 2*k+1; // child for parent k to be swapped with parent

// if left child key < right child key, set j=right child key if (j<(n-1)) { if (arr[j] < arr[j+1]) j=j+1; }

// case 1: parent key > child key if (v >= arr[j]) heap = true;

// case 2: parent key < child key, swap parent with child else { arr[k]=arr[j]; k=j; } } arr[k] = v; }

void maxKeyRemoval (int arr[], int &n) { // "Remove" the root of heap int tmp=arr[n-1]; arr[n-1]=arr[0]; arr[0]=tmp; n--;

heapBottomUp (arr, n);

void bucketSort (int arr[], int &n, int bucket) { int largest = arr[0]; int smallest = arr[0]; for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { if (arr[i] > largest) largest=arr[i]; if (arr[i] < smallest) smallest=arr[i]; } double range=(largest-smallest+1.0)/bucket;

// Set up empty buckets List<int> *arrBucket=new List<int> [bucket];

// Partition the input array for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { int x=(int)((arr[i]-smallest)/range); arrBucket[x].insert(arr[i]); }

int ptr=0; for (int i=0; i<bucket; i++) { mergeSort (arrBucket[i], arrBucket[i].size()); for (int j=1; j<=arrBucket[i].size(); j++) { arrBucket[i].get(j, arr[ptr]); ptr++; } } delete [] arrBucket;

List<int> mergeSort (List<int> arrBucket, int n) { // Sorts each bucket with recursive mergesort // Consider list is sorted for empty list or when list size = 1 if (arrBucket.size() <= 1) return arrBucket;

// Divide: // split list into 2 sublists List<int> left; List<int> right; for (int l=1; l<=(n/2); l++) { int x; arrBucket.get(l, x); left.insert(x); }

for (int r=(n/2)+1; r<=n; r++) { int y; arrBucket.get(r, y); right.insert(y); }

// Keep on spliting sublist until sublist size = 1 left=mergeSort(left, left.size()); right=mergeSort(right, right.size()); // Conquer: // Sublists are merged and then returned return merge(left, right);

List<int> merge (List<int> left, List<int> right) { List<int> result;

while (left.size()>0 || right.size()>0) { int firstL, firstR; left.get(1, firstL); right.get(1, firstR);

if (left.size()>0 && right.size()>0) { // Compare the first element of left sublist and right sublist // Insert the smaller element into result list

if (firstL <= firstR) { result.insert(firstL); left.remove(1); } else { result.insert(firstR); right.remove(1); } }

else if (left.size()>0) { result.insert(firstL); left.remove(1); }

else if (right.size()>0) { result.insert(firstR); right.remove(1); } }

return result;

(a) Heapsort
There are two main stages in heapsort, which are represented as two functions in the program: heapBottomUp and maxKeyRemoval.

heapBottomUp constructs a binary tree from the input array’s element and heapify it, while maxKeyRemoval sort the array by “removing” the root of heap continuously. A bottom-up approach is chosen to build the heap as it will be faster than top-down approach.

(b) Bucket Sort bucketSort function is used in bucket sort algorithm. Bucket sort set up empty buckets initially, then partition the input array into different buckets. Next, elements in each bucket is sort individually using a sorting algorithm or by recursively applying bucket sort. Finally, all elements are located back in original array.

In our case, mergesort is applied in the program, where includes two functions: mergeSort for dividing elements into sublist, and merge for merging sublists. The reason for choosing mergeSort is to run the sorting algorithm faster.

