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House Prices Ii


Submitted By taksamai
Words 6813
Pages 28
CASE: 28

Olusegun Abebayo

GM533 Applied Managerial Statistics

Pricing your home competitively is an important factor in determining your selling price. As a seller, the aim is to get the best asking price. To prevent losing money, one has to be careful not to underprice their home. As mentioned in the article Selling Your Home – The Importance of Pricing Correctly, the most important factor when selling your home is not what your home is listed for, but rather what similar homes have recently sold for. This is the statistic that will properly tell you what buyers are willing to pay for a similar home, in a comparable neighborhood. In the article entitled Pricing Houses-Pricing Houses to Sell, Elizabeth Weintraub provided a few guidelines that can be effective in pricing one’s home. She suggested that a seller looks at every similar home that was or is listed in the same neighborhood over the past six months. Compare similar square footage, within 10% up or down from the subject property, if possible. Compare apples to apples.
The objective of this study is to use the data given in Case 28 – Housing Prices 11 to determine the selling price for a house in Eastville, Oregon and prepare and establish the description of how the findings might be used as a general method for estimating the selling price of any house in my neighborhood. In doing so, we had to figure out what factors determine the selling price. The data provided the group with a sample of 108 houses in Eastville, Oregon. Using the data, we were able to identify the following variables (refer to appendix) 1). Is the Price of a House Determined by its Characteristics?
To price your home correctly you need to be savvy about your local real estate market. Understanding the market will help you set an asking price that will

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