...Marketing strategy PPPP 1) Bit of space explaining scenario, trends, etc 2) Target Market 3) Small paragraph about mainstream vs niche 4) Hotel Marketing mix 5) Recommendations 6) Contingency plan Put X instead of info you don’t have, make situation clear for Rach to edit. Target atleast 3 pages and max 5, although getting info in crucial (excl. references) Page1: Scenario, Trends, customer profile, mainstream vs niche Page 2+3: Marketing Mix Page 4: Estimated Budgetary recommendations and Contingency Plan Marketing Plan Introduction For a startup company, an effective marketing plan is essential in order to ensure that it stands out from other, larger and more established brands. Established brands not only have tremendous brand recognition and a developed customer base but also the financial wherewithal to influence or manipulate the market conditions to make them more favorable to them. Nowhere is this more evident than in the hotel industy where large family firms have dominated the industry for decades. in addition the large initial investments, large overheads and fierce competiton often deter new entrants. However, the advent of the internet and consequently E-busness and IT business solutions has significantly leveled said playing field. With tourism increasing rapidly, especially from inxcreasingly affluent middle classes from the Newly Industrialized Economies (NICs), the hotel industry faces new challenges and opportunities, somthing...
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...------------------------------------------------- 中国大陆首家W酒店入驻广州 W 酒店是喜达屋酒店与度假村国际集团旗下的全球现代奢华时尚生活品牌,它有着独立酒店的个性化时尚风格,也具备了主流商务酒店值得信赖、始终如一的卓越品质和体贴周到的服务。W酒店的官方定位是“Lifestyle”品牌,业内普遍将其归类为大型的Boutique hotel路线。激发灵感、创造潮流、大胆创新的W酒店在业界影响深远,为宾客重新诠释了以当代设计为主导,打造奢华现代生活方式的住宿体验。 喜达屋集团是世界酒店与休闲服务业中的领袖企业之一,在全球100个国家和地区拥有1,134家酒店,其自有与管理的酒店雇佣员工超过171,000名。作为世界知名的品牌,喜达屋是一个集酒店业主、经营与销售等功能于一身的综合集团,旗下拥有瑞吉、豪华精选、W酒店、威斯汀、艾美、喜来登、福朋酒店以及近期登场的雅乐轩,还有源宿。喜达屋拥有一项行业领先且备受赞誉的忠诚计划——SPG俱乐部,会员可获得积分并将其兑换成客房住宿、客房升级和航班,且无日期限制。喜达屋还拥有喜达屋度假住房所有权股份有限公司,旗下的别墅式度假酒店和喜达屋旗下品牌的贵宾特权缔造出世界级的度假体验。 ------------------------------------------------- 广州旅游业与接待服务业 广州地处广东中南部,是国家的经济、金融、贸易、航运和会展中心。自1975年以来,每年春秋两季都会在广州举办中国进出口商品交易会,即广交会,迄今已有五十余年历史,是中国目前历史最长、层次最高、规模最大、商品种类最全、到会客商最多、成交效果最好的综合性国际贸易盛会。日益成熟和发展的广交会给广州酒店业带来了无限商机,酒店在每年两届广交会期间的收入就占到了全年总营业额的近30%,例如花园酒店在广交会期间的营业额约占全年1/3,而海珠区一家四星级酒店约占1/4。除了广交会外,大大小小的各种展览多达800多个。游客抽样调查显示,在非会展高峰期,广州会展游客占所有游客的8%。 2010年后,随着亚运会、亚残运会在广州的成功举办,广州城市形象和城市地位得到了极大的提升,同时也带动了广州旅游业的快速发展,城市接待游客数量持续增长。2010年我市接待游客总人数1.27亿人次,比09年增长7.13%。据不完全统计,2010年广州亚运会期间,预计需安排运动员、随行官员、媒体人员等饭店住宿宾客约2万人, 2万名宾客,按照每人5000元的消费标准,就是1亿元的商机。 ------------------------------------------------- 广州W酒店 2013年03月,广州W酒店作为中国内地首家W酒店在繁华的珠江新城炫丽亮相。酒店拥有前卫的建筑外观配以充满时尚活力的室内设计,进门处19米高的LED水幕瀑布,让客人从走进酒店开始便可感受到W酒店的时尚无处不在。在此,不难找到适合每位客人尽情享受的地方,充满设计元素的酒吧与餐厅呈献各国料理,美酒佳肴,充分演绎了广州多元化的城市魅力,体验中国内地首家AWAY水疗中心,在城市中心享受舒适静谧,设计新颖的客房,全城首个客房内运动传感器与各种高科技配套设备为客人带来的全新入住感受。逾2000平方米的会议空间包括一个拥有户外场地的开放式会议室,配备先进高科技设施的宴会厅,设有便携式会议系统及同声传译系统,让客户的会议与活动打破传统,充满创意。无论什么时候,无论客人需要什么,广州W酒店的24小时随时/随需服务都尽可能让客人如愿以偿。 ...
