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African Immigrant Sociology

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In this essay we are going to analyze the work experiences of recent immigrants to the U.S from Africa and compare these experiences to the immigrants during the late 90’s. Since the emergence of Barack Obama many debates have happened on race relations and the foreign black factor in African American identities and society. But before we get started we need to understand the demographics of African immigrants and how they have changed since the late 90’s. Which African countries are sending the most immigrants per year to the U.S and where they live. Was there a significant difference in the socio economic status between native born African Americans and immigrant Africans.
A study conducted by the Pew Research Center has found that 3.8 million …show more content…
They also made up 83 percent of the 2.1 million immigrants from Africa, the remainder coming tom North Africa. Most of these immigrants consist of skilled professionals, refugees from war-torn countries and individuals seeking reunification with relatives. Immigrants from African countries such as Nigeria, Ethiopia, South Africa, Kenya and Ghana account for more than 54 percent of the sub-Saharan Africans in the United States. Sub-Saharans are spread out geographically compared to other immigrants. As of 2011-2015, the largest share of sub-Saharan African immigrants settled in Texas, New York, Washington, Washington D.C, Atlanta and …show more content…
The percentage of Africans who speak only English is higher than for the overall foreign born and of those who speak another language, almost 62 percent of Africans, but only 38 percent of all foreign born report speaking English very well. African born have achieved higher levels of schooling that either the native born or all foreign born. While 42 percent of them have four or more years of college, only 27 percent of native born and all foreign born have that level of education. Africans are also more likely to be in the labor force than either natives or foreign born. Despite these advantages a higher percentage (19 percent) of African Immigrants live at or below poverty than native born (13 percent). They are more likely to be renters and have lower mean and median household incomes. This suggests that although African Immigrants have a higher education and are more likely to be working, they are struggling to achieve equality in income and socio economic status with natives and other immigrants. This clearly suggests that African Immigrants are disadvantaged and we need to know more about their socio economic

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