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Homeless Youth Research Paper

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1 name: Audrey Stinsonstudent id: JM1609527runaway and homeless youthIf you have ever live in a big city you have seen a good amountof homeless people and sadly some of those people are kids. There are an estimated 100 million homeless people in the world. Approximately 1.3 million of those are homeless youth living unsupervised in old abandoned buildings, on the streets, with friends and with strangers. One out seven of kids between 10-18 years old will runaway (75%are female). Kids between 12-17 years old are at more risk of homelessness than adults.CAUSES FOR RUNWAY AND HOMELESS YOUTH These kids come from rough homes where they are abused and not excepted for who they are. 17% are forced in to unwanted sexual activities. 46% of them are

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