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...concepts of marketing for a relevant services industry This research is about the concepts of marketing. I will therefore start by introducing the key terms marketing and marketing management. (Allen, 2007) stated that "Marketing pertains to the interactive process that requires developing, pricing, placing and promoting goods, ideas or services in order to facilitate exchanges between customers and sellers to satisfy the needs and wants of consumers". (Kotler et al, 1996) suggested that "Marketing is the process used to determine what products or services may be of interest to customers and the strategy to use in sales, communications and business development'. The American Association of marketing (Gronroos, 1989) define marketing management...
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...“Pop” Culture “If there are 12 million people with our stuff, let’s have them be 12 million 18 year olds.” Says Dave Burwick vice president of marketing for Pepsi-Cola(Hey Kids Buy This pg. 98), and why not, child spending has risen from $122 billion to $172 billion in the past 5 years(familyed.org). In a time when advertising agencies are trying to get the most for their buck, and who isn’t, the smartest thing to do is target the ever growing population of children. In today’s society children’s average weekly allowance is just $5(Children and Money pg. 1), amounting over $260 a year, if you multiply this number by the number of children in the US today, it is outrageous, close to $5 billion. Seeing as children only save about half a billion dollars a year(Children and Money pg. 1), that’s a lot of money being spent on clothes, video games, toys, soda and candy. The funny thing is, marketers that had long ignored children, now systematically pursue them. Today, as well as clothing and toys, it’s also computers, airlines, hotels and banks(Hey Kids Buy This pg. 97). Pepsi, being one of the major soft drink companies in the United States today, has the right idea. By using a different pop icon, such as Brittany Spears, Christina Agulara Johansson 2 and Beyonce Knowles in each new advertisement, they are guaranteed to have the attention of the younger...
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...Anderson 1234, West 67 Street, Carlisle, MA 01741, (123)-456 7890. OBJECTIVE Give more than 9 years of experience in Training, Marketing, and Consultancy as well as MBA degree and extra highly applicable experience to your business in a managerial ability. TECHNICAL SKILLS In Software Java, Visual Basic, MS Office, Oracle Other Skills Team Management, Channel Sales Management, Franchisee Training, Sales and Customer Care Training, Business Development, Sales and Product Development. EXPERIENCE Consultant (1998 - Present) Aptech Inst., New Delhi, India Responsibilities includes: * Training employees, franchisees, distributors & conducting training requirement analysis. Senior Manager - Marketing & Sales (1996 - 1998) Adobe, Noida, India Responsibilities includes: * Directing the sales team, business development and identification of latest business channels. Asst. Manager Sales (1995 - 1996) Hotel Le Meridien, New Delhi Responsibilities includes: * Examined market competition & its costs to stay ahead of the main players in the market place. * Supervised staff of 5 members who given support to sales as well as marketing. * Assisted in establishing baseline process and report formats to be used in subsequent years. EDUCATION B.A (Eco) from Aligarh University, 1991 MBA/PGDM (Marketing) from Aligarh University, 1995 Other Certification(s) Attended * PENTASOFT * ------------------------------------------------- ...