2. Table:

(a) Heapsort Input Size,Input Pattern, | First Running Time(s) | Second Running Time(s) | Third Running Time (s) | Average Running Time(s) | 102 | Random order | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Increasing order | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Decreasing order | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 103 | Random order | 0.002 | 0.003 | 0.003 | 0.0027 | | Increasing order | 0.002 | 0.003 | 0.002 | 0.0023 | | Decreasing order | 0.002 | 0.001 | 0.002 | 0.0017 | 104 | Random order | 0.189 | 0.191 | 0.182 | 0.1873 | | Increasing order | 0.162 | 0.159 | 0.168 | 0.1630 | | Decreasing order | 0.139 | 0.135 | 0.138 | 0.1373 | 105 | Random order | 17.647 | 17.749 | 17.818 | 17.738 | | Increasing order | 15.548 | 15.407 | 15.439 | 15.4647 | | Decreasing order | 12.213 | 12.099 | 12.338 | 12.2167 | 106 | Random order | - | - | - | - | | Increasing order | - | - | - | - | | Decreasing order | - | - | - | - |

* - indicates computer unable to produce results

(b) Bucket Sort Input Size,Input Pattern, | First Running Time(s) | Second Running Time(s) | Third Running Time (s) | Average Running Time(s) | 102 | Random order | 0.001 | 0.002 | 0.002 | 0.0017 | | Increasing order | 0.002 | 0.002 | 0.001 | 0.0017 | | Decreasing order | 0.002 | 0.001 | 0.001 | 0.0013 | 103 | Random order | 0.01 | 0.015 | 0.015 | 0.0133 | | Increasing order | 0.015 | 0.015 | 0.015 | 0.015 | | Decreasing order | 0.015 | 0.013 | 0.0015 | 0.0098 | 104 | Random order | 0.101 | 0.108 | 0.107 | 0.1053 | | Increasing order | 0.098 | 0.108 | 0.099 | 0.1017 | | Decreasing order | 0.1095 | 0.109 | 0.104 | 0.1075 | 105 | Random order | 0.979 | 0.958 | 0.956 | 0.9643 | | Increasing order | 0.935 | 0.93 | 0.927 | 0.9307 | | Decreasing order | 0.94 | 0.927 | 0.928 | 0.9317 | 106 | Random order | 13.12 | 13.299 | 14.141 | 13.52 | | Increasing order | 12.988 | 12.687 | 12.715 | 12.7967 | | Decreasing order | 12.711 | 12.66 | 12.649 | 12.6733 |

3. Graph:

(a) Heapsort


Input Size


Input Size


Input Size

(b) Bucket Sort

Input Size


Input Size


Input Size

Machine Specification

Processor: Intel® Core™ 2 Duo CPU @ 2.40GHz Installed memory (RAM): 2.00GB System type: 64-bit Operating System


(a) Heapsort Heapsort runs in O(n log n) in any cases: Input Size | n log n | 102 | 200 | 103 | 3000 | 104 | 40000 | 25000 | 109948.5 | 50000 | 234948.5 | 75000 | 365629.59 | 105 | 500000 | 106 | 6000000 |

(b) Bucket Sort
The average case performance for bucket sort is O(n+nlogn), where nlogn is the complexity of mergesort algorithm, while the worst case performace for bucket sort is O(n2).

Input Size | n+nlogn | n2 | 102 | 210 | 104 | 103 | 4000 | 106 | 104 | 50000 | 108 | 25000 | 134948.5 | 6.25x108 | 50000 | 284948.5 | 2.5x109 | 75000 | 440629.59 | 5.625x109 | 105 | 600000 | 1010 | 106 | 7000000 | 1012 |

By comparing graphs from our experiment results and theoretical analysis, we found that the theoretical analysis graphs does not tally with experimental results slightly. Theoretical analysis is a way of estimating the result based on theories and it cannot predict what the actual results be, but it does provide an idea of what results is likely to be produced in an experiment.

According to our results, bucket sort runs faster than heapsort in larger size array. This is because merge sort, which has considerably better data cache performance, is applied in the inner sort algorithm of bucket sort.

