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How Did Colombia's Life Change Its Future

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The new and modern times of Colombia make it what it is today. No one can ever change its past or what its future will be. Colombia has a lot of agriculture and traditions for everyone that visits or lives there. It is an amazing place to go explore when it comes to ancient times and culture. Colombia has things like bullfights, beaches, auto races, and celebrations. Many of Colombia’s celebrations cause large crowds to form there. Things like dancing, food, and their culture festivals. Colombia’s early and modern lifestyles has made it a desirable place to go visit or live in.
For many years, Europeans and Amerindians lived in what is named today Colombia. Some lived by fishing and hunting others lived by farming. Alfanso de Ojeda was the first Spaniard to land in Colombia, in the 1500s. However, there was no Spanish settlement till 1533.This happened when Cartagena and Santa Maria were found. In 1538 Bogota was founded. Colombia was a captaincy general, therefore many colonies thrived and many Africans were sent to Colombia. …show more content…
However, in 1948 it was not so peaceful anymore, because “La Violencia” had broken out. Many things were changing Colombia’s peaceful economy. Things like cocaine production and drug trade. Later on, Colombia was divided into two groups. They were called the liberals and the conservatives. In 1957 both parties agreed to share power between 1957-1974. The presidency alternated between them. Around 1960 left wing guerrillas started operating in Colombia. That when cocaine production and drug trade went through the roof and started increasing. This brought lots of violence in

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