..."the most dear and well-beloved," but other people (Powhaton Tribe Members) still think of me as "the devil child or playful-one." In my opinion I am just a strong, resilient, self sacrificing, and overly caring lady of the Tidewater Region. Therefore embracing my new lifestyle as a Christian wife and mother is easy. When I was growing up in Werowocomoco which is about twelve miles outside Jamestown, Virginia I learned what I thought were necessary skills to being a good wife and mother but not how to be a colonial wife and mother. Being a colonial wife and mother means cooking, cleaning, sewing, making clothing, and assisting in raising baby Thomas to be a great man. In contrast to my tribes way of life where the good wife and mother constructs the house and everything associated with it, cooking and preparing food, gathering firewood, collecting water, rearing children, making clothing, planting, harvesting, making useful items (baskets, pots, wooden spoons), processing meats, tanning hides, and collecting plants. Apparently being a Powhaton mother and wife is harder than being a colonial one. I am really enjoying all the free time. In regards to my feelings I think I am finally in love with my husband John Rolfe. Even though I was forced to marry him for peace between my family and the colonist and forced to be baptized and Christened Rebecca I still have grown to care for him. I thought of him as a religious tobacco plantar who only wanted to marry me because everyone...
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...Jamestown Virginia, the first permanent colony in the Americas. Jamestown was founded during the year 1607. Many historical facts and findings about Jamestown has given the modern world an idea of how life was during the time of early America. We can uncover Americas history with archeology to discover the landscapes, find evidence that reveals the lives of slaves, and acquire knowledge from historians to best understand Americas past. Discovery over the years about Jamestown has been through many archeological findings and scientific studies. Archeologist and scientist conclude that in the core of ancient tree trunks they can reconstruct the history of how the climate was during certain time frames of the trees life through a study called “Dendrochronology, which is the study of data from tree ring growth” (Environmental Science.org). During the video clip “Unearthing Secret America” it stated that the “Colonists and Indians experienced a drought which probably made crop growing and merchandise trading very difficult” (episode...
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...Colonial Life In America Throughout the Colonial America it is evident that the American Colonies became gradually more stable overtime. This is evident because there was more diverse economies, there was an establishment of a more sophisticated government, and colonies population stabilized as it increased. The colonies survived, and they became free and independent in Colonial America and later in the United States. The economies became more diverse for the fact that there was cash crops. America’s first cash crop was tobacco. Tobacco was shipped from a young English colony in Jamestown in a ship named Elizabeth, bound for London. It included four barrels of tobacco, about four thousand pounds. These four few barrels changed the whole...
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...Urban Indian North America Mourning Wars – When Europeans came over and started interaction and trades with Indians, they affected Indians by brought diseases, which resulted in deaths of large amounts of Indians. Those deaths were devastating for Indians and resulted in mourning wars. When Indian communities lost members to disease or warfare, they often kidnapped neighboring enemies in mourning wars, adopting the women and children into their own community and torturing the men, enacting a ritual form of grief. As an example of a mourning war might be “Beavers Wars” (17 century - about 1640). The smallpox brought by Dutch and English killed huge amounts of Indians ( probably more than a half of the population of Iroquois). The lost of such a big amount of people set the Iroquois with other tribes on a warpath and resulted in a war between Huron and Iroquois. Columbian Exchange – when Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas it set in motion a movement of people between Old and New World. Europeans got interested in Americas and its goods. Columbian exchange was a transfer of people, plants, animals, and disease between the Americas and the rest of the world that began during the time of Columbus ( XV century- about 1493). The Columbian Exchange had an impact on European and Indian life. Many unknown goods were exchanged between colonialists and Indians, such as plans (corn, potatoes), animals (ships, lamas, horses), tools (weapons), which changed life for...