Reference Question 3: Tower of Hanoi Problem
a. Recursive algorithm
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h> using namespace std;

void move_rings (int n, int src, int dest, int other)//recursive form of moving discs
if (n==1) { cout <<"Move the top disk from tower "<< src << " to tower "<< dest << endl; } else { move_rings (n-1, src, other, dest); cout <<"Move the top disk from tower "<< src << " to tower "<< dest << endl; move_rings(n-1, other, dest, src); }

int main()
int n = 0; clock_t timeS , timeE;

cout<<"Please input the number of disks:"<<endl; cin>>n;

while(n != 0) { timeS = clock(); move_rings(n,1,3,2); timeE = clock();

double diff((double)(timeE - timeS)); double second = diff / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; cout<<"Runtime: "<<second<<" seconds"<<endl;

cout<<"Please input the number of disks:"<<endl; cin>>n; }

system("pause"); return 0;


Experimental Results Input Size | Time1(s) | Time2(s) | Time3(s) | Average Time(s) | 3 | 0.013 | 0.016 | 0.019 | 0.016 | 6 | 0.142 | 0.143 | 0.141 | 0.142 | 9 | 0.883 | 0.774 | 0.832 | 0.830 | 12 | 6.326 | 6.396 | 6.519 | 6.414 | 15 | 52.888 | 53.760 | 53.596 | 53.415 |


Graph of experimental results

4. Analysis:

Efficiency: T (n) = 1 if n =1 2 T (n-1) +1 otherwise Therefore, T (n) = 2T (n-1) + 1 = 2(2T (n – 2) + 1) + 1 = 4T (n-2) +2+1 = 4(2T (n-3) +1) +2+1 = 8T (n-3) +4+2+1 = 2i T (n – i) + j=0i-12j = 2n-1 T (1) + j=0n-22j = 2n - 1 T (n) = O (2n)
Theoretical Analysis:
Where T (n) = 2n - 1 Input Size | T(n) | 3 | 7 | 6 | 63 | 9 | 511 | 12 | 4095 | 15 | 32767 |

Graph of theoretical analysis and experimental result
Based on the order of growth of recursive algorithm of tower of Hanoi as well as the theoretical analysis, the experimental results is same as the theoretical analysis. Both the experimental and theoretical order of growth is O (2n) because the both of the graphs show that the algorithm grows exponentially.

b. Non- recursive algorithm
#include<time.h> using namespace std;

#define MAXSTACK 100 struct details
int number; int beg; int end; int aux;
struct stack
int top; struct details item [MAXSTACK];
void push(struct stack *s, struct details *current)
if(s->top==MAXSTACK-1) { cout<<"Overflow"; exit(1); } else s->item[++(s->top)]= *current;


void popandtest(struct stack *s, struct details *current,int *flag)
if(s->top==-1) { *flag=1; return; }

*flag=0; *current= s->item[s->top--];


//towers of hanoi without recursion void towers(int n, int begpeg, int endpeg, int auxpeg)
struct stack s; struct details current; int flag; int temp;;

current.number=n; current.end=endpeg; current.beg=begpeg; current.aux=auxpeg;

while(1) { while(current.number!=1) { push(&s,&current); --current.number; temp=current.end; current.end=current.aux; current.aux=temp; }

cout<<"Move top disk from tower "<<current.beg<<" to tower "<<current.end<<endl; popandtest(&s,&current,&flag);

if(flag==1) return;

cout<<"Move top disk from tower "<<current.beg<<" to tower "<<current.end<<endl;

--current.number; temp=current.beg; current.beg=current.aux; current.aux=temp; }

int main()
int N; clock_t timeS , timeE;

cout<<"Enter the number of disk:"<<endl; cin>>N;

while(N != 0) {

timeS = clock(); towers(N,1,3,2); timeE = clock();

double diff((double)(timeE - timeS)); double second = diff / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; cout<<"Runtime: "<<second<<" seconds"<<endl;

cout<<"Enter the number of disk:"<<endl; cin>>N; } system("pause"); return 0;


Experimental Results Input Size | Time1(s) | Time2(s) | Time3(s) | Average Time(s) | 3 | 0.012 | 0.013 | 0.013 | 0.013 | 6 | 0.123 | 0.114 | 0.112 | 0.116 | 9 | 0.772 | 0.803 | 0.806 | 0.794 | 12 | 6.314 | 6.187 | 6.018 | 6.173 | 15 | 49.888 | 48.424 | 47.934 | 48.749 |


