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How Did Maquiladora Grow In Mexico

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22.5% of Mexico’s population, or about 20 million according to the 2010 census live in Mexico City, the largest city in Mexico. The second largest city is 4.4 million. The population of the largest city in Mexico is more than five times the population of its second largest city. This is due to the Urban Giantism phenomenon, or the First city bias.
The booming economy of Mexico City is one of the many reasons why its population continues to grow. It contributes around 15% to the GDP of the whole country. Additionally, it is one of the world’s fastest growing economies and its GDP may double by 2020, according to some estimates. One of the reasons for the fast growth rate of the economy is the NAFTA where Canada, USA and Mexico gradually eliminated …show more content…
They take the benefit of the cheap labor in Mexico and no duties on the border to get cheaper goods. These maquiladora activities began to pop up after the NAFTA, especially along the border between Mexico and USA. Cities like Tijuana and Ciudad Juarez along the border began to experience people migrating there in search of jobs. From 1990 to 2019, Tijuana has experienced more than 100% population increase. And average annual growth rate in employment in Tijuana was 15% from 1988 to 1993. (Cota, …show more content…
Only 22% of the people in Mexico live in rural areas.
Before, Mexican farmers were paid a very little wage and over the years we have seen an increase in their wages. The increase in wages is because firstly, the supply of labor is declining. Secondly, there is a rising demand for labor in Mexican farms. (J. Edward Taylor, 2012)
The supply of labor is declining because firstly, a majority are moving to the urban sector for manufacturing jobs, and secondly, a lot of them are migrating to the US to work in farming jobs for a relatively higher wage rate. The US is very heavily dependent upon cheap labor from Mexico and are suffering from the dwindling supply.
Hence, where the percent of GDP contribution to agriculture used to be 14% in 1965, it only remains about 3.7% in 2011, as shown in Figure 1 and the percentage of labor force in agriculture declined from 24% in 1988 to 14% in 2007 (Figure 2)
Despite the falling supply of labor, it has been evidenced that the productivity of labor in agriculture is increasing in Mexico. (Figure 3) (calculations based on World Bank

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