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...agitating ideas like the separation of church and state. Moved North to the area now known as Providence, Road Island and established the Protestant Church. Eliza Lucas Pinckney: Was in Charge of 3 South Carolina plantations by the age of 16. Imported indigo to her plantation, which became a very important cash crop. John Smith: Leader of Jamestown Colony in Virginia. First explorer to map the Chesapeake Bay part of the first settlement to the New World. Helped save colony from devastation. Anne Hutchinson: Was a Puritan spiritual adviser and an important participant in the Antinomian Controversy that shook the Massachusetts Bay Colony. She helped create a theological schism that threatened to destroy the Puritans' religious experiment in New England. She was eventually tried and convicted, then banished from the colony with many of her supporters. John Rolfe: Was married to Pocahontas and moved to England with her. Most notably established the tobacco industry in the colonies and was killed by Indians upon re-arrival in the new world. Pocahontas: Was a Virginia Indian notable for her association with the colonial settlement at Jamestown, Virginia. Daughter of Powhatan and married to John Rolfe. John Calvin: Influential Frenchman who helped develop Calvinism, which contained the idea of pre-destination. He Fled to America for religious freedom. Ferdinand Magellan: Portuguese explorer selected by King Charles of Spain who organized the Spanish expedition to the East Indies, resulting...
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...Home Discover History Articles Notable Mayflower Descendants Pilgrim Biographies Commemorations Pilgrim Memorials Around the World The Society How to Join Society Information SMDPA News Newsletter JR PA Mayflower Newsletter For Teachers & Students Links Contact Membership Info Apply Now Eligibility & How To Join Proving Your Lineage Passenger List About the SMDPA Donate Contact Us Discover History Articles Comparing Plymouth and Jamestown Comparing Plymouth and Jamestown Written by Robert Jennings Heinsohn 1. Introduction Pilgrim families arrived in Holland in the spring of 1608 and in Plymouth in December 1620. In May 1607, 105 men arrived in Jamestown to establish the first permanent English settlement in North America. While the individuals in both settlements were English, the they were different in many important ways. To fully appreciate our Pilgrim heritage, it is important to understand the differences between Plymouth and Jamestown. This essay identifies major differences and explains how these differences affected the settlements during the first few decades of their arrival. 2. Royal Charters and Patents Sir Humphrey Gilbert c. 1539-1583 Early Efforts to Colonize North America Queen Elizabeth granted a patent (Royal Charter) to Sir Humphrey Gilbert (half brother of Sir Walter Ralegh) who led an expedition to Newfoundland in 1583 and claimed it for England. For the next thirty years he tried, but without success,...
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...period of time, in exchange for food, clothing, shelter, or transportation, especially during the 17th century. A slave was someone’s personal property. The difference between indentured servants and slaves has never really been addressed but it’s important that we know the difference between the two, to better understand history. Indentured servants first arrived in America in 1607 following the settlement of Jamestown by the Virginia Company. The idea for indentured servants was born because there was a need for cheap labor. The earliest settlers realized that they had lots of land to care for, but no one to care for it. Indentured servants became an important part of colonial America. Indentured servants had to complete hard years of work but after the specified period of time they would be granted freedom. Most of the indentured servants were young (under the age of 21) and worked on farms doing the majority of the manual work. Others did things in the home such as complete domestic services. The jobs that the servants did do, they did not get paid for but they did receive certain amenities for their services. Once a servant completed their obligation, the agreement was then terminated and the servant could once again have the chance for a more liberal life. But while the servants were working and completing services for a specific person they were never treated like property or abused. Someday indentured servants could be free members of society but that could never happen...
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...In 1676 an uprising known as Bacon's Rebellion occurred in Virginia. The leader of this rebellion was Nathaniel Bacon, a colonial leader who was born in England. He was sent to Virginia by his father in hopes for him to mature and lead a better life. The opposed during this uprising was Governor Sir William Berkeley and the local Indians. They were living around the Virginia area. Governor Berkeley was a veteran of the English Civil Wars, along with being a frontier Indian fighter, a playwright and scholar. There are multiple explanations as to what caused the rebellion to take place. Tobacco prices were sinking very low in the colony. The struggle for political reform against the oppressive rule of the governor, and the disagreement over Indian policies in regard to how they were handled. The rebellion all started when Governor Berkeley did not grant permission to Nathaniel Bacon to create a party to carry out attacks against all Indians living near the colony. Even though he did not have consent from Governor Berkeley, Bacon rounded up hundreds of men and started attacking the Indians. After some success, Bacon became a popular figure and more people...