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...Partyline.com (Marketing plan) Today I would like to introduce a new service to you called “Partyline.com”. Partyline.com will be website available to all that register a valid email and are 21 and older. What will be offered on this website is a new technology and idea I came up with. The main offering on this website will be a live feed of bar’s and the bar’s line to get in. In addition, you will be able to create your own group chats, and instant message other users. Other services provided will be bar specials, bar themes, local taxi number, late night food, and live updates by promoters. The overall marketing plan place, promotion, price, and product will make or break this service especially place. I would like to set this website up in three different area’s consisting of West Virginia, Morgan Town, George Town, and New Haven, Connecticut. Promotion will be another key factor, and I am hoping to sell Facebook or YouTube that this next big idea so they will help with advertising. Otherwise, it will be up to me and the investors I obtain. Price to use the website will be free and Product is the service were providing. The industry size and target market are two key components to making this business succeed. The reason I picked those three areas is because they are highly populated and they are highly populated with bars and college students. College students will be the primary target of this company. The more people this website can engage, the more...
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...Objectives * Integrate marketing strategies and channels – web, mobile, email, Facebook, POS system – for multiple promotions throughout the year * Utilize existing media to drive traffic to Facebook Fanpage and increase Fanbase through 5 “fan-gated” contests * Capture Fan profile data and build database of e-newsletter and mobile subscribers * Maintain “top of mind” with customers through monthly e-newsletter * Drive traffic to Mavi stores with SMS promo code and track redemption rates About Mavi Jeans™ philosophy is to build a brand around perfect fitting jeans that convey a Mediterranean feeling in terms of fashion and detail. Maviterranean is sexy, intimate, inspirational and breezy. Mavi, which means blue in Turkish, is known for high quality, great fitting and fashion-forward denim. Mavi's Jeans development from a jeans brand to an international clothing brand has been achieved through a successful marketing strategy that evolved around the "Perfect Fit". The Perfect Fit is not just about fitting the body. It is also about fitting the culture. The connection of Mavi to its customer is more than just lifestyle. It is being a part of their life and the consumers being part of Mavi clothing. Founded in Istanbul in 1991, Mavi Jeans designs a full collection of jeanswear for young women and men. Mavi sells 7,000,000 pairs of jeans a year and is now sold at over 4600 specialty stores, better department stores and specialty chains stores in 50 countries...
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...The Wharton School University of Pennsylvania Marketing 777 MARKETING STRATEGY Professor: George S. Day, Suite 700 JMHH, Telephone: 215 898 8245 Email: dayg@wharton.upenn.edu Administrative Mary Donegan Assistant: Suite 700 JMHH Telephone: 215 898 2104 Email: mdonegan@wharton.upenn.edu Office Hours: By appointment Web Café Address: http://webcafe.wharton.upenn.edu/eRoom/mktg/777c Class Schedule: Monday and Wednesday 9:00am – 10:20am 10:30am – 12:00 noon Introduction This course views marketing as both a general management responsibility and an orientation of an organization. Relatively less attention will be given to the specific activities of the marketing department, sales group, or advertising function in implementing strategic decisions. We will take the viewpoint of the general manager and the senior marketing executive to address the issues of: ➢ Formulating segmentation and focus strategies ➢ Understanding, attracting and keeping valuable customers ➢ Positioning the business to achieve an advantage over competitors ➢ Identifying and exploiting growth opportunities ➢ Allocating resources across businesses and segments ➢ Managing the channels for gaining access to the served markets, and ➢ Aligning the organization to changing market requirements. The course will use a mix of cases, lecture/discussion, outside speakers, and group...