Graph of experimental results


T (n) = 2n – 1
T (n) = O (2n)
Theoretical Results:
Where T (n) = 2n - 1 Input Size | T (n) | 3 | 7 | 6 | 63 | 9 | 511 | 12 | 4095 | 15 | 32767 |

Graph of Theoretical Analysis

Machine Specification
Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30GHz
Installed memory (RAM): 4.00 GB
System type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor


When the input size is small, the running time for recursive algorithm and non-recursive algorithm is almost the same. As the input size increases, the rate of running time of recursive algorithm grows higher than the non-recursive algorithm which shows that the time complexity of recursive algorithm is in fact higher than the non-recursive algorithm.

Non-recursive algorithm of tower of Hanoi is slightly faster than the recursive algorithm because its time complexity actually is slightly lower than the other.

Question 4: Knapsack Problem
a. brute force algorithm
1. Code:
#include<cmath> using namespace std;

void BruteForce(int weights[5],int values[5],int A[5])

int subset = 0,bestValue = 0, bestWeight = 0 , bestChoice[5] = {0};

for(int i = 1 ; i <= pow(2.0,5.0)-1 ; i++) { int j = 4; int tempWeight = 0; int tempValue = 0;

while(A[j] != 0 && j > 0 ) { A[j] = 0; j = j - 1; }

A[j] = 1; for(int k = 0 ; k<5 ; k++) { if(A[k] == 1) { tempWeight = tempWeight + weights[k]; tempValue = tempValue + values[k]; } }

if((tempValue > bestValue ) && (tempWeight <= 6 )) { for(int b= 0;b<5;b++) bestChoice[b] = A[b];

bestValue = tempValue; bestWeight = tempWeight; } }

int count = 1; cout<<"Item: "; for(int a = 0 ; a < 5 ; a++) { if(bestChoice[a] == 1) { cout<<count<<" "; }

count++; } cout<<" "; cout<<"Weight: "<<bestWeight<<" "; cout<<"Value: "<<bestValue<<endl; }

int main()
int weights[] = { 3,2,1,4,5 }; int values[] = {250,200,150,400,500}; int A[5] = {0};


system("pause"); return 0;

2. Analysis: i=12n j=n1+k=1n = i=12n[ 1+…+1n+{1+…+1}(n)]
= (2n)* [1+1+1…..+1] (2n)
= O (2n*2n)
= O (n*2n)
= O (2n)

Therefore, the complexity of the Brute Force algorithm is O (2n). Since the complexity of this algorithm grows exponentially, it can only be used for small instances of the KP.
Otherwise, it does not require much programming effort in order to be implemented.
Besides the memory used to store the values and weights of all items, this algorithm requires a two one dimensional arrays (A[] and bestChoice[]).

b. dynamic programming
1. Code:
// A Dynamic Programming based solution for 0-1 Knapsack problem
using namespace std;
// A utility function that returns maximum of two integers int max(int a, int b) { return (a > b)? a : b; } // Returns the maximum value that can be put in a knapsack of capacity W int knapSack(int W, int wt[], int val[], int n)
int i, w; int K[6][7]; // Build table K[][] in bottom up manner for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) { for (w = 0; w <= W; w++) { if (i==0 || w==0) K[i][w] = 0; else if (wt[i-1] <= w) K[i][w] = max(val[i-1] + K[i-1][w-wt[i-1]], K[i-1][w]); else K[i][w] = K[i-1][w]; } } return K[n][W];

int main()
int value[] = {250,200,150,400,500}; int weight[] = { 3,2,1,4,5 }; int capacity = 6; int n = sizeof(value)/sizeof(value[0]); cout<<"Best Value:"<<knapSack(capacity, weight, value, n)<<endl; system("pause"); return 0;