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...to anthropologists, where did the first human beings live? Why did they leave that place? How did they get to North America? According to anthropologists the first human beings lived in Ethiopia, Africa around 2 million years ago for example: Lucy known as the oldest human found there. The most probable reason why the first human left Africa is because of the Ice Age. The cold made life so difficult to survive and somehow reduced in their population. They went through a land bridge, which existed to connect North America and Asia during the Ice Age. * What was the Columbian Exchange? How did the Columbian Exchange affect Europe? How did it affect North America? The Columbian Exchange is basically understand as the exchange in foods, animals, plants as well as diseases between the New World (North America) and the Old World (Europe) followed after the discovery of America by Columbus. The Columbian Exchange affected both world in many ways. For Europe, it brings avocado, potato, tomato, corn, beans, tobacco, turkeys as positive effects and the negative effect are diseases like tuberculosis and syphilis. For North America, positive effects: coffee beans, olive, banana, sugar cane, grape, sheep, pig, horse. And the negative effects impact North America are: smallpox, chickenpox, measles etc… * Name four groups of people who migrated to British North America in the 17th century. Why did each of those groups migrate? Virginia Settlement – these settlers...
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...documentary tells of how slavery was brought to America, and of the conditions under which these slaves were forced to live. The trade that began in Africa was not initially focused on trading humans, but rather on gold. Gradually, the British took control and started trafficking Africans to their colonies in America. The conditions slaves lived under changed drastically from the original conditions when they first arrived to America compared to years after the slave trade had been functioning. This documentary re-examines the appalling social injustice that existed during this time period and how race was associated to such injustice. The African men and women had no idea what their life in America would be like. When the British colonies were first established, white indentured servants were typically relied on to cultivate crops. This labor force consisting of white people soon changed, and the English definition of who could be enslaved changed from non-Christian to non-white individuals. The Portuguese sailed to West Africa seeking gold. Over time, the British took control of the trade in Africa, and the trade shifted from gold to humans. Africans were needed on the plantations in America. The Europeans built factories on the West African coast to hold captives until they were shipped across the Atlantic ocean to America, the voyage called the Middle Passage. Not everyone survived the harsh conditions of the Middle Passage. The surviving Africans lives did not get any better...
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...When Europeans first started colonizing North America, they settled in the modern-day southern state Virginia. However, when The United States declared independence, the Northern colonies had a much larger population than the southern ones. In this essay, I will explore the question “What were the push and pull factors that caused more European colonists to settle in the northern colonies instead of the southern ones during the 17th century?” to find out why the population distribution was so unequal. The first source is the book The Atlantic Migration, written by Professor Marcus Lee Hansen in 1942. Hansen was the son of a Danish immigrant and a Norwegian immigrant and a professor of history at the University of Illinois. He conducted research on the history of American immigration for four years to write this Pulitzer-prize winning book. It is a secondary source, which allows Hansen to look at emigration and immigration factors from hindsight. The content of this book is valuable because it mentions the push factors in Europe, the pull factors in each colony, and why people would want to leave for...
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...ancient societies to shape the environment to enhance food production. Incas- Peru, S. America, very complex political system. * Kept record of deaths and births Mayas- Yucatan peninsula, Central America, and written language and calendar. Aztecs- México, Central America Largest language groups 1. Algonquin- largest spoken language 2. Iroquois- upper New York State 3. Muskogeon- southern most regions of the east coast League of five nations- see notes Effects of Europeans on Native Americans- * Goods- metal, cloth, reintroduced horses, food, Negative- diseases Effects of Native Americans on Europeans * Goods- corn and how to preserve foods Negative- diseases Influence of Islam on early European trade- Impact of Islam on earl African tribes- Muslim introduced the concept of slavery and dominated the slaves in the Mediterranean * Slavery was not based on race but on the losing side Impact of Roman Catholic Church on Europe prior o age discovery Catholicism- extracted money from every individual around the world * Henry the 8th disagreed with the pope b/c he had power also * most powerful institution than the king * Henry the 8th created his own church; cut all ties with the catholic church * It was the same as the catholic church...
