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Submitted By jayaniranawaka
Words 305
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Category House for Rent Reference Number 20907 Published On March 10,2010 Description 2 Bed Room House for rent in Mount Lavinia,Rs.25,000 per month period of 1or2 years
Mount Lavinia, Newly build upstair unit, Fully furnished, fully tiled,
Satellite TV facility (Dialog), Two bedrooms, Sitting/Dinning, Pantry,
Bathroom with hot water facilities, Separate entrance, Separate electricity,
Secure location, 250 meters to Galle Road, No.58/5A, Sri Gunatatne Mawatha,
Mount Lavinia, Colombo, Sri Lanka. More suitable for foreigners.
Location - City
Mount Lavinia
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Property address No.58/5A, Sri Gunaratne Mawatha Mount Lavinia. Number of Rooms 2 Number of Floors 2 Floor Area (Square Feet) 1200
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Land area Acres : 0/Perches :7.00
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Rent Per Month Rs. 25,000 / USD. 223 | |

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Features | | | » Fully Furnished | | » Satalitte TV (Diolog) | | » Hot Water | | » Separate Entrance | | » Fully Tiled |
Property Availablity Immediatly available

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Gunaratne Mawatha,,
Mount Lavinia,
Sri Lanka
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0094 0717303684
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Category House for Rent Reference Number 23791 Published On August 28,2010 Description 3 BR Upstairs House
3 Bed Room Upstairs House for rent in Mount Lavinia, Rs.20,000 / 250 USD per month long term.
Fully furnished / Unfurnished(the choice is Yours) and , Sitting/Dinning and Bathroom

Secure location, close to Galle Road, Keels super and other amnesties.

Location - District Colombo Location - City
Mount Lavinia
More details about this city
Property address 94/3, Watarappola Road Mount Lavinia Number of Rooms 3 Number of Floors 2 Floor Area (Square Feet) Not Available
Land area Not Specified
Rent Per Month Rs. 20,000 / USD. 179 | |

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Features | » Garage
» Telephone Line | | | | | | | | | | |
Property Availablity Immediatly available

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A Dolls House

...Literary Essay: A Doll’s House Rachael Shannon 2015-07-24 Ms. Behiel ENG3U Life for a housewife in the 1800s was very different from what it is in the 21st century, but what remains true is the difficulty in having a good marriage. The play, A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen, represents the struggles one might have went through, but he really challenged the typical marriage back then. In the play, Nora is a loving mother of three and a caring wife who has been misunderstood and mistreated. Nora’s decision at the end of the play to leave Torvald Helmer is justifiable because, he makes her perform by singing and dancing, he treats her like a doll and he dictates her whole life. Firstly, Torvald treats Nora as his own doll and makes her sing and dance for his pleasure. For example, before she must dance the Tarantella for the party and has to practice for Torvald, “Now, you must go and play through the Tarantella and practise with your tambourine.” (II, 41) Torvald makes Nora practice for the dance, he even commands her. This is a misuse of his power over her and he treats her like a subordinate. In addition Nora is able to bargain with her husband by offering her services, “I would play the fairy and dance for you in the moonlight, Torvald.” (II, 38) He has used her for his own entertainment as if she was a servant to him and not his wife. In conclusion, Nora had to leave Torvald and the children because her husband was mistreating her as a performer. Secondly, he treats...

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