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Religion In The United States: Article Analysis

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Article VI of the constitution stated that “no religious test shall ever be required as qualification” (Mount, 2001), for federal office holders, the Constitution didn’t really say much about religion. The ones who wanted to give faith a greater part, and those who were afraid that it would do so, were very concerned. Some worried that the Constitution did not exclude the kind of state supported religion that had thrived in some colonies. This resulted in Congress adopting the first amendment to the Constitution. When it was ratified in 1791, it prohibited Congress to make any law "respecting an establishment of religion” (Paulson, 2001). Religion has become a very important topic in the US, today. The ideas that shaped our government were …show more content…
On the religious point of view, political views can play a major role in religious change. In other words, “people commonly vary their denominations or religions in order to find what political beliefs suit them” (Messmore, 2008). A person who has had a religious experience can still be identified as an atheist, or an agnostic. The way someone lives can really determine how they are. No matter how a person rejects other people’s beliefs in a community, living within a religious community can shape how a person sees the world. Even if someone were to not live in a religious community, one could still have religious experiences, and also have their religion influence their …show more content…
Since the 9/11 attacks, religion has become more important. By far, the United States is the most religious among the other advanced countries. The United States upholds a level of acceptance for different religions, but that acceptance is sometimes masked by the wars of culture (Huffington Post, 2012). Religion has a huge impact on the federal government in many different ways. Some argue that our Founding Fathers established the United States and its constitution on a firm groundwork of religious values with very restricted federal influences. The Declaration of Independence doesn’t tell us our rights come from the government, they tell us our rights come from God. “Our rights are inalienable and cannot be taken from us by a US president, congress, or anyone else” (Kindig, 1995). If we were to eliminate the Ten Commandments, prayer, and God from our schools, then that means that our government has had a negative impact on our culture. As Americans we tend to face enticement to act like people of other countries, by pushing away God, and his directives. If we were to replicate the governments of other nations, then that would make us “the most miserable habitation in the world,” John Adams said (Creation Today,

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