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Case Study Gaudium Et Spes

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Gaudium et Spes In today’s society, individuals along with organizations are subjected to a variety of different forms of outside threats in regard to staying ethical. Fifty years ago, the Gaudium et Spes was written by the Second Vatican Council, and throughout its look history, it has been looked to as a guiding principle for society. While some of the teachings are clearly outdated especially in regards the types of jobs that are helping sustain the economy, the principles can still be applied. Respect for one another and not just earthly possessions is a key principle that society is still guided upon today, but while times have changed, this has become harder to achieve. Society continues to evolve quickly, and with technological advantages …show more content…
Individuals in the middle class are making less than they ever have, but those at the top are earning more. This is a hard statistic to fully understand, but when a society is based on income and prestige, this becomes even more prominent. There are many examples of this phenomenon occurring, but the one that relates directly to the Gaudium et Spes, involves CountryWide Financial. Ronald W. Eastburn (2013) is the author of the article “CountryWide Financial Corporation and the Subprime Mortgage Debacle.” Throughout this case study, the author discusses multiple ways in which the CEO and the executive team went about giving predatory loans to individuals that typically would not be able to receive them. From this, the individuals became unable to afford the mortgage they were given, and eventually lost their homes and everything they worked for (Eastburn, 2013). This relates directly to the teachings in the Gaudium et Spes in numerous ways. Human dignity is an essential part of daily life, and is not to be based off economic status. The Gaudium et Spes, also describes how those who are economically successful are the ones that are most likely to squander their wealth (Paul VI, Gaudium et Spes 13). This is a problem in of itself because there are many individuals who face such economic hardship that they must make harsh decisions on how to earn the money …show more content…
Companies are breaking down barriers that were not previously thought to be achievable, and extending their reach into the surrounding communities. Companies have developed strategies that involve community service and assisting lower income areas. This not only benefits those involved with the organization, but also those in the community. This is directly related to the teachings of the Gaudium et Spes, in which it states that “citizens, on the other hand, should remember that it is their right and duty, which is also to be recognized by the civil authority, to contribute to the true progress of their own community according to their ability” (Paul VI, Gaudium et Spes 4). This is an important aspect of society because it shows how citizens should focus on the good and worry less about the struggles that are not important. To have a successful society, everyone must pull their own weight and help others

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