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...MARKETING STRAGETIES: Successfully marketing an apartment complex requires you to find people who are seeking housing and place your advertisements in front of them at the right time and place. As you consider marketing strategies, list the places your target renters or buyers are likely to go when searching for properties. Be sure that your marketing materials are present in each place. Banners: One of the most effective ways to market an apartment complex is by hanging a simple banner off of the building facing the street; this is particularly useful if your complex is near a major highway. If you are located away from main streets, consider putting up a sign that says "Apartments for Rent" with an arrow indicating the direction. Many people search for apartments by driving around neighborhoods that they like, and a banner or a sign is an easy-to-see advertisement that does not require a large investment. Before using signs, check your area's regulations on their use to avoid incurring fines or other penalties. Craigslist: When searching for a place to live, many people head directly to the Craigslist postings for their city. To post your apartments, simply visit the Craigslist page for your area and click on the "post to classifieds" button. When advertising on the site, avoid placing logos and generic floor plans; often, readers will skip directly over these. Instead, write a basic listing for each available unit and include details about utilities. To increase...
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...1.1 Product 2 1.1.2 Price 3 1.1.3 Promotion 3 1.1.4 Place 3 1.2 Purpose of the report 4 1.3 Brief information of product 4 2. Application of 4P’s of Marketing and iPhone 5 5 2.1 Product 5 2.1.1 Design 5 2.1.2 Features 6 2.1.3 Brand Image 7 2.2 Price 7 2.3 Promotion 9 2.4 Place 12 3. Conclusion 13 References 14 Figure 1 10 Figure 2 11 1. INTRODUCTION Marketing is defined by Dr Philip Kotler as “The science and art of exploring, creating, and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market at a profit. Marketing identifies unfulfilled needs and desires.” (Goldblatt 2012, p 238) Therefore, marketing is the process that enlightens the potential customers about how a product or service is capable of delivering the value. This paper aims to analyze the 4P’s of marketing and how they are helpful in devising an effective marketing strategy capable of depicting the significance of the product in the customers’ life. For this purpose, iPhone 5 has been selected as the product for analysis. 1.1 Background of 4P’s principal 4P’s stands for four basic elements involved in the marketing of a commodity. These elements include Product, Price, Promotion and Place. This classification was first proposed by E. Jerome McCarthy in 1960s and ever since it has become an important part of the marketing strategies of organizations around the world (Middleton 2012). The four P’s represent four controllable factors which can be manipulated by the management of a company...
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...PROFITABILITY OF FLOWER PRODUCTION AND MARKETING This study examines the production and profitability of some selected flowers in comparison with their competing crops. Identified some problems of flower marketing which are, * Unavailability of sufficient flowers according to demand at right time * Lack of adequate and suitable transportation system. Measures to overcome these problems, * Establishment of mode storage facilities, * Improvement of cultivation practices of flower for the whole year * Arrangement of contract marketing. The flower traders face various problems: * Institutional credit should be made available to the intermediaries on easyterms and at a lower rate of interest. * Marketing loss should be reduced by improving storage, handling andprocessing facilities. Government should arrange training for flowers traderson post harvesting handling and storage of flowers on scientific basis. * Market facilities, such as tin shed, drainage, etc. should beimproved Based on the findings of the study, some recommendations for facilitating flower production and developing an improved marketing system in Bangladesh may be feasible if government and non- government agencies should take a concentrated effort - * to enhance flower production by train-up the flower-farmers, * to provide appropriate production assistance and storage facility, * to provide support farmers in marketing of the produced flowers, * to train...