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...Part I Colonial SocietY,1492-1783 what evidence colony in 1622and wrote a report of the conditions he saw there. failings were as much or perhaps even more to blame did h; provide that human document' than natural causes for the sufferings of the colonists? The second report, is a letter written by indentured servant Richard dated a year after Butler's exploitation of Frethorne to his parents in England, in which he reveals that the was well under way by 1623' human labor in Virginia winthrop of the As you read the third document, written by Governor John note the differences in what Breen termed operative Massachusetts Bay Colony, in Virginia' Comvalues between the stated goals for that colony and conditions journey to America in 1630, winthrop's statement clearly exposed during his forth the pressed the religious motives of the Puritan adventurers and set communal effort take precedence over individual amideologlcal objective that what did winthrop mean by his declaration that "we shall be as a city bition. upon a Hill"? quite different, characcircumstances had done much to modify the original, and and within a generation of the founding of Virginia and Massachusetts, time that their ters of the two colonies. The Virginia colonists ultimately realized quickly would not find fulfillment; eventually, the expandreams of getting rich nonethesion of agrlculture furthered the development of a more stable-but Massachusetts also represented a success story, less prosperous-society...
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...A NEW WORLD The First Americans At daybreak on the morning of Friday, August 3 1492, an Italian adventurer named Christopher Columbus set sail from Spain to find a new way from. His aim was to open up a shorter trade route between the two continents. In Asia, he intended to load his three ships with silks, spices and gold, and sail back to Europe a rich man. Columbus first sailed south to the Canary Islands. Then he turned west across the unknown waters of the mid-Atlantic Ocean. Ten weeks after leaving Spain, on the morning of October 12, he stepped ashore on the beach of a low sandy island. He named the island San Salvador – Holy Savior. Columbus believed that he had landed in the Indies, a group of islands close to the mainland of India. For this reason he called the friendly, brown-skinned people who greeted him ‘los Indios’ – Indians. In fact, Columbus was not near India. It was not the edge of Asia that he had reached, but islands off the shores of a new continent. Europeans would soon name the continent America, but for many years they went on calling its inhabitants Indians. Only recently have these first Americans been described more accurately as ‘native Americans’ or Amerindians. There were many different groups of Amerindians. Those north of Mexico, in what is now the USA and Canada, were scattered across the grasslands and forests in separate groups called ‘tribes’. These tribes followed very different ways of life. Some were hunters...
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...United States") Chapter 1: Columbus, the Indians, and Human Progress The beginning chapter covers early Native American civilization in North America and the Bahamas, the genocide and enslavement committed by the crew of Christopher Columbus (to the West Indies), and incidents of violent colonization by early settlers. The native inhabitants, Arawak Indians, swam out to greet the European boats the first time they landed. Zinn cites Columbus' journal entries throughout the chapters, which included his reaction to the initial encounter with the Arawaks: 'They would make fine servants...With 50 men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want.' This attitude ultimately led to enslavement, highjacking, murder and rape. Why did they murder thousands to millions of innocent Native Americans? The Spaniard's main aim was to prove to the royalty back home that the islands were wealthy and loaded with great resources, mainly gold. Columbus took some natives back to show the Queen of Spain (they died on route), and when he came back with numbers of men and ships, they started a regimented system of slavery and punishment on the natives of the West Indies. When looking at historical documents of this event, they all had one thing in common. They only speak of the friendliness of the Arawaks, of their genuine kindness and great hospitality. They saw the Spaniards as divine beings, meaning they would never do harm or, let alone, murder them. On his second voyage back, Columbus...
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