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How Can Embryonic Stem Cells Be Used In Research

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Emma Johnson
English 3
Embryonic Stem cell research paper

Stem cells, the argument between.
There has been great controversy over whether or not stem cells should be allowed to be used in research. The greatest problem we run into over this is where the stem cells actually come from. The cells come from embryos that are 3-5 days old. This creates the problem of safety for both the unborn child and the mother.

“When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential either to remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or a brain cell.” (Stem) The National institute of health made the remark of how stem cells can be used. They are unspecified cells, this means that they can become almost any type of cell. Although, it is considered unethical to extract these cells from unborn children, they could be useful to many. These cells could be a huge improvement for cancer patients of even trauma patients to help repair damages to their bodies. …show more content…
The thought of destroying a human embryo can be unsettling, even if it is only five days old.” (Ethics) The quote shown is basically saying that even though the stem cells have many positive attributes, it is essentially destroying a human life. The ethicalness is coming into question when the embryo must be destroyed to extract the cells themselves. There have been many studies that say the embryo is not considered ago have any rights at five days old. Many people still disagree with this ruling, and they are highly upset over the

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