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Single Room Housing Research Paper

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Where will I be sleeping tonight? Never in my life have I ever had to ponder this question. I have never been at a place in life where I was unsure if I would have a warm bed and a roof to sleep under. Each night, tens of thousands of New Yorkers ask themselves this very question, and each night tens of thousands of them do not have a place to stay. In the bible, Jesus clearly tells us to care for the poor and needy. As well, in the book of Matthew, Jesus tells us of the two greatest commandments. The first is to love the Lord our God, and the second is to love our neighbors as ourselves. God did not intend for families to be on the streets each night searching for beds, therefore it is our job to care to the poor and needy and dedicate our …show more content…
A large number of homeless people entered the street in the 1970s. A large contributing factor is because of deinstitutionalization of medically ill, as well as the changes in housing stock, which led to a dramatic decline of single-room housing that began in the 1950s (Coalition). These single-room housing units provided low-cost housing for low-income families due to several factors such as the shared kitchen and bathroom systems (Coalition). “In 1960, by one measure, there were approximately 129,000 single-room housing units citywide. By the 1970s, single-room housing had become the “housing of last resort” for poor single adults, many of whom were disabled, elderly, addicts, or ex-inmates,” (Coalition). Besides the simple cut of single-room housing, this deinstitutionalization led a discharge of tens of thousands of mentally ill individuals to the New York City communities. According to the Coalition for the Homeless, “between 1965 and 1979 alone, the number of resident patients in State psychiatric centers fell from 85,000 to 27,000, which was a 68 percent decline.” This policy of deinstitutionalization was due to new and different medications and new approaches in providing treatment in a community setting. Because of the deinstitutionalization, single-room housing units became a key place for those …show more content…
Every single time I drive through the Lincoln, or over the George Washington, I know that I will encounter homeless people at some point. The city is filled with them. I hate this and it hurts me incredibly. I thoroughly enjoyed doing this research paper because my mind was opened to the devastating realities of being homeless. With this paper and our class trip to Lawndale, I am becoming more aware of what it looks like to love God. God calls us to care for His creation and to do so by loving for the poor and marginalized. This research has affected my personal vocation in many ways. But specifically in the areas of how I care for people. Caring not only homeless people, but also all of God’s creation. From reading devastating stories of people living on the street for years, I came to realize that we live in an extremely broken world, and one that God did not intend. But because I experience God in my own life, I believe that it is necessary to share that love to all His people around. This is an easy step to take and one that Goddard is taking each and everyday. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind, and with all your strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. These are the words I hope to live by each

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