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Household Patterns In The United States Essay

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Describe how household patterns in the United States are anticipated to change over the next few years The change in household in the United States of American is becoming very drastic. There are several reasons why this is happening and there is some research that will prove this point. The percentage of family household was 90 % back in 1940 and it went down to 66.4%. This is a big difference because that it was 9 out of 10 were family households and now it is 6 out of 10. Also, another percentage change that is very overwhelming is the married couple with children. Back in 1940 that percentage was 42.9% and it went down to 20.2%. All of the percentages based on the family households are going down except the single parent household. …show more content…
Now that people tend to focus on their careers more than before it translate to an increase on their income. We see more single parents buying house, cars, and going on vacations due to their increase of their income. It impacts the real states market, dealership, and air lines market. Also, it has become much easier to travel to others countries, which increase the tourist and hotel markets. Another market that has become more popular is the lawyers, due to the increase of the divorces. Lawyers has become a popular field to in the past 20 years. Now that people tend to seek a divorce more than ever, law schools has become very popular in the United States of America. 
 It is very common in the United States for America for everybody in the family to have their own vehicle. In Europe and in the majority of the world, there is only one or two cars per household due to lower income and different lifestyle. In the smaller cities, we see that almost every individual that is older than 16 years of age has its own car. Younger people tend to get independent sooner and leave their households whenever they are eighteen, whenever they decide to go to college or get a full time job. These are all the reasons why dealership and real estate market is expanding.
Consider the organization that you work in or an organization you have worked in before. Identify the

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