2. Analysis: i=0Nj=0Capacity1 = i=1N 1+…+1(Capacity)
= Capacity * [1+1+1+……+1] (N)
= Capacity * N
= O (N*Capacity)

Thus, the complexity of the Dynamic Programming algorithm is O (N*Capacity). In terms of memory, Dynamic Programming requires a two dimensional array with rows equal to the number of items and columns equal to the capacity of the knapsack. This algorithm is probably one of the easiest to implement because it does not require the use of any additional structures.
Machine Specification
Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30GHz
Installed memory (RAM): 4.00 GB
System type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor

The Knapsack Problem is an example of a combinatorial optimization problem, which seeks for a best solution from among many other solutions. For brute force algorithm, Brute force is a straightforward approach to solving a problem, usually directly based on the problem’s statement and definitions of the concepts involved. If there are n items to choose from, then there will be 2n possible combinations of items for the knapsack which results in slower algorithm if the input size is too big Item is either chosen or not chosen. A bit string of 0’s and 1’s is generated which is of length n. If the i th symbol of a bit string is 0, then the i th item is not chosen and if it is 1, the i th item is chosen.

For dynamic programming method, Dynamic Programming is a technique for solving problems whose solutions satisfy recurrence relations with overlapping sub-problems. Dynamic Programming solves each of the smaller sub-problems only once and records the results in a table rather than solving overlapping sub-problems over and over again which results in a better performance for the knapsack problem as the input size increases. The table is then used to obtain a solution to the original problem. The classical dynamic programming approach works bottom-up.

Dynamic programming is faster than brute force algorithm because the complexity of dynamic programming grows linearly but the complexity of brute force algorithm grows exponentially.

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...For some students may feel like living at home is more convenient whereas the parents thinks that their kids should live at the hostel. This is because living at home gives students a more independent and personal space to study, living in the hostel offers a convenient academia, which students can use time well. Living in the hostel is like a whole new world for students because there are various kinds of people they can meet. They are more likely being influenced by their friends. They can easily be horse around by paying more attention to their activites rather than to studies. Sometimes there are many different school’s association activities, parties and games. They often attract many boarders to join. What’s worse, these students usually stay up all night and have abnormal sleeping which can affect their studying. On the other hand, living at home they may be controlled by their parents that gives them more time to studies and pay more attention rather than slacking off. But, living in the dormitory tends to contribute to the good studies of those who can manage time well. If students are self-disciplined, they can use the luxury of school’s resource liking laboratories, libraries, and computers to help them study. For one thing, not every family has abundant resources liking universities. Thus living in a dormitory is a good chance to use them when studying. Take English learning for example, boarders can go to the university’s library to look for some English books,...

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Hostel Management

...Hostels provide budget oriented, sociable accommodation where guests can rent a bed, usually a bunk bed, in a dormitory and share a bathroom, lounge and sometimes a kitchen. Rooms can be mixed or single-sex, although private rooms may also be available. Hostels are generally cheaper for both the operator and the occupants; many hostels have long-term residents whom they employ as desk clerks or housekeeping staff in exchange for free accommodation. In a few countries, such as the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, India, Nigeria and Australia, the word hostel sometimes also refers to establishments providing longer-term accommodation (often to specific classes of clientele such as nurses, students, drug addicts, court defendants on bail) where the hostels are sometimes run by Housing Associations and charities. In the rest of the world, the word hostel refers only to properties offering shared accommodation to travelers, students or backpackers. In this research work “hostel allocation management system”, a system will be design to manage a database for allocating hostel to students. The system designed will keep track of all the available rooms, their occupants and fund generated from hostel fee. The new system will be implemented using Visual basic 6.0 and access database. Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Background of the Study In 1912, in Altena Castle in Germany, Richard Schirrmann created the first permanent Jugendherberge...

