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How to Control Type 2 Diabetes Complication


Submitted By palakpatel
Words 3883
Pages 16
How to control complication of type 2 Diabetes
Palakkumar Patel
Monroe College

This paper is presenting about how to control complication of type 2 diabetes. In the USA 90% of diabetes patients suffering from type 2 diabetes. In every year lots of patients going to die due to type 2 diabetes complication. In previous studies review is presenting about due to type 2 diabetes so many complications are occurring in different part of the body and some study is presenting about due to health education we can reduce the problem in community.
By doing heath education, continues health check up and doing some personal health counseling about diet and personal school health education also effect on child on diet personal life styles.

How to control complication of type 2 Diabetes
Chapter 1: Introduction
Diabetes is a leading cause of adult-onset blindness, kidney failure, and non traumatic limb amputations; significantly higher risk for coronary heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, and stroke, and they have a hypertension, dyslipidemia, and obesity; Diabetes is a the seventh leading cause of death in the United States (1). USA is expending $245 billion annually for health care expenditures and productivity losses and is a leading driver of growing Medicare expenditures for controlling glucose levels, blood pressure (BP), and lipid levels and avoiding tobacco, singularly or in combination, reduce the incidence of costly and disabling micro- and macrovascular diseases(2). To advance responsibility among health care provider and patients and support better control of these elements, there has been research, health care and benchmarking against suggesting objectives in diabetes.(CDC-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014) (American Diabetes Association)
Diabetes is one of the most costly and burden some chronic diseases of

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