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Housing Choice Voucher Program: A Case Study

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1. Adequacy
The current housing assistance program in the United States does not adequately meet the needs of those it was intended to serve. The program that is in place selects qualified applicants based on their employment status. This excludes many who are in need of the provided resources. To improve adequacy, house assistance policies need to adapt to include those who are without employment, including the elderly and disabled.
2. Equity
Housing assistance has been shown to help a small group of individuals, while excluding many more. Strides have been made, however, to improve equity. The implementation of Section 8 policies has allowed individuals to choose their own home and community, rather than being placed in a housing project by the government. This situation allows for individuals that receive housing assistance to feel less excluded from the community.
3. Efficiency
Current housing assistance policies have not been thoroughly researched to determine their effectiveness. Preliminary research has shown that many problems do exist, as mentioned above. Further studies are required to determine the cost effectiveness and long-term outcomes of governmental housing …show more content…
The original goals of the program were to provide a way for lower income individuals to successfully integrate into mainstream society, and therefore, rise out of poverty. Due to the seclusion of these individuals in housing projects and high-crime neighborhoods, this system failed. When Housing Choice Voucher Program Section 8 was implemented, applicants were allowed to choose their own housing in which rent would be supplemented by the government. This program has been more successful than public housing initiatives, however it still has several problems. It seems designed to exclude those who could utilize the services the most including the unemployed, elderly, and

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