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Hotel Price Index by Hotels.Com


Submitted By stephaniehan
Words 16392
Pages 66
Introduction Foreword Chapter 1: Global Price Changes Chapter 2: Price Changes in Global Destinations for Americans  Countries Where U.S. Travelers Paid the Most  Cities Where U.S. Travelers Paid the Most  Price Drops in Popular International Cities  Price Increases in Popular International Cities Chapter 3: Americans’ Travel Habits  Most Popular Domestic and International Cities for Americans  A Look at Top Domestic Market Areas for U.S. Travelers  Best-Value Domestic Market Areas for U.S. Travelers in 2013 Chapter 4: The Price of Luxury  Luxury Trends  Best Five-Star Values  Best Value for $135 Chapter 5: International Travel Habits  Most Popular U.S. Cities for Foreign Travelers  Top International Spenders for U.S. Hotel Rooms Chapter 6: Prices Paid at Home and Away  Traveling Abroad  Traveling at Home  More at Home or Away? Chapter 7: Wanderlust  Cuisine  Art & Design  Shopping  Health & Wellness  Adventure  Music Chapter 8: 2014 Travel Trend Predictions  Major Sporting Events Drive Travel  Special Focus on Business and Meetings Professionals  Travel Like a Local Chapter 9: Travel Talk Highlights of 2013 and About Page 2 Pages 3-5 Page 6-15 Pages 16-19

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H o t e l s . c o m ®

H o t e l

P r i c e

I n d e x ™

F u l l

Y e a r

2 0 1 3

1|P a g e

The® Hotel Price IndexTM (HPI®) is a regular report on hotel prices in major destinations across the world. The HPI is based on bookings made on sites and prices shown are those actually paid by customers per room per night, rather than advertised rates. Now in its tenth year, the HPI is respected as the definitive report on hotel prices paid around the world and is increasingly used as a reference

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