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How Did George Washington Shaped America Today

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My topic matters to history because George Washington was an important historical figure that helped shape America today. My topic has made an impact on society because George Washington was the first president of the United States. But he learned most of his skills from his previous career as a war general. Few have investigated the assumption that Washington was a war general solely based on the fact that he had a military background and that he could help Virginia reunite the colonies. Many people assume that Washington did no greater good during his time as a war general. George Washington was the best war general in 18th century America. The significance of George Washington being a general cannot be overstated, particularly in the context …show more content…
Washington was able to keep his soldiers together and win a war. Another reason why George Washington was the best war general in 18th century America is how he came up with a coding system. The coding system contains a series of numbers that stand for certain words, so the British wouldn’t know what they were talking about. George Washington’s Mount Vernon website states, “Under the orders of General George Washington, Major Benjamin Tallmadge organized the Culper Spy Ring in 1778 to gather information on British troop movements, fortifications, and military plans in the New York area” (Mount Vernon paragraph 2). This explains that General George Washington had an advantage in the war by organizing the Culper Spy Ring with the help of Major Benjamin Tallmadge. The Culper Spy Ring is organized by places, proper names, numbers, and the alphabet. With this system in place, General George Washington was able to rise above and plan out moves of attack that would catch the British by surprise. The evolution of George Washington being the best war General in 18th Century America can be shown through his successful military

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