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Hostel Allocation System

...(1) INTRODUCTION TO THE SYSTEM 1.1 DEFINITION “Hostel Management System” Hostel Management system is the system that manages the student data, staff data students’ admission process and create receipt for the fees paid by the student who stay in the hostel and also help in maintaining visitor’s messages. 2.1 INTRODUCTION TO EXISTING MANUAL SYSTEM Existing system is based on manual work and all the process are done manually, so they maintain registers and files for recording all the details of the system. They maintain several registers for recording the entry of daily transactions such as visitors visited the hostel, visitor drop the message for a particular student, etc. They maintain the record of the students so they keep each and every information regarding the students in the student master file. In the similar fashion they maintain the records of their fees so they keep each and every information regarding their fees details in the fees master file. They keep the bill Book or receipt Book to maintain the record for the fees collected by the student. They maintain the register or Book for staff so they can pay the salary. Thus maintaining Staff information, Student Information, Visitors information, Check-in and Checkout information and all the things are done manually. 2.2 PROBLEMS FACED BY EXISTING MANUAL SYSTEM [PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION] The phase...

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Hostel Management System

...BLUECREST COLLEGE NAME: SAMUEL OWUSU DANSO COURSE: SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT & ENTREPRENEURSHIP LEVEL: 300 SEMESTER 2 PROGRAM: BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN INFORMATION  TECHNOLOGY(BSc.IT) ASSIGNMENT I AN ENTREPRENEUR  INTERVIEW  BIOGRAPHY OF THE ENTREPRENEUR Mr. Gabriel Takyi is a young man of thirty six (36) years old  born at Abura Dunkwa a district in the  Central Region of south Ghana. He is married for the past six(6) years with his magnificent wife Christabel with three kids. Gabriel  pass through the junior high school and continued his senior high school at Amenfiman senior high  school in Western Region of Ghana and did general arts as a course of choice. Mr Gabriel Takyi is now an entrepreneur who owns  a supermarket and petroleum station with  branches at Abura Dunkwa, Sefwi Wiawso and Dunkwa  – Offin. ABOUT THE SUPERMARKET The  name of the supermarket is NASCO supermarket. It has being in operation since 2000 at Sefwi  Wiawso in the Western Region. He is mainly into sales of meat, fresh produce, dairy, baked goods and  household products. At this current stage, the supermarket and all the goods in it worth about GHC 250,000. HOW THE ENTREPRENEUR STARTED After the SHS education, he didn't get any financial support to further his  studies. So he traveled to  Tarkoradi as a sailor. Some years back he went to Accra as a sales boy and later on learnt mechanic. So he worked with a friend as a junior mechanic, while working he saves some money. During his experience as a sales boy...

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Literature Review on Hostel Management System

...CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Introduction: This Hostel Management System is developed in favor of the hostel management team which helps them to save the records of the students about their rooms and other things. It helps them from the manual work from which it is very difficult to find the record of the students and the information about those ones who had left the hostel years before. This solution is developed on the plight of the hostel management team, through this they cannot require so efficient person to handle and manage the affairs of the students in the hostel, all you need to do is to login as administrator and you can see the information of all the students who have obtained and registered their hostel form, click verify to ascertain their eligibility and allocate them to the available hostel. Identification of the problems of the existing hostel management leads to the development of computerized solution that will be compatible to the existing hostel management with the solution which is more users friendly and more GUI oriented. We can improve the efficiency of the hostel management, thus overcome the drawbacks of the existing management Visual Basic6.0 is used as the front end tool and Oracle is used as a backend tool. Visual Basic is one of the driven programming languages. The application wizards, menu editor and data reports etc is very much useful for creating very good professional software. 1.2 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES AIMS o The aim of the...

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Online Hostel Booking System Report

...ONLINE HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MINI PROJECT REPORT Submitted by RESHMI RADHAKRISHNAN RINSHA P.A ROOPASREE R In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of B.TECH DEGREE In COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING COCHIN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COCHIN-682022 APRIL 2014 DIVISION OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING COCHIN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COCHIN-682022 CERTIFICATE Certified that this is a bonafide record of the project work entitled “ONLINE HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” done by the following students RESHMI RADHAKRISHNAN(12120072) RINSHA P.A(12120073) ROOPASREE R(12120099) Of the VIth semester, Computer Science and Engineering in the year 2014 in partial fulfillment of the requirements to the award of Degree Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering of Cochin University of Science and Technology. Mr.Pramod Pavithran Head of the Department Place:Thrikkakara Date:31/03/14 Mrs.Preetha S Project Guide ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Here we gladly present this project report on “ONLINE HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” as part of the 6th semester B.TECH in Computer Science and Engineering. At this time of submitting this report we use this opportunity to mention those people who with us along the work. We take this occasion to thank God, almighty for blessing us with his grace and taking our endeavour to a successful culmination. We extend our sincere and heartfelt...

