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Hungry Chapter Summaries

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INTRODUCTION: We want change? We start it with ourselves, it might be difficult but it is a good way to start a good generation.

Chapter 1 This chapter talks about the author’s feeling when he wrote this book. He challenges us on how to change our generation. Zach was 14 years old when he wrote this. He didn’t mean bad comments that he heard. Others say why we believe Zach. He was only 14 years old. But Zach continued of what they want to do. He put to his head what he read in the bible “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity”.

Chapter 2 A ten years old boy was a homeless, his name was Billy. His neighbors don’t like him because he smells bad. His mother left him. Billy doesn’t want pity, he wants love. Aside from Billy, Zach discovered a girl who’s also a homeless. When he was …show more content…
Alex and Brett Harris are twins and together they want to help children who can’t go to school because of financial problem. They are willing to help them by giving them good education. Alex and Brett is also a student who can relate to every child who suffers poverty because their parents were once one of them.

Chapter 8 Some people don’t appreciate the good things they have, even simply saying ‘thank you’ to those people who comfort and give their time. When Shauna effort to write more than 2.6 million letters and emails for the military campaign. Many people gave thanks to her and it gives great feeling to her. She learned many things to their campaign and she’s very thankful of it.

Chapter 9 We are not perfect, like the guy in this chapter who makes judgment about people based on what they wear. A friend of Zach is a good example. But because his teacher talked to him about what was the good thing to do. A friend of Zach prepared clothes for the guy whom he criticized. And his teacher was very happy about it.


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