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...ASSIGNMENT QUESTION Marketing Plan: Your company has just developed a new sports drink that is in a container which will keep it cool for up to 6 hours. Write a 3 page paper discussing how you would market the product. Running Head: COOL CONTAINERS MARKETING PLAN 1 Cool-Containers Marketing Plan COOL-CONTAINERS MARKETING PLAN 2 Abstract Cool-Containers, a successful company has recently developed a new and improved sports drink. This sports drink comes in a newly designed container that keeps it cold for a maximum of 6 hours. As a way to introduce the product into the market, the company chose the flavor strawberry for this drink and the product name, “Strawberry Sports Juice Drink”. This flavor was picked because of a previous research study that was conducted on flavors most in demand by consumers. The creation of our new design for a container was due to the outcome of a research study in marketing that significantly showed the actual need to keep drinks cool. To keep the position of the drinks we sell and continue to be proactive to how our competitors react, the company will seek to apply a marketing strategy plan that is based on innovation, target audience, differentiation, strategic partnerships, outsourcing, advertising and pricing. This marketing strategy will provide the...
Words: 1564 - Pages: 7
...[pic] I. Table of Contents I. Table of Contents……………………………………………………....02 II. Executive Summary…………………………………………………....03 III. Management Resume...........……………………………………….05 IV. Company Fact Sheet………………………………………………......06 V. Smack Energy Bar Ingredient list.............………………........07 VI. Smack Energy Bar Nutrition information...........................08 VII. Marketing Plan.......................…………………………….………..09 VIII. Retail Outlet Commitments………………………….............…….12 IX. Promissory Note ………………………………………………….……...14 Executive summary 3WAY Enterprises is a marketing and branding firm registered in the state of Maryland with operations in the state of Virginia and Washington DC. 3WAY Enterprises was founded by three friends who saw a window of opportunity, in bringing together two All-American phenomena: sports figures and energy bars. 3WAY Enterprises will produce, market, and distribute uniquely- branded products in partnership with sports and entertainment personalities. Each of our well-known partners will work with 3WAY Enterprises to develop a product that complements the personality’s style and appeals to their audience and fan base. Tailored originally as a performance food used in conjunction with athletic activity, the energy bar market has grown from its meek market entrance as an energy supplement...
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...and Client Communication Strategies MGT/527 In today’s turbulent and uncertain economy, the functioning area of business that many clients will be looking at is marketing strategy. This function is most effective when you combine marketing strategy with a successful marketing campaign. A successful plan will allow the business to reach the maximum amount of consumers, which if done correctly will increase the customer base dramatically. Marketing strategies for developing an effective client and consultant relationship The most effective marketing plan will combine product strategy, price marketing strategy and communication marketing together. If executed efficiently, it will result in a customer base that will accommodate many levels of income and various economic situations all of which will find something pleasing about the same products. As a marketing consultant for say a restaurant I would present the client with a detailed strategy in preparation for establishing an effective client, consultant relationship. The presentation would begin with a production strategy which will enunciate the soundness of the business’s products, with emphasis on any specialty the restaurant has to offer. This strategy will illustrate how to get the restaurant in the minds of the consumer, which in turn will generate loyal customers who will keep returning again and again. Next I would present a price marketing strategy. This strategy is useful in keeping your...
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...5. My Service Encounter Essay Reflections Through the course of my service encounter essay, I feel that I have learnt many new things about services marketing and have improved a variety of my personal skills as well as developing many new skills. This essay has really made me more aware of the amount of interactions that I have with services on a daily basis and the role that they play within my life. Also, the fact that services, on their own, account for more than 70% of our nations GDP really outlines the importance that there is on developing effective marketing strategies. 5.1 One of the most important factors that I can take from this essay is the importance of building relationships between the customer and the firm through marking techniques. One of the main reasons for failure within services firms is the fact that they concentrate far too much on initially attracting customers and not enough emphasis on customer retention. When I enter the business world I will ensure that I pay huge attention toward building relationships with my customers and this will enable me to sustain constant growth of sales through an extensive customer base. I have also been able to understand the importance of the service environment toward the perceptions of the customers. I think that in the future I will pay much more attention to the environment that I am being given a service within and the effect that various emotional cues and aspects have on me as a customer so that I can apply...
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