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How Did Bill Clinton Become President

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"If President Reagan could be an actor and become president, maybe I could become an actor. I've got a good pension. I can work for cheap.” Clinton spoke. The 42nd American President, who accomplished many inspiring and great deals, fell apart in the year of 1995, due to the sexual relationship he had with a White House intern. This appealing event has brought shame, embarrassment and ruined the reputation of Bill Clinton and his family. In 1946, Bill Clinton was born in Hope, Arkansas on August 19th, 1946.

As he grew up, he was mostly raised by his grandparents with a strict routine. Several months before Clinton was born, his father, William Jefferson Blythe, unfortunately, died in a car accident. Leaving Clinton with his mother, Virginia Cassidy Blythe. In order to provide for his son, she left the city, from Hope to New Orleans to study for nursing school. During this period of time, Clinton stayed with his grandparents, who were strict with education. Therefore, he could already read little books at the age of three. In the year of 1950, Virginia returned home with a degree for nursing. She also married an automobile salesman, whose name was Roger Clinton. As a family, they moved from Hope, to Hot Spring, Arkansas. Years later, Virginia divorced Roger due to the alcohol addiction and abuse towards her …show more content…
He then attended Georgetown University to study International affairs. During his years of university, he had excellent status at the University considering he was elected president of his freshman and sophomore classes. In 1968, Clinton studied at Oxford University, although shortly after his arrival at England, he was forced to return back to Arkansas, since a draft notice was received. Brought to shame, Clinton avoided military service by enrolling to the Reserve Officer’s Training Corps at the University of Arkansas Law

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