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...FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS POST GRADUATE PROGRAM – 16 INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT KOZHIKODE COURSE COMPLETION CERTIFICATE Q – My college will not issue the course completion in the format issued by IIMK. What can I send instead? A – You may send a letter from your college with the following points. Please note that it must have the required college seal and signature of the Principal or the Head of Department • You are currently a student of the institute • You have registered to take the required examinations • The tentative date of declaration of results. Q – I have the mark sheets of all the semesters, and the course completion certificate but have not obtained a provisional certificate. Will this suffice? A – Yes. Q – I have submitted the original course completion certificate along with my registration form. I will not receive my mark sheet before joining. Do I need to carry a second course completion certificate along with me? A – If you are a fresher and will get your marks sheet only after the joining date, you will have to carry a course completion certificate, duly signed, with you at the time of registration. If you have a copy of the one you have submitted earlier, that would do. If you have not kept a copy, you'll have to get another one issued from your college. Q – I have received my graduation certificate. Do I need to obtain a course completion certificate...

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...Application form for GWG - Wohnungsgesellschaft Reutlingen mbH Federnseestr. 17 72764 Reutlingen Telefon +49 (0)7121 277-186 for admission to Theodor-Litt-Haus / Adolf-Reichwein-Haus[pic] Dorm Albstraße 93 (only WOMAN!) for Summersemester       | | | | | | Wintersemester 2014/ 20 Important: Please enclose a short CV! |Personal information | |Family Name |First Name | | | | |ADEBAYO |EMMANUEL SHOLA | |Road |Postcode, City | | | | |Berlinerstrasse 11, |85049,Ingolstadt | |Country ...

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Gape Year

...graduating high school seniors deferring entrance into college for one year. The practice of gap year is a European tradition that has been observed for decades. High school seniors take this year to travel, volunteer or work abroad. The time off to travel and experience life outside of school is invaluable. Students have the opportunity to take a break from the grind of studying, experience different cultures and most importantly transition from being high school students into young adults before heading off to college. In 1978 Charles, The Prince of Wales launched Operation Drake a gap year expedition circumnavigating the globe by ship. This is one of the riskier gap year choices, most choices are much tamer and include lodging in a youth hostel or a tent and not on the high seas. The top 10 destinations for gap year according to leading adventure website are; 1. South Africa 2. Costa Rica 3. Kenya 4. Sri Lanka 5. Tanzania 6.Honduras, 7. India, 8. Australia, 9.Argentina and 10.China "Gap Year - Top Ten Destinations." Gap Year Travel, Volunteer Abroad, TEFL Courses and More from I-to-i. Web. 21 Feb. 2011. . "Gap Year." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 21 Feb. 2011. . "'Gap Year' before College Gives Grads Valuable Life Experience -" News, Travel, Weather, Entertainment, Sports, Technology, U.S. & World - Web. 21 Feb. 2011....

Words: 261 - Pages: 2

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Ge Case Study

...Week 4 – Team Assignment 1 Create copy for one Paid Search Ad. (Google enforces a limit of 25 characters for a heading, and then two description lines with no more than 35 characters each.) TravelMate: Travel App Your Personal Handheld Concierge Local & Reliable - Transit, Food, Entertainment & Emergency Contacts For your specific Ad, what keyword list would you use? Travel Apps, Travel Experience, Travel Blogs, Trip Planning, Vacation, Trip Hotel, Hostel Review, Route, Flight, Emergency, Rental Deals, Tour traveling, do-it-yourself traveling, Travel Companion, Travel Buddy, Travel Concierge, Things to do, Travel, Transit, Restaurants, shows, emergency contact, Travel Mate, Local Experiences, Insider What average monthly searches would you expect to see? For the first few months we expect a run rate of 2500-5000 per month, after that ramping up to 10000 per month (approx. 300+ per day) What techniques would you use to increase conversion on your landing page? We would use A/B/N: Multiple Versions of one element to test our core function in an effort to optimize our results. For example, when we design the recommendation pages, we could create two different templates and randomly assign our audience these two templates. And adopt the version with the higher conversion rate. Additionally we would be sure to design the landing page with the following elements in mind: 1. Relevant and to the point, clean and concise with a call to...

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Mr. Samuel Dare

..."Youth Hostel". These first Youth Hostels were an exponent of the ideology of the German Youth Movement to let poor city youngsters breathe fresh air outdoors. The youths were supposed to manage the hostel themselves as much as possible, doing chores to keep the costs down and build character as well as being physically active outdoors. Because of this, many Youth Hostels closed during the middle part of the day. There are several differences between hostels and hotels, including: * Hostels tend to be budget-oriented; rates are considerably lower, and many hostels have programs to share books, DVDs and other items. * For those who prefer an informal environment, hostels do not usually have the same level of formality as hotels. For those who prefer to socialize with their fellow guests, hostels usually have more common areas and opportunities to socialize. The dormitory aspect of hostels also increases the social factor. 1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The growing number of students in higher institutions all over the world has posed a lot of accommodation problem on the part of students and school management. Students at the beginning of each session waste half of the semester looking for accommodation. The few hostels that exist in the higher institutions are not properly managed. Statistics of the number of rooms required to match the growing number of students are farfetched. We have got four hostels in our institute, which consist of two boy’s hostel and two...

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Project designed in favor of the hostel management which helps them to save the records of the students about their rooms and other things. It helps them from the manual work from which it is very difficult to find the record of the students and the mess bills of the students, and the information of about the those ones who had left the hostel. All the hostels at present are managed manually by the hostel office. The Registration form verification to the different data processing are done manually. Thus there are a lot of repetitions which can be easily avoided. And hence there is a lot of strain on the person who are running the hostel and software’s are not usually used in this context. This particular project deals with the problems on managing a hostel and avoids the problems which occur when carried manually Identification of the drawbacks of the existing system leads to the designing of computerized system that will be compatible to the existing system with the system which is more user friendly. We can improve the efficiency of the system, thus overcome the drawbacks of the existing system. We design this system of the hostel management especially for the college hostel, through this they cannot require so efficient person to handle and calculate the things. This system automatically calculates all the bills and issued the notifications for those students who are against some rules. 1.2. OBJECTIVES OF PROJECT This software product the hostel management to improve their...

Words: 605 - Pages: 3

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...COM/016/12 MULUSA OLIVER WENDO Bsc. Computer Science. HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ➢ A STAND-ALONE J2SE APPLICATION FOR USE BY A HOSTEL ADMIN. The hostel management system as the name suggests is a java application that functions to replace the current manual system used in many of the hostels in schools countrywide. It provides all the basic services that a concierge needs and keeps the records of all students in a hostel keeping him/her up-to-date with the information that is stored in the students’ rooms’ database. This will in turn help overcome the drawbacks that are encountered with the manual system in that there will be less human error, strength and strain of manual inputting ,high security, easy to handle, easy data updating, data consistency and easy record keeping. With this application I intend that the following services will be made available to the janitor; ▪ Each student allocated a particular room in a hostel will have his/her information including a photo stored in a database replacing the current manual recording in books. ▪ The application will generate a receipt and a report about a resident when prompted ▪ The accommodation fee paid by a student to be fed into the database ▪ Any penalty fee to a student to be recorded and for a student to clear with the system they must compensate the penalty ▪ Any complaint concerning the room raised by a resident will be stored in the system which will constantly remind the janitor until...

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